Let me solo her...
Let me solo her
>using bleed
He's cucking people and everyone's loving it. It's actually hilarious.
Did this guy make any money off this publicity?
Stupid redditors giving him 100k upvotes
Why is it that everytime reddit does something, it's insufferable cringe shit like that? Why are reddit fags like this?
You have to go back
clout demons OP even posted this on rule 34
This is actually the only meme to come out of reddit that I like.
its honestly because you care so much about them
What a wholesome chungus helperino!
he's so heckin wholesome bros
just goes to show how awesome the souls community can be sometimes
it's pretty cool and good natured, honestly it's nice to see there's internet communities out there that actually enjoy themselves instead of just consolewarring like the 14 year old virgins they are
>stealing jarwight's style
for shame
Need a doujin
>let me cum-bloat her
What did he mean by this?
If giant dad came out of reddit youd hate it too.
That said it's a little grating because people are celebrating NOT playing the game, but the memes are funny
Giant Dad came from a tranny faggot streamer, though.
>beating a boss in a single player game
the absolute state of reddit
>guy who beat Malenia with 0 weapon levels, SL1, hitless, got basically no attention
Patches would have already left long before that part of the fight.
>cringe reddit shit
reddit at least does things now. When is the last time Yea Forums did anything?
good question
I'm already tired of reddit sucking this guy's cock so fucking hard
"let me solo her" is the GAYEST name. there's no personality there, hurr let me solo her i'll outspace her for 20 minutes it'll be hilarious
Not if you waited for the comet to summon him
Bleed and frost
You should check out settled OSRS tileman to see just how gullible redit is
Worse, bleed AND frost.
>made a public apology for his walmart connection and dying to her Waterfowl
This man would be an e-girl in another life
yeah personally I'd have preferred a highbrow name like Detective Anal
This has to be a case of self-promotion. There are hundreds of meme characters roaming the game at any given time, and this one just happens to spring into the public consciousness? Not buying it.
reminder that Yea Forums has done nothing worth of note for over 6 years
>let him solo
>run in at 5% hp and let the boss kill me
heh, nutin personnel
i wish i was as cool as him :love:
If patches is hit before he leaves he stays.
>Dark Souls 1
>can't beat Four Kings
>poisetank them with Havels and Black Knight Sword
>feel so awful and filthy about cheesing them that i gotta stop playing for a few days
But this... How can people feel good after admitting they're total scrubs and getting carried for 100% of this fight? Even if dumbass hosts rush in and die after 2 seconds at least they had the dignity to fight.
because people aren't that fucking autistic that's how
What a fucking pussy. An overrated wannabe fighter who couldn’t last a second
snoot game
Literally, unironically, literally did not beat her. Use summons, spam RoB, use fingerprint shield, but actually fucking fight. Might as well get a trainer and activate godmode if you don't want to bother learning the game and just want the achievement (that you didn't earn btw).
>buy game
>let others beat it for you
anyway the only hilarious thing about this guy is all the people pretending to be him and then failing miserably
ok and? i'm going to 'not beat' your mom with a baseball bat next
more like let me make the miserable fucks at Yea Forums seethe
>Literally, unironically, literally did not beat her.
oh yeah like I'll listen to some faggot on Yea Forums that get's upset over beating a boss in heavy armor
This guy can now legitimately start making loads of money from streaming/making content related to his character
logging in as this dude just to job to the boss and make the player and his other summon fight it with additional increased health is pretty funny
>not recognizing a marketing ploy when you see it
It worked and different "accounts" are making merchandise and art
>Patches isn't stupid
>But he is incredibly vindictive
so? what are you? a fucking commie?
Seems engineered. It’s fucking gay.
its must be them alien jews!
If I beat it. Using any freely given in game mechanic, and I win because of that. It means I beat it. Using outside game help such as a trainer, means I cheated. Pure and simple.
Yes that means all souls games are easy, just get a friend or rando to do it for you in game. It's a game mechanic put in the game for that purpose.
Fromdrones are probably the biggest mouth breathers around. I wish they'd get their own board like pokemon
>Someone besides Yea Forums does something
He's winning the seethe of Yea Forums, worth more than gold.
This would be fishy if this jarhead came from Yea Forums, too.
making Yea Forums kids seethe is the easiest thing in the world. Easiest is just being a woman or minority
Imagine the comfyness
Sure technically it is a thing that can be done if you treat the game as a sandbox and use every tool at your disposition, including summon signs to solo the boss for you. The game calls these cooperators so you're expected to work with them, but you don't have to. I understand that.
But you can't tell me you feel any sort of accomplishment beating a boss by not interacting with it whatsoever? If some rando solos the boss for you is it not worse than (You) using a big ass shield, bloodhound step, frost or bleed to kill it yourself?
There is no actual downside to assuming everything is the work of jews (and killing them for their perceived crimes)
fuck off. I am already sick of seeing this shit everywhere.
>rivers of blood
you didn't solo her
I'm going to respec into a Rivers of Blood build and challenge Malenia. If I don't one-shot her, I'm calling bullshit on Rivers of Blood being OP.
>watch comfy vinny stream
>people wouldn't shut the fuck up about the guy to the point where vinny had to tell chat to stop talking about him because it got really fucking annoying
beating this dead horse straight into the ground at record speed, now we just need copycats that sit outside of every boss and everyone can beat the game by summoning someone who has autistically grinded one boss for so long he can do it hitless
>vinny goes live for elden ring
>just fights malenia for four hours
reddit is cringe and gay but why are anons made that bleed weapons are OP like usual? why has no one said shit about how the Moonlight Sword in ER is dogshit? why most STR weapons are shit compared to INT or DEX ones?
Shut up Jew, go kill yourself.
There're up vote, silver, gold and vee's seethe. The highest reward of them all
I beat her and the game and moved on to other games and shitposting.