Are the modders in your game community mentally ill?

Are the modders in your game community mentally ill?

Attached: Starsector Modders.png (1214x722, 77.47K)

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All modders are mentally ill.

>nazi is the only name xhe capitalizes

>Modders being mentally ill
Why are they like this, user?

I hate self righteous assholes like that faggot

Based schitzo retard.

why do you only post this on threads shitting on liberals while ignoring all other offtopic threads spammer-kun?
are you falseflagging?

threads like these is why we have 1100 vidya butts threads now

Are modders the jannies of vidya?

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obviously. it's a bunkertranny.

Only the power-tripping ones, I release my mods without this kind of retardation. Egotistical modders are the worst and sadly a majority.

only mentally ill people waste hundreds to thousands hours of their lives working for free

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>treats people that use the mod like retards
>still has huge DONATE buttons on the page
the gall of these niggers always astonish me.

>can't make case because it's banned
>why are you complaining about being banned, just make your case!
A truly Jewish mindset if I ever saw one.

Based and sanemodderpilled.
Well deserved kek.

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spoken like someone who has never created anything, never worked a day in his life and only consooooomes

He is truly insufferable

>I'm one of those squishy educated liberals you've been taught to hate.

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>hates nazis
>hates commies
why am i supposed to hate this person again

Because he does it in the most faggoty way possible?

blocks fascist mods but not commie ones

clearly biased, not a true centrist

>never worked a day in his life
Not for free I haven't and I never will.

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>never worked a day in his life
Sounds like he did work, but actually got paid for it

Why do Americans seethe harder about Nazis than countries that actually got wrecked by Nazis?

Because they're taught at around age 8-12 about evil Nazis are.

What the fuck is the point of this faggot retarded thread about some literally who tranny faggot and his faggot tranny mod?

make fun of zher before xhe ACKs gherself

Why do retarded chimps here think that they wouldn't be purged with everyone else who has autism by a Nazi regime
>no you don't understand i'm supposed to be a mighty warrior for the state and my people! here are my fashwave webms!

and a shalom to you as well m'rabbi


You will never have a chin.

>nazism is superior to all other ideologies
>lose to communists
what did they mean by this?

>People need societies, but they don't neccessarily need nations.

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who are you quoting schizo-chan

I don't even like Nazism, but it's incredibly noticeable to the rest of the world how histrionic you Americans get over literally everything.

1000%. The Nexus becoming the defacto monopoly on mod hosting, while also being governed by Discord groomers and at least two confirmed literal pedophiles/convicted sex offenders in TheVampireDante and AltheaR, is the root cause for most of it. Website culture is defined from the top down, by the people who decide what you're allowed to discuss and how you're allowed to discuss it, and if those people are vainglorious dog walkers and pedophiles and internet drama hounds, well what kind of culture do you expect? Just like everything else online, it's ruined, and zoomers won't even know what they've lost. I feel sorry for them for that.

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My entire game mode is mentallity ill. There are people that have been playing this shit for 15 years.

Modders have an eternal dissatisfaction for what they're given. Everything must change. Everything must "improve". Everything must be tuned to their exact specifications. They're control freaks. Like those people who are never satisfied with what they order at a restaurant. The food is always too hot or too cold. The burger always has too much mayo, or too little mayo. They're persnickety little cunts.

I think it's a low grade form of paranoia. The authorities are always wrong. The system is always broken. There's always a better way to do things. And someone is always out to get them. It's a low grade version of that. So it's no surprise that some of them are more unhinged and exhibit more problematic paranoia.

This new monster hunter monster looks dope

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I just post my mods with no fanfare or any message other than basic description and install instructions and always disable comments/social media features etc so I don't need to waste my time reading shit or engaging with anyone.
Take it or leave it, I don't care, I just make shit for myself.

>The Nexus becoming the defacto monopoly on mod hosting, while also being governed by Discord groomers and at least two confirmed literal pedophiles/convicted sex offenders in TheVampireDante and AltheaR, is the root cause for most of it.
This is you, right?

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>You WILL NOT put obscure copyright free music into your mods unless you ask specific permission
>You WILL delete your mod's download link from the forum
>You WILL be harped on about it
>You WILL take it
>But you WILL be happy

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whats the name of the mod i want to make sure im not using it

its keruvin isnt it?

PCGamingWiki exists
ModDB exists
GameBanana exists
Steam Guides section exists
Steam Workshop exists

In fact shilling your mod on PCGamingWiki page for the game has much higher chance of getting noticed than merely putting it on any of the other websites and calling it a day.

This guy must be American, the most brainwashed people in the world. The American brainwashing system makes any communist dictatorship look amateurish.

I still don't know what fucking schizo game you retards are posting about

Linux and MacOS exist, doesn't stop Windows from being a defacto monopoly. If you want to be a pedantic redditor and shit up the board crying and whining that if they don't own 100% I can't call them a monopoly, go back to r*ddit and inflict yourself on the retards there.

Starsector, read the fucking op filename

the game is starsector, the base game is fantastic and the dev is realy fucking based

too bad it atracted the worse moding comunity ever. it manages to be WORSE than fucking skyrim

You are beyond retarded if you think Nexus is even remotely close to monopoly or being dominant, especially for older games where ModDB is straight up king.

>especially for older games
lmao, yeah that's a huge market I bet

Like I said, if you want to be a faggot, go back to the faggots, don't send me (you)s with your faggish nonsense

Yeah whatever floats your boat schizo-kun, you're as paranoid insane as the faggot in the OP

This guy worships hitler more than the supposed "neo-nazis" he hates

what is the story behind this?

>refusal to entertain your pedantry redditor shit
>yo-you're paranoid!

idk wtf I'm meant to take away from this image besides that someone told someone to be quiet

I bet you complain about "off model" fanart too don't you? Everything must be vanilla and official and modifying anything is bad because that's not how they meant for you to enjoy it!

Lmao, you just hate change.

I've been bamboozled...

Jewish Programming

Nazis were bad but arguably current world governments are worse. During the cold war alone the US government funded enough conflicts in the world that drove numbers higher than the holocaust. China is doing a holocaust right now but we give them a pass because it makes our lives easier, if you buy Chinese products you may as well be giving money directly to Hitler.

Of course people will never realize this, and do mental gymnastics to think they are "good" just because they would punch a Nazi irl.

>makes his mod incompatible with whiny nazi faggotry


Some mods are good, but most modders have no sense of restraint or design, and just do things because they can. It feels like a student project where they start doing things as they learn how, with no regard for whether it actually makes sense in that context. Clutter items added everywhere, bad music, textures in much higher resolution which nevertheless clash with everything, etc.

Only people who want their vidya to be some immersive, complete "official" experience whine like this. I bet you complain about total conversions too

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The problem with nazis isn't that they were "bad", it's that they were retarded. Even more rrtarded than everyone else. Higherups belived in shizoshit about ancient gigants. Tank production was created for the purpose of siphoning money.

>Be an German edgelord and a literal nazi who just happens likes Starsector
>Make a cool faction mod that has slightly Fascist undertones and aesthetics, but nothing drastic
>People actually enjoy your mod quite alot and it works well
>Be a massive edge lord on the forums and receive multiple warnings
>Don't stop
>Get kicked and banned from the forum
>Laugh it off and just move on
>Certain group of modders are not satisfied with this
>They use your influence to get your mod blacklisted under the pretext of "nazis bad"
>Still not satisfied
>Tinker/Update your own shit so that they are incompatible if said mod is in the player's modlist
>Fuckery ranges from crashing your game to game balance being utterly fucked with (I.E the AI just randomly piles on the said faction and shits on it, or if you are a part of the said faction all other factions diplomatic relations go to maximum negative)
>Mods with much less subtle implications such as furshit, anarchism and communism are okay though and allowed to stay
>The incompatability fuckery is called out
>Drama ensues
>Finally (most of) said modders cave and take away their bugs out

They were told to be mad at nazis by their masters

>only people who want their entertainment to be as good as possible and not a lump of shit
Yes. Finish transitioning, then kill yourself.

Dassault Mikoyan

what gas chamber

this was the worst, this guy just made his little music mod and didn't bother anyone, and the forum mafia had to harass him and shut him down. luckily making starsector mods is piss easy and I just made my own music mod for personal use.

not using it thank god