Fire Emblem: Three Hopes

They actually killed thousands of people and are legitimate threats to Fodlan.

Attached: byleth-1[1].jpg (1530x766, 177.02K)

I love my wife Bernie!

Attached: Bernie(65).jpg (1447x2047, 906.61K)

I love my husband Dimitri!

Attached: dimitri.png (800x800, 1.1M)


Attached: EUMr591U8AEjGNw.jpg (1100x1603, 226.24K)

Name a better pair than Bernie and Fire.

God femleth is so fucking hot

>killing anyone
she's a mentally challenged jobber

We know King Dimitri, please stop blushing over your wife and feed us because we are the poorest people in Fodlan

WRONG! He's MY husband!

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They actually killed thousands of people and are legitimate threats to Fodlan
And that’s a good thing!