
>has an existential crisis
>refuses to elaborate
This is one of the most loved characters in the game

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Other urls found in this thread:


Is it time?

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>refuses to elaborate
He elaborated a fuckton, user.

Spamton will never be topped

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He gave you his [Commemorative Ring] for the low low price of [My Favourite Year], what more do you want?

I really hopes he comes back in some way.
Maybe to have some kind of confrontation with [[Mike]]

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Any recommended lets players I can watch play this?
ngl I watched matpat play the first one

Is Spamton Toby's most beloved character besides Sans?

Loved Spamton but I hope the next Schizo boss is less frothing-at-the-mouth and deranged and more smooth.


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Being smooth isn't very schizo behavior.

well, normally yes.

Un-normally, chara/asriel cause... you know

I dunno, maybe they can have long stretches of clarity intermittently spliced with bouts of schizodom and existential despair instead of the reverse

>complete schizo trying really hard to keep it together, but can't stop little bits of crazy from bleeding through
could be cool

So like Zant in Zelda: Twilight Princess?

here's hoping

I hope the next schizo is a small lady

moist delicious cookies

I don't know because I'm uncultured and haven't played that game
but maybe

>every schizoboss so far has been a forgotten item
>the joker card that is useless in most card games
>spam email
>next dark world is in kris's house
>the most forgotten item is likely the how to draw dragons book, left to gather dust for several years already
Next schizoboss is a mauve dragon lady wearing lipstick and very inappropriate clothing

he fanatically but secretly worships Ganondorf while ruling his people with an iron fist and trying to conquer Hyrule
he screams a lot too

Just play it yourself.


>Implying it won't be the discarded tissues stuffed under Kris's mattress

Nah, it's gonna be Asriel's Peter Griffin body pillow.

>Friends [[abandoned you for the slime]] you are.


>NO, I GET IT! IT'S YOU AND THAT [Hochi Mama]!
>YOU'VE BEEN MAKING [Hyperlink Blocked]!
What did he mean by this?
And what did Toby mean by implying these implications?

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Spamton is the only meaningful deviation in the normal route, he gives you choices.
But Snowgrave is an even more meaningful deviation, and now that you've deviated with it, you no longer need him, and he instead forces himself into the route.


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Oh yeah, and the pic means doing Snowgrave will let you break out of the railroaded path, but it will lead to a shitty ending.

In that instance [Hyperlink Blocked] is LOVE, which is simultaneously a sex joke and revealing what Kris' (Your) keikaku is

I can't wait until Chapter 3, is there any cool hardmode hacks worth playing?

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Yes, and Toby thought people would hate Spamton before release

>Toby loved Spamton
>The playtesters hated him
>Didn't change him at all
based Foxman


Attached: ....jpg (728x590, 19.14K)

>a legitimate threat to your party
>a funny memester who can turn his hands into phones
>memorable theme songs
>iconic design
Spamton is fantastic.

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If anything this is his wakeup call to just open up his own game studio. With him in creative control he'll end up making GOTY contenders every year.

>has a reddit reddit
>refuses to reddit
edit wow thank you for the gold kind gentlesirs!


Its based.

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nigga its free in steam
just get it and play

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BIG SHOT might be Toby's best boss theme and that's saying a lot

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Other characters might comment on dealmaker or string scarf in the future.

He's basically the sequel to what everyone thought Sans was.
A living, conniving shitpost that can simultaneously threaten your life and get too deep.

>3rd place test score displayed alongside key, dramatic moments

Spamton is also mildly tragic, albeit less so than Sans.

Yeah, he's so relatable.

You forgot good music

I actually prefer this to Big Shot.

Unironically, if we ever get a Smash after Ultimate, spamtom would be the greatest joke character of all time

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You should play it. Spamton interested me so much I ended up playing chapter 1 and 2 myself. It was worth it.

>character so interesting he single-handedly sells your game
not many such cases

Snowgrave is the path to true "freedom" for Kris from either you or the system Gaster constructed but at the cost of ruining everyone he cares about lives in the process

I really like the slight creepypasta feel to Chapter 2. Spamton is spooky enough underneath his goofy exterior to play the part, and there's fucking Snowgrave.
I hope 3-5 keep up the vibe.

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In a very possible to be TV World episode? No deal, I'm expecting a TV show host having a total meltdown bare minimum.

This would be a deep cut but i hope the TV boss references the lady who shot herself live on that news network

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he's the reason why I refuse to play deltarune.

shitty reason

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What did the test players mean by this?

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Jevil already topped him. Spamton is too LOL RANDOM. Jevil is pure schizo