This is unironically one of the best games ever made and the only reason Yea Forums ignores it is because it's "normie"

This is unironically one of the best games ever made and the only reason Yea Forums ignores it is because it's "normie"

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If you think this game is good your standards must be unbelievably low

Arkham games are better

You're right. Also the port beggars that have never played it. (and will never)

It’s pretty good. I 100% it but I think that the combat is very similar to Arkhams with enough differences to be pretty fun and the web swinging and open world is pretty good. The side missions kinda sucked for the most part though.
Idk man I don’t think I’d go as far as saying it’s one of the best games ever made when it’s not even the best super hero game.

both are boring shit for mentally damaged people

Yeah but one is better

What’s your favorite game?

It’s not even the best spider-man game

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I agree. It’s a lot of fun and I’m looking forward to spider-man 2: venom’s revenge featuring kraven the hunter also starring miles morales.

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Chrono Trigger, it's the best game ever made and nothing comes close, especially not this cinemashit

God I love this game

obsessed false flagger.

lol makes sense that your brain is too slow to process a non turn based game

you actually have shit taste if you enjoyed this generic, committee designed game

>can't even get the swinging physics and momentum as good as it was a decade and a half ago

It's one of the most praised games of all time, including by Yea Forums, but almost all criticisms of movieshit like OP can be applied to it. It's easy, boring, and designed to appeal to a mass audience. Fuck you faggot

>The writing is shit except for Ock and May
>Peter is spineless
>MJ and Miles sections are shit
>DLC is shit
>Web swinging doesn't have actual physics
>Gadgets are poorly-implemented and game breaking
>Open world is comprised of the same old "run around and grab the collectibles pre-marked on your map" as every other shitty western game
>Combat is largely ripped off from Arkham
Not him but you obviously haven't actually played Chrono Trigger

cry about it false flagger.

You do realize that the actual gameplay of Chrono Trigger is simplistic garbage and the only thing people actually praise the game for is the story and music which is admittedly very good. You've got no right to call anything else "cinemashit" if you play games that are literally meant to be cinematic.

Meh. The ps1 and ps2 game were both better

Seethe all you want it won't change the fact that Chrono Trigger is a dogshit game and you have shit taste faggot

Music and visuals, even its story is nothing special

I have, it’s for children

MGR kinovengeance


I ignore it because I play games on PC.
I'd be fine with playing a decent recent spiderman game on PC, but Sony is already losing most of its exclusives already so I don't want them to cry too hard.

Then your insult about it being turn-based, and thus, slow, doesn't make sense since the combat is designed around the ATB. Saying it's for kids is a weird insult too considering the thread is about a fucking Spider-Man game.

and you are obsessesed with it.

Yea Forums ignores it because this board is a bunch of anti-snoy/console PC fags. They'll say any console exclusive is shit until it comes to PC. This is an undisputed fact.

Can I just play Miles instead? I keep reading that it's better because it's shorter and less repetitive, but not sure if I'd be missing out on too much by not playing the original, and I definitely don't want to play two open world sonygames.

play more games

it’s really nothing that special, the combat is fun and fluid but the open world objectives are a major slog, the forced stealth sections were fucking aids too, it’s not even the best Capeshit game

>it’s not even the best Capeshit game
for me, it's Gravity Rush 2

That's crazy. I'm genuinely curious to hear why. If you're a huge fan of Spider-Man I can totally understand it being one of your favorite games ever, but I cannot see it as an all-time great. The world doesn't really get taken advantage of in any way. It may as well just be a hub. The combat is very easy to disengage with by exploiting shock gadgets. Combat in general is easy to just set on autopilot outside of what Task Master can do for you. It's VERY reliant on set pieces to bring something more interesting to the table since its base gameplay isn't used very inventively. Again, outside of Task Master.

>say you dislike cinemashit, fair opinion
>when asked about your favorite game you answer with cinemashit
>i call you out on your bullshit
>this is somehow me being obsessed, and not you being a faggot

Maybe if you're 15, user.

I just can't get into licensed games
They all just feel like ads for the larger franchise
I have never enjoyed a licensed game

Kys normie hating inkwell

The double standards are pretty funny. The same retards who shit on Arkham games probably are the ones who love Spiderman, although the combat is very similar, except worse.
Good story but the content gets repetitive really fast.

It's the same as the other snoy exclusives, same third person bullshit infesting the game in the form of crawling through vents with a phone in your ear and shit Mary Jane "STRONG WOMYN" stealth sections, shitty bamham combat with a dozen safety nets, useless fast travel outside of a neat cutscene, story is uninspired and not particularly original, world filled with useless collectables most of which are fucking tokens for upgrades that become useless once you get the few things you actually want, DLC sucks, only thing that carries it is webswinging and it's STILL worse than Spider-Man 2

still a fun time but I'd have a hard time recommending it to anyone unless it was either five bucks or free

Ugly MJ

This reads like a template [insert here] thread that could loosely apply to most games. Seriously, this game is good but one of the best ever made? Have you only been alive for five years?

There is literally nothing wrong with being a normie LMAO this site is full of jealous incel social reject chud seething coping ugly manchild neckbeard lardo cheeto-hand LOSERS and that's the only reason why kino cinema like Spider-MAN is not given the respect it deserves.

Recommend me something better then (please)

They are very similar, there's no point saying one is bad but the other is good, but I consider the Arkham games to be better based on how they use their characters and the more atmospheric, carefully-crafted world design. The main collectables are also Riddler trophies, which require you to think a good bit more than say, backpacks or landmarks in Spider-Man. The parts where you play as other characters in Arkham also aren't shit and it has Conroy/Hamill kino instead of MJ barking in your ear, so it's got that going for it.
Also the death screens in Arkham are peak soul. Can't believe so few games have ever tried that.
Batman Arkham trilogy

The gameplay and movement looks a lot like TAS-M

Oh yeah, and the stealth sections in Spider-Man are half-assed rip-offs of Arkham's but nowhere near as fun because it's an instant death if any enemy sees you no matter how little sense it makes.

you are a schizo. i like both games

I dropped it at the second mj section fuck that I want to play spiderman not helpless whore


Sad day when spider man is more adult than your little Nintendo game lol

>I like both games
What is this then faggot? At least stay consistent you retarded snoy

I wasn't even talking about that, I mean the parts where you play as Spider-Man and have to take out each enemy one at a time. It's the same thing Arkham is known for but really cheaply done.

asylum is the best arkham game and there's not a thing you can say to prove otherwise

Knight has a fair bit better combat but to some extent I agree with you.

like i said you're a schizo. probably a sega cuck too.

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>y-you're a s-schizo!
I accept your concession.


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Based fellow Knight > Asylum > City chad.

>respond to a thread pretending to be another poster (the guy who posted his favorite game)
>somehow that makes the person replying to you the schizo, and not yourself
take your meds immediately

i got this game in a ps4 bundle, first console game i played in like a decade. very insane map and physics, amazing game

The combat is truly good but the puzzles and the Miles and MJ stealth sections sucks.

>headcanoning on Yea Forums
you're fucked in the head.

I like to be caught by Tombstone guys so i can imagine her being gang fucked to death.

>if i keep posting that he's a schizo maybe it'll become true!
you pretended to be another poster. you're mentally unhinged, a menace on society. a little chuddy chuddington that needs to take his meds. please, for the love of god, just do it. there's no need to bait or falseflag. just take your medication, just do it.

sony raped your favorite company and now you seethe at them daily. shoot yourself cuck.

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>turn based combat
>not cinematic

I skipped a beat for how angry your taste made me. Fuck you.