Nioh 2

Did anyone actually do the big hill before Daidara Bocchi, or did you just leg it like I did?

Attached: 1614560072356.jpg (3840x2160, 1.05M)

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What do you mean 'did the big hill'? Like, fight the stuff there and explore it? Yes. IIIRC you get a cheevo for destroying all the crystals, even.

I hate fighting human bosses. Stop regenerating ki you twats.

light armor chads ww@

Attached: applying benkei directly to the balls.webm (1280x720, 1.58M)

and there's a hidden hot spring there.
I did it. I sometimes speedrun annoying parts on higher difficulties, but I always fight the cursed enemies because I'm no pussy.

Bold, OP

Fucking no where, I can't imagine getting 1 shot more than I already do

I love Benkei.


Attached: Nioh 2 The Complete Edition Screenshot 2021.03.14 - (1364x768, 1.83M)

>using the bosses own soul core against it
heh nothing personal

What do they actually do?