Blizzbros....not like this

Blizzbros....not like this....

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basically every company is doing this now

Blackrock owns 7.9% of the company

That's literally thousands of employees. How are they going to find them all if Blizzard allegedly only hires the best?
Oh right, they're not. RIP

/pol/ btfo again

Bros what is the fate of WoW will I have to finally resub to ff14 now? What the fuck bros.

i wonder how true is the rumour that blackrock gives good boy points to the companies to pozz themselves

>Murricans now celebrate that they hire people based on their gender and skin colour
How did they become such turbo racists? I thought they opposed Hitler.

Our new queen in blizzard!

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Wait, you're telling me an issuer of one of the largest passive ETFs in the market owns a lot of a company in the S&P 500? Color me shocked.
Why don't you schizos learn anything about something before pointing to it as a boogieman.

They get what they fucking deserve. Christie Golden hit the glass ceiling hard, when she should have been running the show. Get rid of Ion and try different WoW leads, I don't give a fuck if they are women or people with ethnic backgrounds, just make WoW inhabitable again.

It's time to move on to the better mmo, it's time to move to ff14.

They're hiring by quota and not competence now though. Things won't get better.
The New York Philharmonic got rid of blind autitions in favour of race quotas years ago.

i hate people of crime (black niggers)

Way too late for that. All they had to do was put Arthas in it, but they went for stronk female shite again

Wow Non-Binary sounds like an easy way to get in as a diversity hire. You don't have to transition, heck you can even say my prounouns are he/they and most will probably just default to he. It's effortless.

Yeah but Blizzard has to make it public so the SJWs stop screaming at them.

It's very real.

bros, I'm becoming non binary from now on. my pronouns are chuck/Sneed. I'm going to apply for Blizzard as a lead nigger director.

>He doesn't understand ESG that's required for Blackrock to invest in you

How many people still play world of warcraft????

Don't care. I don't play western games anymore

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Disregard that. I suck cocks.

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>work for Blizzard
>get castrated

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>claim to be non-binary
>get hired and get to put on your resume that you worked at a top gaming company, get a new job a year later

>it’s a good start but it’s not enough
the fuck you want, faggot?

Yeah, the only reason Xbox started to get Japanese games again is because Sony started censoring in the exact same way they were, almost as if they were following the exact same guidelines.

The attempt on my gender has left me scarred and deformed. But, I assure you, my resolve has never been stronger. In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, Blizzard will be reorganized into an Equal and Safe Company for a safe and secure society.

No, most blackrock funds don't use ESG as a criteria. The ESG funds make up a small amount of total assets under management.
Name one company in the S&P 500 that blackrock doesn't own because they failed their ESG measures.
Alternatively, name one company that "should" be in the S&P 500 based on their earnings and market cap but isn't because of their failing ESG score.
You cannot.

not my problem

turn your company into diversity central and castrate yourself on stage then make orgy dilation

kys nu-blizzard niggers and activision jews

10000% diversity
50 meganigger CEOs who get all the employee salaries
white male brains transplanted into computer cases to code 24/7 for free as reparations for gamergate
every video game character has to be a mixed race tranny and enemies must be white males

Hiring more women to rape. Even some chocolate ones to spice things up.

redpill me blackrock and on what's going on. I've never heard of the before

that's surprisingly Jewish

redpill me on* blackrock
I've never heard of them* before
sorry about that :P

Owned by china bugmen to buy and monopolize the housing market
>you will own nothing , and you WILL be happy.

>men are forced to die in wars against their will while women are protected
>boys are failed in schools and given lower grades to ensure girls do better overall
>all forms of genital mutilation are legal to do to male children while no form of genital mutilation is legal on female children
>women regularly get away with murdering men and boys in western countries

and people keep saying females are oppressed. Fuck this shit


Vanguard and BlackRock have owned everything since the 70's/80's.

Largest investment firm on earth, hold 1.2 trillion dollars in assets, derivitives, and shares, currently buying 20% of houses on the market for 3 years running to convert into rentals
Basically the private federal reserve, with zero oversight.

>redpill me blackrock

imagine if the antichrist finally came to earth in the form of a massive hedge fund

Yeah, I dont think one group of people with money should control everything.

Notice how it's only females and non-binaries that they're trying to increase, not persons of color. Whitebros, it's our time to shine. We just have to say we identify as female and we'll be back!

>every talent left the company
>games all visibly and spectacularly start tanking
>continue doubling down on this diversity and inclusion retardation

I have literally never said 'blizzard/wow is dead' but unironically, Blizzard is dead. By all means, ramp up hiring incompetent people because they're women or black. It'll look real good, the games? Who cares if they keep getting worse and worse and losing players, lol.

The older I grow, the more I despise women. When you actually look around you and see women coast through life and barely put in any effort it fucking disgusts me.


Just to verify, Trillium Asset Management is one of the noted ESG investment firms

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can anyone name a game that has been made by a dev full of diversity hires? there must be at least one right?

Redpill me Vanguard and on what's going on. I've never heard of them before. Everyone here always posts about Blackrock, so I know of them atleast. It's only just these last few days that I've seen this Vanguard stuff start getting spread.

How exactly will this affect the gameplay of say WoW or Diablo IV, or even Overwatch 1 & 2?

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And they do in fact seek out alphabet and diversity quotas

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Remember this shit when someone tells you that kikes are harmless.

Trannies and women can't cooperate with each other or themselves, unironically.

How? This is literally impossible there are not enough female programmers.

IT college is still a sausage fest.

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Must suck to be a woman, to be constantly called equivalent to the mentally ill and sex fiends.

>blizzard hiring more minorities they can abuse

Shit people are leaving our game in record numbers. Maybe we should hire some qualified game designers

No! Hire more women and snowflakes. As long as Twitter says we are not sexists and that we are progressive, everyone will resub

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Which is more diverse, a healthy body or a corpse decomposing?

isnt cdpr like that? cyberpunk

As long as they have a hole or say they have a hole, they don't need any other prerequisites.

it will make everything worse obviously.

Haven't given Blizzard a single cent since the release of BFA and I don't mind watching them crash and burn trying to appease Twitter purity tests.

Blackrock depths?

Not-so-secret secret investment firm that funds like 60% of all business.

This is the CEO of Trillium. This is public information, just to be clear. This is not a doxx.

Any game that has a dev team full of trannies it's usually a visual novel game.

not enough "female" programmers but...

Indie stuff I'd imagine.

Tech companies are already rammed full of pajeets, so as long as no one looks too closely and spergs about their pet nogs not being pandered to then you can sneak by

Forgot pic

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It's fine. Any man can identify however they want and still get a job. It's great, because if they refuse, you can just sue them for a hate crime instead.

Men just can't stop winning.


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oh good, at least he will kill himself in less than a year

Mass effect andromeda, also 10000 shitty indie VN's

Wasnt that one mass effect game full of diversity hires? and it was utter shit

George Soros money

Luckily there is a huge correlation between autism and gender dysphoria, which is like 10x better than a female woman in terms of tokens.

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And this is the "equity" analyst. You can look on their website. The only other non-white person on the list is some Asian chick in the UK branch. Kinda funny

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>it will make everything worse obviously.

How exactly? No, seriously, how exactly?


They'd better focus on hire skilled employees...

>writes code
We all know who does the real work here.

is that an actual woman or a female-to-male?
Reminds of those It's Pat sketches where no one knows wtf it is

No cdpr and cyberpunk 2077 had a dominant male dev team, over the decade it was a small burn until what it is now.

they're just waiting for this game to die out. they allow the skeleton team to do what they want until then
wow no longer affects culture so they ignore it
>diablo iv
you need to omit this game from your radar, user. it's going to suck hard
>overwatch 2
it will just be blizzard slinging shit at the wall seeing what sticks to bring overwatch back to the top. nothing will stick

pic are the type of girls that china wants you to forget exists so here you go

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What happens when you focus on identity over talent? It hurts the quality of your product.

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>redpill me on blackrock
say no more

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Literally just more R34/coomer material, which is not a bad thing.

>forgot that there are literal retards who tag hog futa tags to get more attention to their dickgirl shit

Nevermind, fuck the West.

It's not quite as simple as that. Even if they hire unqualified danger hairs and gender-confused alphabets which leads to a poor product and lower sales, it doesn't matter. Why? Because the trillionaore investment companies like Blackrock and Trillium will just throw money at them to compensate for the loss. It's like they're using cheat codes by simply following the rules of political correctness.