Elden Ring "Let me solo her"

OMG poggerz, the legend himself is doing an AMA right now!!!!!! Whens the last time any meme person from a game got this many awards? GOTY for sure

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ironic reddit posting is still reddit posting, kys

Imagine seething over a community enjoying itself with a videogame, reddit still sucks shit and you should go back there and stay though

Seething from fromtrannies kek.

Summoned this guy a few hours ago. He got his ass kicked. Got absolutely rekt. Then he sent me a massage saying he's not the real let me solo her.

That was probably the real Let Me Solo Her.

Maybe it was and he's starting to lose under all the pressure now since all eyes are on him kek "I'm not the real guy..."

This shit is not organic at all lmao.

watched the video, and it exemplifies what it is about the phase 2 malenia fight I find so unsatisfying. You basically can't do anything except kite and run away for 99% of the fight, and the only times you get an opening are after the scarlet bomb and when she does the small butterfly AoE in front of her. With everything else, there's no guarantee she won't go immediately into another combo, so you have to just keep kiting and backpedaling.

Why are you seething so much?

Just block bro

This, kill yourself, OP

>jerking himself off as some kind of savior of the game
>faggot redditors kissing his ass while he does it
I hope I never get this far up my own ass holy shit

It's very sad, really.

That then leads into the other part of the problem: That she heals from every hit, even if you block with a 100% shield.
If she simply only healed if she did damage she'd be way more balanced, because as it is any strike she lands is super punishing because it also heals, which then means you're stuck kiting around her to do damage on what are those two combos she does where you can actually punish her.

People who summon are faggots. Why would anyone want to watch someone else fight the boss instead of fighting it themselves?

Shields would be very OP vs her then because her attacks do fuck-all stamina damage when you block, and this includes waterfowl

>Yea Forums
she's too hard :(
let me solo her for you bro lol


someone fill me in on what's going on in this thread

They are cucks who want to experience "popular thing" but don't want to interact with anything that actually challenges them or holds them back.

if only you could balance that

Imagine seething at the ghost of kiev

Yea Forumsedditors seething that they've been exposed

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How did he message you? I just summoned him and he almost did it, got her down to 30% in phase 2 and then got clipped by the clone attack and died

he's got over 9000 confirmed kills

You mean like how bleed and frost are very OP against her? god forbid a strength build have an equal advantage as other build types.

Imagine actively going to reddit to take screenshots and post them on reddit 2.0.

Why do South Americans do nothing but post reddit and twitter screencaps here?

I hate everything about this

Why the fuck are you having a spastic fit about memes in a FROM game? The only reason they are successful are because of memes.

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>current year
>buying a AAA game

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god this looks like shit

this is a ffalse flagging thread

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>elden ring

Saves time from endlessly rolling around, doing an attack and rolling again ad nauseam.

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fat malenia is >our girl

When are you allowed to punish?!

It is amusing that eldenring shitposting has fallen so far that instead of dredging this from twitter desperate anons go to get content from r*dd*t to shitpost about.

>summon him
>immediately use severing blade when he spawns
>character name: You didn't beat her

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you have to wait for the boss to get done playing the game so that you can play the game

>There's a fun boss fight with a naked woman in your game that is the culmination of the story
>Summon some naked man with chiseled facial structure in to do the fun fight with the naked woman for you
>You literally sit on the floor locked into an emote watching the two naked people go at it
>Fight gets more and more fast-paced and intense, but you are not a part of it
>The fight finishes
>She yells out: "Your Strength.... Extraordinary.. The Mark... of a true lord" while gasping for air
>She is refering to him and him alone
>She falls to the floor exhausted
>Jarman walks over to you
>He says: "Take it easy, champ." in a somewhat pitying voice and gives you a pat on the back emote
>"Y-you too"
>He leaves your game forever and so does Malenia
This the most reddit thing I have ever heard.

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nigger just roll through the attack
that combo has terrible tracking and you can easily punish it by just rolling to HER right side
not defending the shit design that is going on in that webm tho

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Shut the fuck up I don't give a fuck about reddit.

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More like exposing this games fandom lol

Right at the very end you can see the player is going in because he's seen the cue that another attack isn't coming instantly. But it is still bad design to have to wait so long for an opening because it makes the boss less fin to fight.


>jumping attack
Didn't beat her

when the foul tarnished stops being a ds1 baby back bitch and actually rolls into her attacks so they aren't ten miles away when they finish.

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>keeps rolling backwards
>doesn't roll to her left to punish

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>Summon the Let Me Solo Her Guy
>Dont let him solo her
>Just R1 until she kills me

I really showed him whats up

Happy people don't obsess over how other people play video games.

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He leaves if you don't let him solo her.

4chanfags is really jelaous that reddit have more meme culture than themselves lmao

he's not on the right distance from her
you engage her at medium range but this is an unfathomable concept for roll spammers and boss rush players
the real 'dodge' from her attacks is putting a big chunk of distance from you and her, that way she does her gap closing attacks, most of which can be punished, her normal neutral walk towards you is also an opening
she is still low poise as before, interrupting her on second phase with trades also work for heavier builds

Go back.

Someone should inject items into his game.

>ironic x is still x

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Seems like fromdrones are really pissed with how popular their "goty" is with reddit

>summon let me solo her
>kick him out before he kills her
>quit out to reset her fight
>change the look of my character and the name
>summon let me solo her again and repeat

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>Powerless rage

assblasted fromdrones lmfao

fuggin ebin

im gonna do this too

Yeah sure, go back. You don't belong here.

Sounds like you're bad at the game, mate

This honestly proves that the bosses should have a stamina bar as well. The fact that some of these attacks can just be spammed endlessly is the real problem of Souls games. The bosses are not hindered by the same restrictions that you are.

Buying the game just to do this.