MMO Hypocricy: Very Blatant?

Something has been going on with the populous MMO space. A narrative is developed about FFXIV and WOW but are missing the hypocrisy

I think it's true that there is some hypocrisy in the MMO and gaming communities that players are not addressing and it's hurting us true players and communities. Even prominent content creators are making shallow-level arguments about WOW that enforce a juxtaposition paradox.

>WOW is too cosmic! It should be grounded and always on Azeroth! (bad)
>FFXIV literally sends you to the edge of the universe (good)
>WOW raids are hard despite that being the point and there are 5 levels of difficulty for everyone (bad)
>FFXIV only has 2 levels of difficulty, one is baby mode (good)
>There are loading screens in Shadowlands despite it making sense!! (bad)
>FFXIV has loading screens for their very small and bad "zones" every 5 minutes good)
>WOW's story is ruined because of bad guy we didn't know about! (bad)
>FFXIV is brilliant because it's about a bad guy we didn't know about (good)
This is especially unfair because we've known about the Jailer since Legion...there was much more setup to him than the bird. But no one talks about that. Was Metion be mentioned in Stormblood? Noo...
>WOW's cashshop is ridiculous it has 25 items) (bad)
>FFXIV cashshop is great despite the outrageous prices and there being 600+ items on the store! (good)
>WOW is P2W despite not actually being P2W but we should push for this narrative despite Blizzard giving us a way to play the game for free and let casuals catchup
>FFXIV is actually P2W because you can pay for more inventory and more slots to sell on the auction house; meaning you can make more money. There are also mounts that give you direct advantages in combat (good)

I don't get why there's this hypocricy going around about WOW and XIV. I think it's the XIV goblins are bots and spamming this stuff and giving flase narratives. Most of this really doesn't make sense especially about the zones and cosmic stuff

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Other urls found in this thread:

>weeb board shills the weeb mmo
no shit sherlock

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statistically speaking, quadruptle the amount of items are added to XIV's store than WOW's and a three times the speed...staggering...
Yup, XIV is P2W much more than WOW

>kino space travel
>there's normal, hard, extreme, savage
>2 secs load screen oh nooooooooooooooooooo
>we've known about the bad guys since A real reborn
>600+ items in store
yeah I'm not gonna defend that one, at least none of them give you any gameplay advantage so there's that.
>retainer slots
yeah it's retarded as fuck, but in my 4-5 years of playing the game, I've never needed more than the 2 that the game gives you
>you can't use mounts in combat

Meteion's character started technically since early 1.0 but had her first line in 2.5 after the WoD Raid.

You proved my point miraculously... I can pay for more inventory and thus take over the auction house. This is something you cannot do in WOW...this is UNTHINKABLE. I dont get how anyone defends this...
Also you can buy mounts that let you go faster than everyone else

gil literally doesn't matter in FFXIV, anyone can level up all gathering/crafting jobs in a week and never have to interact with the market board

Gil is worthless
The mount speed of Fenrir only lasts until you get the map speed boost which takes not that long. And is effectively worthless outside Bozja since flying is the same speed no matter what mount you use.

>Also you can buy mounts that let you go faster than everyone else
fake, you can get riding maps in the game very easily and your mount will be at the same speed as the one (1) store mount, I wouldn't call it a gameplay advantage, since running outside of combat isn't exactly gameplay

Untrue, gil making is literally the game...I need gil to get the best gear to clear the best content. I could level up all classes and gather all items...if I play for 20 hours a day...better buy a boost...
That mount lets me get to resources faster than others plus in pvp I go faster than everyone else. Meaning Im super slick and hard to target...huge advantage.

You mean P2LG

waiter? this pasta is getting stale

>I need gil to get the best gear to clear the best content
Only if you're going for a week 1 clear, which your worthless ass isn't capable of anyway.
> in pvp I go faster than everyone else
No, dumbass.
>Meaning Im super slick and hard to target...huge advantage
Big no, dumbass.

>I need gil to get the best gear to clear the best content.
tell me how I know you've never played FF14 without telling me
> plus in pvp I go faster than everyone else
tell me how I know you've never played FF14 without telling me

>there are 5 levels of difficulty for everyone
This is the worst thing about raiding. Ulduar hardmode design should have been the way forward. Not fucking implementing a million difficulty levels.

If you don't have Gatherers/Crafters at 90 already by month 1, you wasted your time. 10 levels is nothing in this game.

And gil is worthless, materials are easy to get. Takes less than an hour to have raid food and pots from scratch.

Get a job, a girlfriend, lose some weight, read some books on varying subjects, put the phone down, gain a sense of humour.

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> plus in pvp I go faster than everyone else. Meaning Im super slick and hard to target...huge advantage.
lol pvp disables mount speed boosts

no one cares about wow enough to get to the point to make a hypocritical complaint because the game is fucking dead, wowfag

>current state of OP

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WOW still has more dedicated and casual players than XIV...
If WOW is dead, I dont know what to call XIV...a corpse? Decay?
On Tuesday the new and best expansion will be revealed.

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>WOW still has more dedicated and casual players than XIV...
Imagine unironically believing this. It must be awful to live in this kind of state of delusion.

Imagine defending pic related.
Top fucking kek.

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By the way just so you guys know, this is a serial shitposter. He's the same guy who said XIV jobs were easy and when asked by thread to show his level 80 NIN rotation he compared it to asking someone to show their mythic clear and then pussed out and left.

We have hard proof XIV has less than a million players...possibly only 500k. Worldwide.

Meanwhile WOW has 3 million, possibly more. Worldwide.

Welcome to reality.

Hard proof that's nowhere to be found.

>hard proof
if it's based off of steam stats, no one plays through steam

>Garbage old addiction machine
>Garbage old addiction machine (with a story)
an elden ring thread died for this asked...:

This report says roughly 1 million...keep in mind you need to divide by 2 to be helpful to accoun for alts and free players...


Don't recall Endwalker breaking this record...

Plenty of players are on steam this is just giga cope

That's old stats, latest luckybancho is 1.7 million active (finished Endwalker) plus more for those either F2P or catching up.

>old stats
Its from less than a week ago...published April 10.

Lol yeah its sad...especially since XIV is such a cheap, laundering scheme game with no originality,

A sizable portion of FFXIV plays via Playstation.
Also don't fuckin' tell me those 3 million people are still subbed, because we both know they aren't.
Face it, all you have to look forward to is an expansion of transgender dragons.

>nobody moves
>fast travel
>hundreds of low population servers
>everything is a closed instance
>can travel the entire game without seeing one player
MMORPGs with less than 1k players have a more active world than both WoW and XIV combined. I don't care about millions of players that I can't see or interact with.

Love how you are ignoring
Buck completely broken by how cucked Blizzard and WoW is so the only thing you can talk about is numbers. Yeah, you have more trannies, wogs, menstruating men in your game, congratulations.


Answer???? Btfo?

Oh right, need to wait for that 2.5 second CD before you can d anything...

Sorry, don't know what to do since I don't have DBM installed.

The report is recent but what you're posting is old stats. It says on the chart you linked of 1.7 million active

>counting non paying players
How desperate

>need to wait for that 2.5 second CD
Ask me how I know you have never played the game.

Reading comprehension, learn it.

Hell, soon as you unlock flight you're as fast as that super mount.

>expansion of transgender dragons.
Unironically dragons not falling on the human gender binary has been around as long as dragons have in FFXIV. You are a filthy secondary and a gender-war Redditor

Again, you have to take into account alts and trial players. So you have to half that number to be generous...
Reading comprehension, learn it.

It's 1.7 million who have beaten EW
And then there's more after (emphasis on after) that 1.7 million that are either F2P or catching up to EW. That's what the chart shows

who the fuck plays retail wow? what do you even have to look forward to as a wowfag in 2022? blizzard removing more emotes and quest dialog?

You talk like a retard, and your shit's all fucked up.

Trial players cannot complete end walker, retard. The figure already automatically excludes them.

When's the last time there's been a positive WoW thread period that isn't people laughing at the state of the game?

you get to look forward to crying about blizzard's newest diversity PR stunt in Yea Forums threads

Barry you need to talk to your counsellor again. These are just videogames.

he's been rejuvenated by kingdom hearts 4's announcement, actually it was very quiet from our usual lunatics after april fools up to recently

IS there anything that can stop XIV now? They have perfectly timed their updates.
>Everyone was expecting 6.1 to be a content lull until 6.2
>PvP overhaul that everyone is doing, even people who never PvP before
>Adventurer plates are a success and give people more evergreen things to unlock (putting designs behind achievements, raids, pvp, crafting)
>24 man raid is widely considered to be the best or at least on par with Ivalice
>Revamped many of the worst parts of ARR
>Return of Hildibrand meme quests and Tataru's own series

>Everyone was expecting 6.1 to be a content lull until 6.2
it will be. everyone has already cleared all of the new content except the dragonsong ult but it's not even out yet.

OK, let's get back on to topic about hypocrisy in MMO discussions..

All my points point out flaws that the general discussion wants to always being putting down WOW unfairly...even when something like XIV does it worse than WOW, it's not fair? Why is this narrative being pushed? I think its because of Asmongold's viewers but theyre wrong, Asmongold has said that he prefers and loves WOW and has stopped caring about XIV...

I think Bellular is also at fault. Meanwhile, real content creators like WillE and Hirumaredex are giving the real talking points and everyone ignores it.

>5v5 pvp mode with high replay value

How many people still play world of warcraft?

Ultimate is great content for many raiders for months. You underestimate the amount of people who sub to this game just to do daily roulettes, maps and weekly raids. And now PvP is addicting regardless of completing the season pass.

>every retard has already cleared the new fights because the game is a joke
>99% of people won't touch the ultimate
>pvp meme dying rapidly


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Fuck off. Dunya fag. In the world but not of the world. Play hardcore or jihad. Theres no in between

Fuck ambition said buddha

More people are pvping than ever in the game's history. Sure it wont stay that way forever, but if they add a roulette for CC it'll at minimum get people queueing daily.

>every retard has already cleared the new fights because the game is a joke
people are openly talking in the jailor world first stuff about how they fucking hate how long it's taking and wanna go home

ziv was shilled hard for a year str8 and still sucks dick and has no players (lol), mmos are dead as soon as wow shuts down, there will be no vacuum, the genre is done

Dude... you're so right... what have we been doing all this time...? I will unsub from FFXIV right this moment and play WoW... I promise... senpai-dono...

Kill yourself, retarded ESL shill

The difference is that WoW isn’t fun.

Because it's bad.

Because WoW has been fucking garbage for a looong time now and the devs are clueless mongoloids who actively hate their old fanbase.

>there are STILL wowdrones
Holy fucking shit imagine how mentally I’ll you’d have to be