What we playing?
What are we thinking of getting this year?
What are we hoping gets a game?
Comfy switch thread
>What we playing?
Smash again
>What are we thinking of getting this year?
Strikers Battle League
>What are we hoping gets a game?
F-Zero I know, it's never gonna happen again.
>What we playing?
What are we thinking of getting this year?
Mario+ rabbids sparks of hope
Still haven't finished either Xenoblade C 2 or SMTV, and literally no other games on switch interest me.
Im probably gonna give it away whenever i'm done with those two
Haven't all the good parts already basically been stolen by mario kart?
Got tricked into buying Chocobo GP. Ask me anything.
Why do you still buy SQ games when they launch?
Thinking about getting DQ builders 2 and the ninja storm trilogy but I've heard both run like shit
Definitely not worth it
i wish Gotta Protectors had people playing online
I don't buy many titles from Square
Are you me?
Only waiting to finish XBC2, then I'm selling it. I'm tired of buying FIRST PARTY EXCLUSIVES that run in terrible resolution or have terrible performance.
Now that the GPU prices are low again I'm finally gonna build that PC and good riddance. SMTV and XBC3 are gonna be emulated
I'm thinking of trying Dark Souls cause for some reason I have it on my switch snd my wife wants to play elden ring on the ps5. I've been doing a little ring fit every other day while we cook dinner.
I just want Twilight Princess. I don't even care if it's HD, I just want to be able to play it. My last wiimote finally died last year and I never finished playing it
Playing Spiritfarer
Been very long since I last played a farming sim.
>What we playing?
Atelier Sophie DX
>What are we thinking of getting this year?
Strikers Battle League, Advance Wars, Live a Live Remake, Pokemon Violet, Trails from Zero (already played it but I want a physical copy to replay), HD2D DQ3 if it happens this year. Probably continue to balloon my already large backlog with stuff I haven't bought yet.
>What are we hoping gets a game?
I'm hoping that Prime Remaster that everyone knows is coming gets a release date soon. I've never actually finished Metroid Prime.
go back
I'm waiting for more Vanillaware games. I'm playing Skywalker Saga, but I regret my purchase.
Rain World crashes somewhat often. Pretty annoyed desu. May shift back to Triangle Strategy as my main focus
Replayed XC2 and liked it way more than the first time. Still less than the first but enough to get Torna. So that's my focus right now.
Is the OLED worth it bros? i have a year one switch that is fully hackable, but im thinking of getting the OLED to move all my legit games there first, the way i see it burn in is a meme However there's this other green tint issue that seems more real, i wanna get mine from amazon and i saw some people post about a green tint in their screens in the reviews
All me
I'm playing pirate warriors three while me and my boyfriend read one piece, it's his favorite manga and I've never read it, I like robin
Sorry I only play docked, so I wouldnt know. But my screen is OLED and it looks great
Anyone played dusk diver? Was thinking of giving it a try on switch.
Would skip straight to 2 but it’s not available in britbongland.
I love the OLED. Looks great, battery is a huge improvement. I even play table top sometimes now, since the kickstand is actually really nice and the speakers are a lot better
That bad?
I bought one on amazon and am getting it tomorrow. If I run into any issues I guess I can post about it.
Robin has the best arcs in the series, enjoy her while you can, she is a very important character and will be important later on but she has been kinda irrelevant in the past few arcs
>What we playing?
Just finished Triangle Strategy with the Benedict ending today. It was kino.
>What are we thinking of getting this year?
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes and Xenoblade 3
>What are we hoping gets a game?
When it comes to Switch exclusives I'm mostly interested in Fire Emblem and Xenoblade, so I'm set for now.
Been playing no more heroes 1 the only game I have on my switch. I was planning to buy BOTW, but then I lost my job
Bummer to hear, at least Luffys development stays solid, I know about gear 5 already cuz spoilers don't bother me. Such a cool arc leading to the reveal of Nika nika
That bad
That sucks. Really wanted another building game on switch but i haven't seen DQ builders 2 go on sale ever outside of physical but only like 5 euros off so probably saved me 40 quid
Probobly an extremely common recommendation you already have, but Terraria?
Replaying Blasphemous on Switch because it was $6 on eshop. Got Guacamelee 2 complete for $6 as well.
Currently also completing Part Time UFO which is an amazing $9 game. Smash for when i play with a friend, Kirby when I want to try and beat my Colosseum Z time.
Yep, switch is amazing
Playing Skyward Sword and trying to finish all the armor sets for Rise before Sunbreak comes out. Already pre-ordered Sunbreak and my next day one purchase is more than likely going to be Xenoblade 3.
Thoughts on 13 Sentinels?
Kill yourself shadowfaggot
Been playing Assassin’s Creed 4 and Hypnospace Outlaw lately
Might get NS Sports depending on how it looks, on the fence for now. Can’t wait for Xenoblade.
Gimme Pikmin 4 already you fucks.
>What we playing?
I'm 10 hours into Hob and have been loving it, absolutely no dialog just exploring and figuring shit out. Also just bought Crawler of Dungeons and Demon Turf: Neon Splash on sale and am going to try them out once they finish downloading
>What are we thinking of getting this year?
Gonna pick up Kirby whenever I find it on sale, Maybe Splatoon 3 but I don't keep up with game news so I have no idea when it comes out
>What are we hoping gets a game?
I want some fucking gamecube remasters, give me a fucking Billy Hatcher port FFS
>Assassins creed 4
What a weird game to play on the switch.
I wish I could get into rise, but I'm a Worldbab and the demo did nothing for me
>What we playing?
Gotta Protectors. Takes a bit to find someone online, but it's the smoothest online multiplayer I've played on Switch. No lag or framerate drops at all even when playing with people on other continents.
It runs pretty good on Switch. Probably because they already did a Wii U version. I’ve had far more problems with the usual Ubisoft glitches than performance.
Immortals fenyx rising runs pretty well too.
Weak frame rate but fine otherwise.
Currently playing dragon quest XI. About 48 hours in.
Thinking of getting the darksiders trilogy on switch. Are they any good?
I've only played Darksiders 1 but it's a fine Zelda esque experience with old God of War style combat. Solid 8/10.
I have no doubt it's just a weird thing to play on the switch for me but I just use my switch for first party titles and indies. So maybe that's why
I wanna say Black Flag is pretty consistent 30. Only saw frame dips when I tried to get as many NPC soldiers after me as I possibly could.
Do they have the first AC on Switch? I never got into the rest of the series, but damn I loved the first one
Playin' Earthbound right now. Also trying to get good in F-Zero X I guess.
No but the ezio trilogy came out on switch recently.
Is the n64 stuff worth getting the online deluxe shit for?
It's only worth it if you care about battery life. Avoid if you already have a switch.
Yeah, I have AC and Mario Kart so the extra stuff and tracks is nice. I still dislike paying for my own internet
Not really, I just got it cuz it was on sale and I'm really bad with my purchase decisions. But I personally having some games on there for convenience.
That's entirely up to you. If you think it's worth it, do it.
I don't think it's worth it, but I own all these games on original hardware.
>I’ve had far more problems with the usual Ubisoft glitches
I remember when watch dogs released and everyone was (rightfully) shitting on the gliches. It's kind of sad that buggy messes are considered usual ubi fare now.
*like having
man it's hard to write after staying up for over 30 Hours.
What we playing?
MH Rise
>What are we thinking of getting this year?
Mario Strikers Battle League and MH Rise Sunbreak
>What are we hoping gets a game?
Pokemon Conquest sequel
Astral chain.
I miss godhand. Don’t know if I’m going to finish it
Fuck no, but if you got friends and split a family plan sure. I bought the family plan and offered to add my buds for a twenty, Five agreed eagerly and now I've made twenty bucks, got NSO+ES for free, and had two spare slots to give to family so they don't waste money on it
It’s ok if you want to play the roms on JP
>What we playing?
Minecraft. Just doing little tasks I've been meaning to do for a while. Feeling pretty accomplished already and I'm only partway through what I intended to do.
>finished up the inside of the core of my mine area (mounted dead kaiju-esque moth god monster body, ore/ground based items storage, offices, worker barracks etc.) which I've been doing the last few days
>sorted all of the items in my original starter village storage into the places they currently should be if I have a place for them which I hadn't done in a while
>sorted all of my tree/wood stuff in general into the giant tree in my death zone area
>cleaned up some of my Netherite blast mined area (2 segments on either side of a hallway, covering 8*9*700 each) in the Nether just to gather a bunch of Nether materials (and found an additional 25.75 Netherite worth of scraps in the process - bonus)
>cleaned up the landscape around my Team Rocket themed area in general
>covered over the ravine near the Team Rocket area that I've pulled all of my lava from
>currently working on an entrance to that ravine since it's got tons more lava to pull as it's less than half empty despite pulling a couple thousand buckets out of it already
After this I'm going to fix all the maps in the area and then finish the outside of the core of the mine. Just gotta finally make some more rockets first as I've finally run out of my first batch from when I hit the 3 million materials point.
>What are we thinking of getting this year?
Literally just psychical Isaac Repentance.
>What are we hoping gets a game?
Can't think of anything.
Yes, play on both pc, switch and ps4. Switch is my favorite port as it has all the mobile featured and I don't have to deal with basically every person I play with being a teditting faggot. Guess it's back to clearing off my wishlist
I’m on the final route of Little Busters. Such a great read.
Just ordered NEO TWEEY as I found it pretty cheap. Amazon also has Daemon X Machina on sale and I really enjoyed the demo...fuck
I can't decide whether to play Stardew Valley on PC or Switch