2nd mission

>2nd mission
>30 minutes to kill drones
>1 left
>crash to the ground because of clouds

this game sucks

Attached: NpgG4kzS0yD5HaWIimgQD1NYLqxDy5mj.png (1024x1024, 1.28M)

pilot issue

>pull up warnings
>op can't read an altimeter
sorry nugget

Attached: ac7screen.jpg (1920x1080, 120.38K)

Ace Combat is like Metal Gear Rising: a series that not even its fans like it from a gameplay standpoint; said fans like it for the memes and the music but nothing more.

I'm afraid you got tricked into playing a bad game.

lmao get fucked


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I never played any AC games but loved Project Wingman
I think its the unlimited flares and no time limit which makes the game genre fun

Nah, I'm right and you know it.

Project Wingman and Ace Combat are very different from each other, like Nioh and Dark Souls.
Again, you got tricked by Ace Combat fans.

Not really, because I got AC7 and didnt want to play after mission 5 or so
Also I really like the OST in PW, but when I go on youtube music videos for it, theres constant AC fans going on about AC using faggot "musical" terms that they probably memorized only to go on about AC music, which is honestly dogshit if you compare it to proper orchestra