Time to game
Time to game
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big feet, would worship
its really too bad she's a wigger otherwise she might be hot
Would this be a good AMWF vid?
you just know it's a tranny
Asian bros... We got too cocky
>bruuuh yikiiieeees
The fervent need to shut her up honestly makes it better in a way
any good amwf porn?
She looks like she fucks white teenage boys.
Why are most Asians considered short?
You must have something wrong with you eyes and brain if you can't tell that's a biological female. Narrow shoulders, proportionally small hands, narrow torso, hips narrow for a woman but still wider than her waist, slender legs.
Would go out drinking with her and potentially drunkenly challenge her to an armwrestle
Because they are?
Yeah but why
>Why are most Asians considered short?
>Because they are?
Wealthy Asians are only slightly shorter than white people. For example in Japan, a country without food poverty, the average male is 5'7.
Only if booba size scales with height
He's like a meal to her. Dear god.
too dependent on a rice centric diet. mongolians figured out this problem hundreds of years ago.
user, what the fuck are you talking about?
Boomer vocabulary. No one says this anymore Grandpa.
He's a fucking retard.
What did mongolians do about it?
booba has a separate slide max value scales with height
People think it's a certain musician/animator/vtuber
eat meat.
Now, THAT is an alpha female. Imagine being a human being cursed to be 5'6" or less. Even if you're female, you are worthless with this pathetic stature. Manlets and womanlets alike bow to tall Chads and Stacys.
Ate a shitload of dairy
Asian people are no shorter than lets say for example your average Italian male compared to a Chinese male. All humans have the same height potential.
Are you gay?
>Sex: female
>Max Height
>Max Booba
>80-90% hip to waist ratio
>75-100% muscle definition, depending on the game
Let's gaming!
>who knew not drinking s 0 y everyday gave you better health
Melinia left Radahan right
>picking Nord in TES6 Valenwood
>its really too bad she's a wigger otherwise she might be hot
That's Aidan Lea, a volleyball player who's 6'3. Who do you think she is?
This is the same kind of person that subs to blacked.
More meat and cheese in their diet. I recall reading somewhere that dairy- mainly cheese- wasn't a huge thing in Japan, and its notably absent in a lot of traditional meals and foods.
Always found it funny that the majority of tall people choose only to wear heels
Meat, dairy, eggs, etc. Probably didn't help that a lot of their enemies saw their own people as potential threats and fed them garbage for most of their lives.
Mongols steamrolled across most of Asia because of it.
Wigger spotted
that's tiny user, the average white man towers over everyone around him in a country where 5'7 is the average male height
A Coal burner?
Es no ella
Calm down Mori
What the FUCK
why the FUCK is no one posting attractive tall women, this is a fucking tall girl thread, I see nothing but worthless shitposts here
Wigger, i remember when some friends and I said "Thats still to close to being what they want to be called. Lets call them wegroes"
take it easy, chang micropenis
its not white peoples fault youre genetic trash
>A Coal burner?
I'm starting to think you're hallucinating.
Apparently it's + '2
It's not my fault your dumb ass was asphyxiating inside the womb you ugly retard.
there there chang micropenis
there there
real talk, I dont have any male manlet friends because youre literally butthurt at life and are ugly inside
Its /pol/ thread time again on Yea Forums!
too much rice, not enough meat. consider the build of the average Mongolian vs. the average Chang. Mongolians are much bigger and more stout because they eat way more meat
>Gender: Male
>Race: Frog
>Emote: Dance
>Height: []=============
the average russian moggs the average mongolian
once they united they shitstomped your ebin mongol empire no problem as well and like all BTFO slave traders they never came back after getting shitstomped by Russia
Real talk you should reread one of the posts you replied to earlier and either double down like a retard, like you're already doing or don't let the door hit you on the way out. Preferably I'd rather the rope not rip on the way down though, buttugly fuck.
Is this real?
>white female athlete that dresses manly
Hmmm yes nothing suspicious about this at all nooooo…
There is no such thing as an alpha woman.
I'm 6'0" so they're basically midgets
>look up sauce
>leads me to some dude on deviant mart who had been collecting thousands of photos of tall women for the past 8 years
What the fuck
>uhh REREAD my chang micropenis posts SIR
there there chang micropenis
there there
its nobody elses fault that your dick basically doesnt exist if fate somehow throws you in a country where white people also live