The circus must go on.
Master Duel
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Ecclesia bros...
Iris bros...
What's the deal with this card? I used to think it was Ib just feeling sad that Avramax had to sacrifice himself until I realized it was Lee's human form.
Cute turtle
I don't think I can touch this account anymore
I got 7000 gems to spend, debating between a red eyes deck or a zombie world deck... what do?
pure darklords
Final confrontation with Lee inside of planet's core
her theme
More like bricklords
That is Katakuri's theme...
How come Kaiba gets to rip his extra cards but I can't?
What am I looking at, did Iris die? Why is White Exalted just sitting beside them, isn't she an enemy?
sorry it's sky striker's theme now.
>lvl 12 synchro monster
>only 11 of them in Master duel
>they still don't read his effect
Lee has fat tits, also if you let your imagination run wild it looks like Avramax is making Lee's tits grow rapidly
Finally done with the event, smell ya losers later.
what's a truly manly deck?
By the looks of it they've both been defeated and are either surrounded or about to be corrupted
Nothing wrong wtih chilling in this thread while stalling a DD Dynamitefag after Lillith's effect
When are we getting the Burst of Destiny booster cards?
>festival medals are now obtained by performing the relevant summoning method
>Each summon gives 100 medals
>They count for both players
>Wining only gives you 100 extra
Would that fix the problem of people using true draco, burn and decks completely unrelated to the festivals?
>looking on YGO pro for new decks
>accidentally find schizo kino
What's this art referencing? Kill la Kill?
is this the power of ZA WARUDO?
According to the story, this is Avramax and the remnants of Lee inside of the World Gears of Theurlogical Demiurgy.
The card's effect is the choice Lee has, she can either create Avida with him (2nd effect, representing the 7 World Legacies), or she can kill him (1st effect).
>Stalling a bot
The only one wasting your time is you
If its Lee's choice then why doesn't she just kill him, I thought merging with the World Gears is what she wanted all along?
Obviously Red Sprite. By the way, fuck your eyes.
>lost my 9 winstreak in the event by brainfarting the wrong card into the gy
dead game
>When are we getting the Burst of Destiny booster cards?
2 months probably. We should be getting a Cydra Structure deck soon, since their cards were mined, and they only get like 3-4 new cards in the actual deck, and that came out right before BODE. Imo, the deck will drop in the coming weeks, then we get a Banlist, and once the banners expire, we should get the BODE cards. 80 new cards, split into two banners of 40 new cards each, mixed with old shit. One will feature Swordsoul, and the other Floowandereeze or DPE/Heroes. That's my guess.
Why not run the Despia variant
Literally never heard of this
should i dust cyber end dragon guys ? i have two copies left after building my cyber dragon.
Good. It sucks.
>2 months just for 80 cards
End my pain, I just want to play SEXoexisters
This takes place after she lost control of it due to her ill intentions and essentially caused it to erase the world by accident. He's basically convincing her he can fix her mistake, which he believes he can do because he wields the power of the World Legacy Key.
And he does, he merges with the World Gears and becomes Avida, sacrificing himself to rebuild the world.
the bot auto-scoops if you stall them (at least it used to)
Exorsister, Brave Tokens, and PUNK all come from a Deck Builder set that has iirc, like 35 new cards, and like 15 reprints of staples. So idk what they'll do with those... I guess mix them with that Duelist Pack for another banner thing. Idk if it'll be 2months there too though, as then comes BACH and it starts to fall behind paper.
Day 2 of me playing pend magicians.
I have learn that Pendulum Call can screw you over sometimes
Oops wrong pic
>Make decks that completely focused on nothing spam summoning without win condition
leave it to user to come up with worse ideas than konami.
Now if you want to fix this idea somewhat it would that you'd have to summon at least one of that summoning type to get full medals.
Run the Despia variant. I tried running them pure, I tried running them with EVA... They're super bricky as their only way to spec summon is with a spell card, and everything they do needs discards. Plus, their end boards are weak, where all you really wanna do is summon Satan. In Despia, you can do that Turn 1 no problem, and cut all the bricks running only their good cards, and your boards end much more strong.
As a pendy main theres a lot of minor things like that you gotta remember. I usually use spell cards at the last possible moment because of this.
>why yes, I only synchro summon once per game. how can you tell?
Not him but i what i believe is that he convinced her to help him rebuild the world as the world pretty much ceased to exist at that point and it would be pointless to just exist as a entity alone in a dead world, also pic related was what happened to her when she got the power earlier
Red-Eyes Zombie World.
The only way I will play them.
>Finally facing a true draco
>finds out skill drain doesn't do shit to big number dinos, and I find out Miscellaneosaurus doesn't protect against skill drain
>use my own draconic diagram against him tributing my babies
>fuck skill drain with Pankratops
>being the only person to run Giga Spinoza he can't destroy it and deal with the destruction and trap shunning effect
>finally makes one of the traps that halve attack points work, but finds out UCT can still damage and destroy everything with only the effect
>gives up when his last true draco is flipped face down when his LP are 1000
"True" draco my ass
Tried CHADspia... tried CHADlords...
Fell in love with darklords, despia feels like shit as a pure right now, darklords feels like bricks as a pure right now, Darklord Despia feels AMAZING.
Despia gives darklords more protection, more targets, and an actual good fusion card (the field spell)
Darklords gives (current) despia actual decent monsters and tons of more extra deck plays
Some good examples
i heard dogmtika + shadoll + despia feels good as well but i aint playing that shit
*detaches afterglow*
why didn't you save them Yea Forums? They have clown aids now
So for a going second deck, what's more valuable, board breakers or hand traps? I want to make a Mekk-knight deck, but from experience, hand traps only help somewhat, where you tend to get shit on by certain decks that can play past most of them. Like most the meta decks can play past 2 hand traps and still end on an annoying board.
how was I supposed to know they'd get raped by clowns if I left to go watch the Springan tournament
I double sleeved my Ecclesia so she should be protected against the aids
Ok what's their lore? I just know that dogmatika, tri brigade, despia and albaz are related but i don't know how
One more thing
>ready/instant fusion - this card (its a dark fairy) + any level 8 can make baronne easily, and she can bring back your chain (superbia) whenever
>ret-time reviver emit-tier is a level 2 dark fairy tuner that can be summoned from the hand/GY, going into baronne easily
Sky striker art look like dog shit compare to Live twin and dragonmaid
this, even if you get ash'd, its hard to NOT be able to summon lucifer turn 1, with morningstar is trickier but do-able
>live twin
>good art
Lmao. Also Dragon Maids and Sky Striker are the same basic as fuck waifu shit.
It's not like Konami will give it an actual bad ending, it will just be bittersweet for the 5th time. The story will go on for probably another year or two
>i heard dogmtika + shadoll + despia feels good as well but i aint playing that shit
based, not touching anything with shadoll
What is the best braindead deck to make opponent seething mad crying raging uncontrollable etc? Eldlich is too popular so a lot of people already figured out how to counter it, should i make Timelord?
what wrong with shadoll?
pls help
I think they all look good, although sometimes Raye's head stands out a bit too much in contrast to her armor.
Timelords are only annoying in the meme festival formats.
>lost to this card and a bunch of equips
I didn't see it coming
Post your clowns, mates , I needs suggestions.
I made this one myself
Trying to go second and using King of the Swamp and superpoly for Mechaba or Thousand Eyes Restrinct or protecting theater of the Branded with Dark Magician DK
i don't know why people keep attacking my timelord
You absolutely don't need 2 CEDs, 1 at most and even then right now it's primarily if you want to style because all it really has going for it is BIG NUMBER, save 1 for making Cyberdark End Dragon if you want to use BIGGER NUMBER UNAFFECTED BY CARD EFFECTS
Who is the character petting ash blossom?
What is a versatile card to bait handtraps?
>Ecclesia and Iris
>YGO meta
where were you when the entirety of the franchise kneeled to the big clown?
Yuki-Onna, the Absolute BTFO Mayakashi
Yukki ona the absolute zero mayakashi or something like that
>Tfw almost ran this with pic related.
Battlin Boxers
Braindead? Timelords are a good pick, but there's also Numeron and Reversal Quiz FTK.