Playing against Toss gives you cancer. This shit is unbelievable

Playing against Toss gives you cancer. This shit is unbelievable.

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>depot didn't make

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Campaign? Multiplayer? What race are you? I've always had a hatred for pvt since it feels like as a terran all your troops require twice as much management compared to the toss equivalent.
Dragoon: attackmove
Tank: place, deploy
Zealot: attackmove, sometimes split up
Vulture: place mines, move around

people dont know about this, but firebats destroy zealots. your welcome

So you know more than the pros do? Cool.

I'm glad WhiteRa is safe.

im not going to elaborate

Artosis is a fucking clown. In BW he cries his eyes out about Protoss and in SC2 he's blatantly biased towards them, despite Toss being even more cancerous in SC2.

I'm glad Incontrol died.

No they don't, buck for buck they dont match zealots at all even if they're facing JUST zealots. Two firebats cost MORE than one zealot and lose and they require you to go academy which you wouldn't even usually make

Join the /vst/ discord and I will happily play against a fell Yea Forumstard.

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Man I haven't even opened the bnet launcher in like two years

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People have died waiting for sc3

This is the true cancer. Single most broken unit across all iterations of Starcraft.

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There's nobody left at Blizzard who could make that. My money is on whatever Frost Giant is making.

I enjoy watching this rage pig.

Its never too late, and its free.

SC2 is free, SCR isn't.

Anybody else watching the "is it imba or do I suck" videos? Peak SC kino.

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I got it for free on google by using 1337x

Can you play ladder with a pirated version? If not what's the point?

>he doesnt use scans v toss

Yeah, really enjoying harstems videos in general. Cool guy.

What are they making?

ez fix
just make consumw give it a % energy regen boost

Then play the original (not remastered). Its free on Battlenet.

It has like 12 concurrent players and all of them are russian maphackers.

We don't even make it into the top 50% of good players anymore. They don't even bother with the audience outside of Korea because white people suck at RTS games. We lost.

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>you have to be a litteral autist to beat koreans
There's no hope for us regular white people in RTS games anymore. Even Age of Empire is mostly koreans. We need to retake what's ours. We need to get our brethern to stop playing looter shooters and elder rings.

never did

Back in the 90's / early 2000's, Starcraft was mainly a US game. I didn't have to learn korean just to play multiplayer.

His run at Katowice was INSANE. He fucking DESTROYED Maru.

you were sheltered.
koreans have always been on top.

>retake what's ours
Just because we pretended Idra was good at RTS doesn't mean the west ever stood a chance against Korea, it was just nice to have some gaijins in the scene for marketing purposes and international appeal

Idra was always bad in both games. No idea why so many retards celebrated this balding manlet.

Its sad to see so many of you bend over and take it. No wonder why western nations have no good industry for micromanagement.

serral is the best, even times he lost it just seemed more like he wanted to point out imbalances. i hope they tone down microing expectations for the next sc. being able to stutter step marines doesnt make you a master strategist.

the TTS really ruined his streams for me. good for him making money off it though. glad he does his casts channel.

the real story, if you care, is that during the old teamliquid days some of the koreans teams started noticing that 'foreigners' enjoyed bw and tried to get them more involved, which culminated in a team called eSTRO doing kind of like a 'foreigner only' mini tournament where the winner was rewarded with the chance to move to their teamhouse (they actually lived together in a dorm, most teams did) and train with them to be an actual scbw pro. So like, some (mostly) American players participated and in the end the winner was a guy called Nony, known from the "....arbiters..." drunk/stoned protoss vods that are probably still on youtube.
Nony, however, had a wife and (I think) kids and a job and a normal life and he knew that moving to korea was a bad idea because if you weren't called Lim Yo-Hwan (boxer) or were of exceptional high skill you wouldn't really make any money so he passed, and the prize went on to the #2: Idra.
Idra never really made any waves, as expected, but he kind of stayed relevant by being a teamliquid regular and posting about life in a Korean progamer dorm and when SC2 dropped he was hailed as "the white guy playing with Korean pro players" and kind of marketed himself as such.
I don't really know Greg besides also being a TL regular at that time but to me it always seemed like we just kind of wanted him to be the west's answer to Korean domination and we all kind of went along with it.

>entire rts match is macro
enjoy your game that dies faster than a fighting game

I'm not that guy but it feels like SC2 went overboard on the micro, since it automated a bunch of 'manual labor' from the old game and tried to appease the hardcore audience by then adding APM requirements to other shit which in turn felt arbitrary as fuck because now you just gotta press a bunch of extra buttons while looking at your troops instead of your base

For the same reason why CombatEX was liked, he made the scene enjoyable by being a villain.

They just need to make Starcraft Remastered turn-based. There, I fixed every single problem.

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The Banning Game is the only competitive Starcraft I care about

>Kills half your bioball in a couple seconds
>Has more reach than tanks and liberators
>Doesn't need to set up like tanks and liberators.
psh nothing personnel kid

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youre right it wont have a huge esports audience, just a huge playerbase.

catering to micro gods and pros ruined rts games. seeing interesting strategies play out is unlikely to attract many viewers but it would be a ton of fun to play. losing to someone that controls their units so well in battle theyre untouchable again doesnt make you a strategist of any kind, it makes you a skilled microer. i just think if i have an army in place they should fight competently wether i watch or not. retreating or advancing would still fall on me but i shouldnt be expected to input 20 button presses a second to make my army untouchable.

how's the night going artosis

Thanks for the history lession, user. Much appreciated.

To be fair, it's not that easy to hit good disruptor shots vs a moving army. Widow Mines can have the same impact without any of the effort.

Here's the arbiters vid if you want a laugh

>widow mines
>take a fucking eternity to fire
>Disposable if the enemy has detectors
>Safely disposed of by anything with actual range
>Can get cleared by sending a single disposable unit forward to take the shot or dodge it.
>Cooldown takes forever
Widow mines are only goot at slowing the enemy down and keeping them on their toes.

>enemy is just sitting there in an arc

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Something is coming.

This is probably just the announcement of the continuation of the SC2 pro scene/tournament system. Their contracts run out this year but ESL has already hinted that everything will continue and Tastosis also indirectly confirmed that GSL will continue next year. So basically a nothingburger, unless you were worried about SC2 tournaments ending anytime soon.

I never got into competitive Starcraft but it seems like protoss is blatantly overpowered or at the very least incredibly unfun to play against. They just have so much utility, great units and so many options to cheese, but the kicker is that it doesn't seem to be very hard to pull it off.

the cool thing is that all protoss players are braindead and can throw the easiest games away which keeps the game competitive. the real problem is that zerg is slightly overpowered and has generally competent players

It appears our superiority has led to some controversy

It's the same in both iteration of SC. Toss is less reliant of mechanics and more on mindgames and gimmicks. This isn't really a problem in the pro scene, because you know who you're playing and can prepare accordingly, but when you play on ladder vs some random asshole online who can throw 2 dozen of bullshit builds at you (which each require a very tight and different response) it just feels fucking cheap. There's a reason why Toss makes up almost 50% of the Grand Master spots in SC2.

>not liking mario erotica

Love playing Zerg in SC2 and I'd like to do so in SCR too but I fucking hate ZvZ. I like playing huge reactive macro games but BW ZvZ is just cheese vs cheese every single game.

Yeah, that summarizes why it feels cheap. It's way harder to defend against than it is to pull off and there are so many variants of it. I get that zerg might be stronger on many bases but then you need to have insane macro, protoss is like uuuuuuuuuuuuuh I have a counter to everything and I can't be punished