This is your tomboy gf
This is your tomboy gf
She's no Yukiko but would make a solid side hoe.
too girly, pass.
you're mistaken, this is my gf
my tomboy wife
Thank you!
back off i claimed her first
I want my head between her thighs
Chie if she real
But why? Why is she my gf? Why does she want to be my gf?
Anonymous there is a nipple right there
I used to like Chie a lot when I was younger but I had some kinda paradigm shift as I got a bit older. Naoto and Rise are my top P4 girls at this point.
best p4 girl isnt even a girl
Indeed she is. How did you know?
Not tomboy
The internet turned you gay.
many such cases
Way too feminine
He's straight
This thread has been linked to be raided by /trash/ racists
your anus is about to be raided
She's not bad. But Rise is better.
No one cares nigger faggot. Discuss tomboy or kys
Not enough muscle on her to be Chie
Can I still enjoy Persona 4 even if I don't like either of them?
no, she's my tomboy friend
Talk about tomboys or fuckoff nigger. No one cares. It's 4chin.
What do you mean by either? Chie or yukiko?
2 tomboy threads?
More tomboy threads = more good
But Naoto is better tomboy gf.
I think it depends on your flavor of tomboy. Chie is your classic rough and tumble energetic tomboy.
Naoto is the nerdy D&D tomboy.
I'm sorry user but thigh highs>spats
Also Rise wants you to make babies with her.
>Bullying Makoto with your girlfriend Ann
Go back to resetera
The voice changed. The original Chie voice is pure kino in that she sounds like a real person.
Go back to /trash/ or /r9k/
>tfw literally married a Chie
>athletic and outdoorsy
>LOVES meat and action movies
>short hair
>wears leggins all the time
Chies exists user, and there are many of them. And just like real Chie her low self esteem will allow YOU a to nail her.
You can find one among the Japanese girls who spend a year on working holiday visas working in Canadian mountain towns. Banff and Whistler have at least 10 of her each at any given time and they rotate every year. Best part was I never even played persona 4 until after I married her, so Chie just felt like the natural choice to me.
Don't give up anons. Don't.
It's like they told new chie to eventually calm it down and drop the shrill voice because it is definitely more tolerable later in the game. I do prefer the original voice though
Interesting. I thought new Chie did a much better job. She sold they whole genki tomboy better. The original was a bit too soft for what I'd expect from a gungho kung-fu fanatic.
Rise will miscarry cause she is such a skinny bitch and your kid will come out with FAS if it does make it.
Is P4 worth buying?
ann mogs every other persona waifu so hard
No thanks. I’m already married to my lovely wife.
Any of the girls.
>her low self esteem will allow YOU a to nail her.
damn that's a really cool way to describe your wife, definitely a relationship i'd want to have
Thats fair, she is the only acceptable alternative.
>The original was a bit too soft for what I'd expect from a gungho kung-fu fanatic.
That was Chie's appeal, she wasn't just a generic anime cardboard cut out. She sounded like a real person who likes Kung-Fu as a hobby
Rude, user. I don't mention accuse Chie of over exercising and stoping her menstrual cycles, causing infertility.
Rise is a sweet girl with a very healthy figure. And I think Chie is good, too.
Fair enough. I can undtehwre you're coming from.
empress girls are the best
but none of them rival Maya
Well that's rough. I don't say this often, but kinda shit taste user. That being said, maybe you could still enjoy Persona? It might be hard though since social links are a major part of the enjoyment and if you don't like any of the girls I doubt you'll enjoy any of the social links.
Ah yes the screeching obnoxious overreacting girl.
she sounded like she was 39 years old. glad they changed it.
>implying he's not larping
Probably from coped
Ann was such an incredible mix of affectionate/loving with a desire to self improve. And not just for herself, but for you. It was adorable.
Thats how it was when she met user. Now she is great because she has the man of her dreams.
Chie has low self esteem in the game and is actually very surprised if you pick her over the others on valentines. Then she becomes the happiest and most confident person in the world, matching the facade that she puts up around others(Chie is outwardly very confident, but doubts herself in private). Pretty much exactly like my wife when she realized that I didn't want anything to do with her friends, one of which was in retrospect a Rise girl(even worked in fashion in Japan lmfao).
Why are you still writing this larp, you're not on your hugbox thread
No lamp. You can find plenty of IRL Chie trying to benefit from what the Japanese roughly call "Mountain Magic", the idea that you are more attractive in skiwear while at the ski hill.
This is getting sad