Is this the worst character design in JRPG history?

Is this the worst character design in JRPG history?

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He's not great but I think its better than Flynn and his stupid plastic bowl haircut

This and Nahobino.
Why do Yea Forumstards love to jerk off SMT again?

can't be

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Can we stop pretending one pant leg up is good looking?

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should've been a tomboy instead of a faggy dude.

this is a male??? why is japan always so pozzed with all their male characters designed to look like women?

FFX/X-2 says otherwise

no that's the """soul hackers""" 2 protag

Remember what they took from you.

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this fag exists

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unfortunately not

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Because its the RAEL JRPG for RAEL GAYMERS. Then the facade broke when Nabohino was revealed.

cool pizzacutter


nahotranny exists

the i like green suit but his hair is fucking retarded

>Why do Yea Forumstards love to jerk off SMT again?
Atlus fell from grace with P4s success

>"designed to look like women"
>with that haircut
>without any female physical characteristics
He does look like a little faggot, but you're even more pozzed than whoever designed him.

In history? That's a long list with a lot of terrible designs. It's one of the worst in a game that's not shit

Not even close
Also this is 100x worse

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Looks better than Nahabino. It kinda goes full circle for me.

Goddamn what the fuck happened at Atlus. It cant just be Doi because Flynn and the Samurai looked fine. Nanashi was honestly kind of boring but okay. Then we got Nahabino and Ringo. What the fuck happened?
How to you go from pic related to

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I'm not gay, but I would definitely stuff their assholes and give them a creampie if you catch my drift.

>What the fuck happened?
They want to attract the LGBTQIBRAPP zoomer crowd like this guy

I meant Nahonbino was worse than Nanashi, honestly I don't know where Nomura's shit would fit in because it's often goofy enough that I can enjoy it ironically

why ?!

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kaneko was still overseeing shit when IV was in the concept phase

nanobingo is just doi's tokusatsu shit
ringo and sh2 in general is the fault of that trend chasing faggot ishida when the artist they hired isn't even a stranger to smt

execs breathing down doi's neck apparently
he even blames them for demeter and amanozako

Kid you're not even 21 yet.

Alright, V and Nanashi are bad designs but let's not pretend early Kaneko was good in any way. It was a generic 80s style that looked even uglier, especially when he made shit like the proto SMT1 hero to be an actual black person with an afro. He only started making good artwork during the PSX era.

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I dont hate Nanashi. I think his design is fine for an smt protag and he can be somewhat customized. However I cant helo but wish we got the original idea for the 4A and the original design for it.
>you will never be a single dad trying to save your daughter in post apocalyptic tokyo

I'm 27 lmao

>He only started making good artwork during the PSX era.
Nah he got good during smt 2 and kept getting better.

>It's another "Yea Forums pretends to know anything about character design" thread

I would tend to agree but some of his SMT1/2/if... designs still hold up really well.

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Big booby anime girls good
Cool Chad's good
Simple as

What makes him so effective? decades later and he is still the best

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A lot of the most iconic and reoccurring demons are from smt 2.

100X better than that lame vtumor Ringo

came here to post this dolt

nanako is shit especially compared to the previous nanako, and thematically it fits either as well
shit man the daughter went from a daughterfu to a dog, and as a result far more people simp for the loligoth

kaneko really did not know how to draw feet

To me at least, the designs are good because they're sharp and very utilitarian. They'll have dangling parts, straps and all of that but it won't be to the level of something like for example. It makes it more recognizable when you don't have all that nonsense just hanging on the character.

>twink DYEL
>faggoty long eyelashes

People like the design because of the tattoos. Everything else is the same tranny looking pussified shit from Japan.

the master driver one is worse

Xhe cute

I like the taxi driver reference. You need only look at TMS to find worse designs in the same company.

chad beta vs beta final

remember when we thought ethan looked bad?

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and now we got this

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Red > Silver
that trainer battle on the mountain top at the end of the game was KINO

As always: contrarian bait.

Because kaneko was a chad himself.
He refused to draw anything that wasn't based.

It's simple, it fits the time, it's perfect.
Based anti footfag kaneko doing it again

It's like they wanted to make it perfectly clear that you should be playing as the girl unless you're a young boy or want to fuck young boys.

They finally make the characters look like the actual target audience and self inserting 30yos can't handle it.

on top of that it's really disrespectful of them to represent the brown african nation of spain with white characters

what the fuck where they thinking with designing him

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Concept-kun looks like shit. Nanashi looks fine both ingame and in his illustrations.
His portrait is just weirdly skinny
The best JRPG protag design in the past decade easily

Looks like a school kid. Guess who buys Pokemon?

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FFXV had a lot of problems. Character design, music, and the world were not any of them.

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>Character design,
the pic says otherwise

so damn quiet I had to use my own music

>and the world
empty as fuck

Chad character
Faggot design

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