The games get worse as time progresses

The games get worse as time progresses

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These games were never difficult and anyone who plays them for the hardcore gamer meme was always a retard

I suffered through 1 again and went back to 3 and it was 100x better so... your thesis is debunked

Dark Souls 1 is the easiest game in the series. It's not even close.

I don't understand what's hard in Dark Souls. What's hard about it? Learning patterns?
Hell TF2 is a more complex game than Dark Souls will ever be.

Dark Souls 1 is more popular than 3 and especially 2. Shit picture.

Change difficulty to lore.

anyone who can beat elden ring can beat those other games. cope

Playing smash brothers against zoomers is harder than From games but the open secret is that From trannies are rejects from any actually difficult or competitive game

Shut the fuck up…….I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UPP!!!!!!!!!!

>answering his own post

honestly elden ring is the hardest in the series even if you're using ashes and cheese

I beat gael in like 8 attempts, malenia took way more than that


But the souls games got harder as the series continued.

the ip counter went up retard

>Stunlock her
>Wow that was hard
Every single fight can be cheesed user. It's not even funny.

Ask me how I know you summoned

>game is le hard if you don’t use its mechanics
I bet you think Pokémon is hard too

>The game is hard if you don't use that mechanic !!
Extremely shitty defense and game design/balance.
From soft drones not even realising what they're fucking saying. Miyazaki put that shit in and it's balanced the way he wanted. Complain that he's a retarded nigger for making it so instead of shitting on people exploiting it.

name 8,411 single player games more difficult than Elden Ring

That's retarded, because dark souls 1 is least hard, dark souls 2 is harder and less fair, dark souls 3 even harder and even less fair and elden ring not fair at all and harder than any souls game.


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there were gold summon signs to trivialize fights in dark souls too, yet I bet you don't include them

No need. I just mashed R1 with my STR build while wearing havels.

Dead thread. Lalalalalalala -It’s game of the year, cope.

Any F-Zero ghost time trials or GX story on the highest difficulty
Viewtiful Joe on the highest difficulty
NGB on Master Ninja
Mega Man 9, 10 and 11 on their highest difficulties, especially if you play 9/10 as Proto Man
DMC3 Dante Must Die
Zelda II
Ghosts n Goblins if you do both runs in a sitting as intended
The Mega Man Zero games

You got me, I can't

jackie chan

Oh also Battletoads or SoR2 and SoR4 on Mania difficulty or 1CC

I've played DaS1, 3, Bloodborne, and Sekiro. DaS1 is the only one I've beaten cause I fuckin stink at these games, so DaS1 can't be the hardest. Not by a long shot.

user, I'm talking about every souls game.
People complain a meta will emerge, of course it fucking will.
But Miyazaki made too many builds broken in ER. He didn't fix the problem, he amplified it.

>any soulshit

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das 2 is the easiest

It's really the opposite. Elden ring is only easiest if you summon or cheese, in which case every game is skyrim tier. Otherwise it's the hardest.

the difficulty curve should be flipped. ds1 is incredibly easy

Elden Ring is easier. Too much broken shit

The open world of Elden Shit Ring draws in millions of braindead normalfags + the casualized spirit ashe system being the games easy mode = massive popularity.
FromSoftware is DEAD. You will never get a proper and tight designed closed world, everything from now on will be soulless open world garbage, wasting your time with running around doing nothing relevant just to encounter copy paste content 70% of the time.
I've already Black Listed FromSoftware. Elden Shit Ring open world made me realize that I'd rather sit through the menus and diablo loot cancer of Nioh and Nioh 2, which made me appreciate those games much more than I initially did, so at least that is a positive.

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they all suck after the halfway point except for dark souls 2, its consistently good throughout

OP probably hasn't played Dark souls since 2011. There is no way you can play that game after their newest ones and say it's easy. The enemies are so much slower and leave themselves open all the time compared to elden ring.

dark souls 1 is not hard

You can't even discuss the Soulsgame difficulty normally but have to make a pic(or most likely save one from reddit/discord/twitter) about it saying "new one too easy and popular".
You could make a normal thread discussing your dislike for the lack of difficulty, but that would mean you would have to formulate your own opinions, now you can just hide behind irony.

I came back to Dark Souls 3 after Elden Ring and i absolutely obliterated Champion Gundyr first try.
I cannot believe i had such a hard time back when i played it some years ago, all his attacks felt so slow and telegraphed.
But since Elden Ring bosses have such fucking fast combos and punish people for panic rolling with delayed attacks, it really improved my dodging ability a lot, now i see videos of Dark Souls 1 bosses and i feel its almost impossible to get hit since everything is so fucking slow.

I replayed it recently.
O&S - 2nd try
Artorias - 4th try
Manus - 2nd try
Everyone else - 1st try

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Difficulty is on the wrong part of the X axis. It should be below popularity.

The older games are "hard" because the gameplay feels ancient. The older games are clunky as shit. The more they modernize the game, it shows how easy the actual gameplay is.

not even remotely true, dark souls 1 becomes broken simply by putting on heavy armor thanks to how strong poise and def is in that game

>single player games

Do you not have internet yet in siberia or what?

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>DS1 and 2

DS1 and DS2 didn't have as many broken builds as ER.

compared to DS3 and ER, yes

difficulty in multiplayer games is entirely up to your opponent you retarded fucking nigger

1. Dark souls is not difficult, none of the dark souls genre games are.
They are challenging sometimes, but you would have to limit yourself to make it actually difficult.

2. Difficulty =/= fun, you need a mix of challenge and entertainment.

3. people who are saying that the games are becoming less difficult is mostly because they are used to the type of game and how it works.
And games are made with improvement that make you have more ease of use options.

What are some genuinely difficult games, then fuckwad?

lmao. Souls games were never difficult, they're punishing.

So Elden Ring is in the right spot?

Poise and ADP shit on every playstyle of Elden Ring bevayse of how busted they were.

>Wear Havel's Ring, a Tower Shield and Heavy Armour
>Never die again
You're right, there aren't as many. Because it's entire fucking classes of equipment that break the game.

Demon's Souls is even easier.

I'd argue every one of these games is actually harder than its predecessors, it just doesn't seem that way because we're all collectively better at identifying our issues and finding ways to circumvent them. When you got stuck in Demon's/Dark Souls information was comparatively sparse and there wasn't a plethora of build guides and number crunchers with frame data analyzing every encounter and disseminating this information on the internet, you actually had to figure something out for yourself and you didn't have a wealth of prior souls experience to draw from either, the language of Souls was still mostly unknown to you, you might know a few words but you were mostly approaching the game still speaking Devil May Cry, Zelda, Elder Scrolls, or whatever games you played prior. Now you're fluent in Souls, you know what words to use when and where, and despite their best attempts to change the tenor of the games you can adapt relatively quickly now. You already mastered Allant, Artorias, Fume Knight, Nameless King, Gael, Orphan of Kos, and all the rest, learning another incarnation of this same dance is far simpler now than it used to be. But if you actually break it down to how long you have to evade attacks, how many hits you need to land, and how difficult their attack patterns are to parse Elden Ring really is the top of the heap even if to us, it doesn't feel that way because we remember how much we struggled before, but the fact that you struggle at all on Elden Ring even if the amount you struggle is left is proof its already harder its just deceptive because you didn't spend 6 hours eating shit like you did on Manus in 2012 or whichever boss/bosses got you stuck.

Elden Ring is hardest if you aren't over levelled and dont use spirit summons

Pnly because ER is an unbalanced mess

It's true there have never been builds as broken as in ER
The game is ultra easy if you use an op weapon + summons, but becomes ultra hard if you use a normal weapon and no summon
Balancing is just bad

DS1 is hard only if you started with ER and then went back to play the rest of the series and you were like "why is my character so slow". Happened to few of my friends. They skipped straight to DS3 after a few hours of DS1 and are saying 3 is easier. It was the opposite for me.

If they weren't at least above average in difficulty, a meme surrounding it's difficulty would never have arisen.

This image explains a lot

The difference between Havel Ring/fap ring to give yourself big poise increase and the rest of the builds in DS1 is not as big as for example using rivers of blood/mimic and any other build in ER.

DS2 is the harderst by FAR if we're counting DLCs. ER if you use the tools the game gives you is the easiest and if you don't it's the second hardest. ER is better than the other three combined though

All civilization games get worse as it goes on

>if Luigi wasnt in super mario 64 a meme about unlocking him would never have arisen
>if the pendant didnt have a use a meme about it would never have arisen

What kind of retard logic is this? Do you fundamentally not understand the basic concept of marketing? I'll bet you're an NPC who uncritically believes whatever the TV tells you.