It looks fun. Is it? What do you like/dislike about it?
Escape from Tarkov
I've never played it but other people seem to like it so I'm going to go with it's shit.
I like the scavs yelling slurs, I hate waiting 6 months to repeat the same gameplay loop.
Play it with other noobs or it'll be insufferable
It's autistic and you need like 3 different wikis open on separate monitors just to play properly.
I know that gamespot gun guy likes it
If you enjoy spending 20-30 minutes "playing" the game to finally be geared up enough to actually play the game (until you die and then repeat), go for it
It's a game of highest highs and lowest lows.
Thirty Minutes in a Bush: The Game.
>Is it? It is very….. and isn’t very fun.
The actual movement, combat, level design, weapon customization, living economy, and many other design elements are amazing especially considering its the love child of a no name russian dev. The core gameplay loop is addictive and rewarding. Load in, loot up, intense gunfights, complete quest, escape by the skin of your teeth, hoard loot, turn in quest, upgrade kit, rinse, repeat. Forgoing how much I think this term is overused and cringe, the game is one of the most intensely immersive and engaging experiences I’ve ever had in gaming. Being simultaneously the most rewarding and punishing game I can recall ever playing.
My major criticisms, however, and the reasons why I always end up dropping the game, boil down to the game just being too much of a time sink and the inability to play with an unbroken gameplay experience. The game is so complex and there are so many different systems that you spend much more game time outside of the core gameplay experience of Tarkov than you do shooting, looting, and boot scooting. Don’t misinterpret this as me saying I dislike complexity or depth of gameplay, it just takes up way too much time in the current incarnation. It also, generally speaking, takes far too much time and effort to go from a newfag scrublord with an sks to the m4 spraying chad that you actually want to play as consistently. Then when you finally reach the point were you have all the gear you want and reached the goals you had at the beginning you realize that there is no more motive for the player to continue other than the combat which takes too much time to get back into when you inevitably die. You realize that the risk/reward balance it totally skewed for the top level player that you now are. Every time you die you have to preform a number of administrative tasks buried in multiple menu screens across the games many systems.
shut up you fag, go blow your brains out.
imagine if those game mechanics were used in a stalker-like single player experience and not a SHIT MULTI-PLAYER EXPERIENCE DESIGNED TO STEAL YOUR MONEY THROUGH MICRO TRANSACTIONS
To clarify the time invested to level/gear everything in the game up isn’t the problem. It is that the game completely wipes the servers every few months and then you have to do it all over again. If it was a one time thing it would be fine. I just can’t invest that same time and energy every 2-3 months. I have a real life too. It does freshen up the gameplay and give you back the motives and incentives that you were lacking before the wipe but it just takes too long to be a regularly repeated gauntlet.
That being said the primary issue is the time in between raids, win or lose, being far too long and tedious. You play the game wanting to play as the trigger man and you realize that you spend just as much time, if not more, as the pencil pusher, the armorer, the cook, the logistics manager, the deck swabber, etc.
Put it this way, you’re playing Celeste, the gameplay is awesome, the platforming is crisp, well designed, difficult, and rewarding. The only change is that instead of nearly instantly respawning and getting to try again and learn from your mistakes you have to repack Madeline’s backpack, call Granny, meet up with Theo, send Mom a letter, and climb back to were you were, before you can simply try the sequence of jumps and dashes again. It’s fucking agonizing. You can’t just play the game and that eventually gets really old. I do love the gameplay, I just don’t have the kind of time and energy to invest to it, and even if I did, I’d invest it elsewhere because, while Tarkov is one of the most visceral and rewarding games I’ve ever played, you only get to play like 30-45 minutes of every hour invested and I just can’t get past that.
have you even played the game?
I read all of this.
nice gunporn but the itself is horrible
I wouldn't call it fun. Exciting maybe?
I like the attention to detail on the guns. Great animations and sound on almost all of them.
I dislike the retarded balance and having to grind to unlock gear that doesn't suck balls.
It’s needlessly impenetrable to cater to a minority of no life whales, but it is a very unique experience, feels like a streamlined mmo stalker, only without the fun.
Just be a good player fucking noobs, yer probably at streamer level.
I like scum btw
So you know absolutely nothing about the game. Thanks for sharing, retard.
I really hope the developers of stalker 2 shamelessly rip off tarkov(tarkov is a rip of stalker anyway) but I know in my heart they will probably just make a mediocre video game
It's great if you're willing to put in a lot of time both inside and outside the game. The early learning curve is a nightmare and it's extremely unintuitive and unwelcoming to new players, and there's a ton of information you'll need to research from third parties. But if that's something you're good with, it's a really deep game you can easily put hundreds of hours into.
>especially considering its the love child of a no name russian dev.
lol because only americans, one of the lowest IQ nations, can make good games right
if you took all the mechanics/systems but made it a single player stalker or metro game i'd love it
as a multiplayer game you need to play it a certain way to be competitive against other players and for me it isn't an immersive or enjoyable way to play
>It looks fun
It looks fun, it's not.
>there's no micro transactions!
>there's just a $150 version of the game where you get free guns ammo gear and a larger stash!
you niggers are delusional, game is pay to win.
Unironically the gameplay improves if you pirate it lmao
When coop gets added to JET it might get enough attention to receive updates through mods faster than the official version and get the rug pulled out from it.
Extended raid timer on a mega woods map with things like airdrops and paramilitary raids etc. could be good fun to innawoods with friends.
I love DayZ so will I like Tarkov? I've seen them compared before.
The fact that you read that into what I posted says a lot about you.
To clarify why I added your trigger word “russian” I didn’t even consciously type it, but I guess subconsciously I used it because in my experience most games cone from Japan, NA, and EU (excluding Russia). To my knowledge, of all the games I’ve played, this is one of, if not, the only game I’ve played by ANY russian dev. Let alone a good game by an unheard of russian dev.
Again, the fact that you read my post and that is what you took away from it is rather telling. Seek help. Good day.
get a life
Tarkov is a lot more action packed than Dayz.
yes most likely
It's much closer to something like CoD on small maps because you can't just join a map, you have to matchmake into a 50 minute FFA/TDM match with a survival game's skin
Roadmap intended the game to become open world and it would be more fluid when you go in and out of raids, so PvP would be more infrequent as sessions don't really spawn and die so rigidly, but crap questing, dodgy AI and the most dangerously equipped enemies in the game are powergaming whales means you get stuck in maps with at least 2 guys whose sole objective is camping and killing you for fun, while another 2-3 speedrun the best loot to leave nothing for you.
Bigger maps it gets a little better but the main game is the fucking auction house outside of raids so people can have anything they want at any time, and roll people who don't have it anywhere they want.
Just Emulate Tarkov is the pirated version with server emulator that allows a lot of customisation. I'm playing AE mod which removes the auction house and fixes up the AI quite a bit so it's closer to STALKER, so you can check out the offline side of Tarkov if you want.
and a shooka bleeyat to you too, pardner!
Having a few different editions of the game isn’t microtransactions.
~$40 base version
~$140 “ultimate edition” with season pass dlc
>calling a $100 dev support and dlc pass edition “micro” transactions
Also, you doubling down and calling it pay to win just proves you haven’t played and know nothing about the actual game. When you’re in game, in combat, looting, running to the extract, whatever, your “game edition” has no bearing on the outcome. If you’re decent at the game it doesn’t even save much time, desu.
just go signup as merc to Ukraine, its same exact thing
I've been playing it since eraliest available beta.
>truly unique game
>very realistic and fun to play either solo or with friends
>it's either a "multiplayer survival horror" or it's a "corradooty looty shooty wtf i got shot from nowhere shit game fuck you"
>nice weapon autism and market
>wipes keep game fresh
>dev team has proven themselves
>insanely reliant on you getting external info on the game
>bloat with endless useless ammo that are all complete trash except for one round. 9x18 is notorious
>building an ar15 is a nightmare
>shit engine and insane scope mean update turnarounds are rather slow
>cheater problem comes and goes, you get maybe a few per wipe but when you get them it sours.
Reccomended alternatives to dip your toes into "you die you lose all":
Hunt showdown, the cycle beta
This is an incredibly accurate description of the game
microtransactions fags are retarded
>chimp out over GT7 having microtransaction that is literally a tiny text the color of background on a window that goes away in a few seconds after every race as you get more money and that's it
>meanwhile they give you entire games worth of content for free in updates, while forza babbies are nickle and dimed for tracks and cars
>having different editions of the game are microtransactions and pay to win when many best players run the base edition as all it saves you is having to find a few common intems and in a month your hideout is maxed anyway
>th-they're just time savers! not micro transactions!
imagine being this much of a fanboy. by your logic gta online isn't pay to win either, you can just buy the version of gta v that comes with some money because it's really just saving you some time. also there's free updates to gta v so they totally deserve it bro.
hol up nigger are you actually defending GT700 hours to earn a new car?
Pretty sure that's why the mtx sucks shit
that's the thing. it LOOKS fun but it actually isn't.
So, uh, what is it exactly? I never understood. Is it a STALKER skinned BR? Why do I keep seeing people say it's P2W? Help me understand.
Most fun game to hack in
I think its too tedious, slow, and "challenging" in all the wrong ways. There is way too much splitting of hairs kind of bullshit in the game. It takes too long to have any real fun with the game or get anywhere good. And yet you can still be killed instantly by some faggot running a meme gun/build. It just wastes all your time, progress, and money. Not to mention the map system being shit/non-existant in game and the extract points also being dumb/badly designed or forcing you to go to ones that are "open" or require specific things to get out. Meds and ammo also being insanely cut up into different categories is very dumb, boring, and annoying. Good for realism I guess, bad for everything else. The time gating om SCAVs sucks ass too, and so does using PMCs to take in good gear or do "nothing" runs which just end up getting you killed.
I think the game is great for the people that can really spend time going deep into it, or spend autismo hours playing. But for any average person its just a shitfest. Even if you "git gud" at it, it ultimately isnt that great.
this, when you start hacking you see how many other people are hacking too and it really kills the game
are you an actual tard? That's not even close of a comparison
>GTA:O; lose all of your rockstar bucks
>just buy more ad nauseam
>EFT; buying a new edition just means a bigger starting stash and a few extra guns. Lost them all being a shitter? oh well, git gud or wait until the next wipe
STALKER meme because russian setting and one guy on the dev team that worked on the stalker UI or something.
P2W because you can fork over 150$ to get a special edition that gives you a bunch of ingame advantages.
Just admit that you haven’t played the game and are speaking on something that you are uninformed about.
Its alright but dont expect realism at all
lose almost* ALL your shit when you die
this can lead to you going bankrupt trying to afford pea shooters and failing to leave in time
(it actually happened to me once)
the safety net is you can invade an active session as a random NPC and then leave as them and take all their stuff, but not only is this on a timer, you also can get killed by anyone before they leave and get nothing
So the have nots get shoved down a pit and the haves have so much money and resources they cannot possibly be better equipped and have nothing to do left but deathmatch or get richer.
*Player characters have a secure case that keeps whatever is in it even if you die, so you can earn something at least, anything that fits in a 2x2 grid
So yeah P2W for every wipe basically.
>not on steam
>got its own special snowflake launcher
Not only is it hard to lose all your money in GTA:O though, the vast majority of your wealth goes into permanent non-liquid assets like heist houses, which come every DLC drop and require a ton of grind paid in the past or with your credit card to even start playing.
raid based looter shooter with a focus on being hardcore and relatively realistic. Load into a raid with your gear loot stuff for money, weapon parts, crafting, and so on. If you die you lose everything you brought. Can kill other people for their stuff.
It got old quick
9x18 is fine if youre using rgo28 or sp7 on kedr and melting legs. Otherwise its a worthless class of bullets
It's a game for people who pretend to be in the military and like customizing guns but are too afraid to shoot them but will tell everyone about how cool they are for owning an AR-15 with a red dot sight and extended cumrag barrels/magazines. Played it for about 20 hours but it never clicked for me. I've never been a fan of realistic shooters so I wasn't expecting to like it, but I think the core gameplay loop is just boring. If you're to compare it to other similar gameplay loops, they at least have an end-goal you are working towards. EFT is just loot guns so you can go back out and loot more guns so you can go back out and loot more guns and occasionally fight a player so you can steal their guns, but there is no goal so it's all ultimately pointless.
You get the upgraded containers through gameplay and endgame is still better than 3x3. And again, if you are decent at the game it’s not much of a crutch. You will have a good container size very early in the wipe if you play regularly.
Huh, actually thoughtful critique on Yea Forums. No one the gay niggas rolled up scared.
Do not consider it unless you buy the $150 pay to be human edition. Do not consider buying the $150 edition if you have a single modicum of dignity about you.
ok let's break this down for you dumb niggers.
$45 edition of the game comes with a few items and a small stash.
$140 edition comes with a lot of items and a much larger stash.
are you saying there is no measurable ingame advantage to starting with better gear and a larger stash? the "just play it for 100 hours bro" excuse doesn't work here. because there is, and you can pay money for an ingame advantage. that's pay to win.