How can one man be so right about everything?
How can one man be so right about everything?
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His 2013 GOTY was Bioshock Infinite, he's not right about everything. That said he is pretty based most of the time.
it was the GOTY 2013
His biggest problem is that he's shit at videogames
I was surprised he liked Bioshock Infinite, he's usually able to see through that sort of bullshit and not like obviously shit gameplay. Matthewmatosis gave the most honest and well-reasoned BI critique that I came across that managed to sum up pretty accurately how I felt about the game. I expected Yahtzee to feel similarly.
It was utter shit though 2013 was a shit year. I haven't played Last of Us but I suspect it's similarly overrated. I would've given it to Rayman Legends or Crusader Kings 2 but that's just me.
people really do have trouble differentiating between hyperbole and the super bowl.
>Black Flag
>Stanley Parable
>Blood Dragon
I mean it wasn't a great year for games but infinite absolutely did not deserve the win
Oh yeah and I forgot Paper, Please too. Hell I'd rate Saints Row 4 higher than Inifnite
>accurately captioned
How did they get away with it?
he's not always right, but i gotta give him credit for never bending the knee and apologizing to trannoids and other mentally unstable faggots
>Stanley Parable
wonder why Yea Forums loves that oh-so-subversive reddit flick
removing the vulgarity from the subtitles would be discriminating against deaf people
I don't love it, but it was better than BI
>it's bad because they don't use the word nigger
Matthewbasedtosis was always right
If you were here in 2013 you’d know it was hard to find any negative critique of the game when it came out. I fucking hated it and thought i was taking crazy pills. I’m guessing it was a bad year for games like other posters said, so it just ended up being ahead by onus of garbage competition.
> GOTY2013
> Crusader Kings 2
It was barebones trash in its first year
2-3 years later the expansions had fleshed it out to great, but at that point it wasn't 2013 any more
He's a fucking faggot and a shill.
more like "everyone enjoyed the game, but then decided to be contrarian on it for some reason"
BioShock Infinite was game of the year of 2013 fuck you
That is only one of the points he brings up but it's a valid one.
I hated BioShock Infinite too, don't worry. It was just a shit game with... just the worst writing imaginable. The writing style of a brainlet trying to make things sound loft. People saying things like:
>"It didn't appear... it's... always been here..."
With dramatic pauses. Embarrassing garbage for pseudo-intellectual journalists.
It was one of those games where everyone liked and I felt like I was missing something. I couldn't understand why everyone liked it so much and I didn't. I felt the same way when Force Awakens got overwhelmingly positive reception.
>trashes 90% of commercially successful mainstream games
Papers Please for me.
Matt was a faggot
Mgr is mid
Black flag was a fun 75% Pirate game
Pretty good but probably not game of the Year contender
Papers please is not better than infinite
The worst writing imaginable is a hyperbolic stretch when Ride to Hell retribution came up that same year. That slow paw shit is in movies video games etc. Getting annoyed at that means you have an autistic trait
Yahtzee is uncancellable. He IS the Escapist right now.
He called Dark Souls bad until everyone told him he was wrong
Nah, he shills FROMshit way too hard.
>The worst writing imaginable is a hyperbolic stretch when Ride to Hell retribution came up that same year.
Ride to Hell was not written with the pretense of being deep, meaningful commentary, which Infinite was. It's a game that is extremely far up its own ass and Ken Levine is a hack who is praise because, shit man, I dunno, he's a Jew who writes midwit scripts for mediocre games?
The question is if the escapist is uncancellable
>Matt was a faggot
More like he was completely right.
>Elden Ring's open world is good
>is supposed to be the anti-mainstream dude
>hasn't reviewed Kenshi, the closest thing to a perfect open world
I mostly applaud it for being a walking simulator with a story that couldn't have just been a movie instead.
90% is a little high
It's honestly not that bad and it's self-grandizing is extremely hyperbolically uncharitable. Unless you can provide some legitimate examples of the game being so selfishly obnoxious absurd then I don't buy it
In being an absolute loser yes.
Infinite also wasn't trying to go for some extreme in-depth psychological manifestation of your inner turmoil and mind. It sounds like if Bioshock 1 was made today you would say that exact same shit. Also have to remember these are game developers not fucking philosophers they're going to try to write the material around the script as best as they can and I don't think they did a bad job in this instance.
>In being an absolute loser yes.
Still right about Bioslop Shitfinite.
prey completely blows it out of the water then by having game devs that actually care and try
He's often right, but he also sucks at video games
>Implying infinite doesn't because you think the script is arbitrarily written out of someone's asshole even though you have no evidence or sort of examples to back that up
Good meme no he's not and he's a dumb fuck who hasn't uploaded in however many fucking years. Game is still divisive but leaning on the positive side.
Also the autistic dumb fuck actually thinks that last of us is more deserving of praise than infinite which is lmfaos me up
Oh actually correction he hasn't uploaded since last year. Didn't check the exact date but it's probably going to be closing into 2 years soon. Not to mention most of his reviews were redditors first critique.
I wouldn't know what he said about Last of Us, haven't watched that or played the game. He was right about Bioshock though.
You can keep repeating that till you're blue in the face he wasn't and nothing's going to change that. The video was dumb when it came out and the video still remains dumb 8 years later
>wait a minute that card
>"I've been thinking about the video Alex showed you. Your brother believes that version of you is the true Morgan. But why? Just because it came first? If someone had made you - then I suppose your truest self would be the one that fulfills whatever purpose your maker intended. I know who made me, and why. Did someone make you, Morgan? Were you made for something? If not, you'll have to invent your own purpose. Or have none at all. Strangely, of all the things I know about you, I don't know what you believe. You have to decide, Morgan. Who are you?"
Wasn't this the guy who blindly hated souls and monster hunter until they suddenly got popular?
>The fucking meme card in the beginning to hence the player on what to do in the very beginning.
Like I said. Nothing
Also the game literally ends with a dream or some shit I'm pretty sure. Way to circumvent your whole fucking game. Also the game is a literal who at this point
Nope. You haven't offered a single contradictory point against other than he hasn't uploaded in years, he liked some other shit game, he's a loser and he's a faggot.
He was right.
He had a bad taste with demon Souls because he didn't get it and then once Dark Souls came out he got it and then he replayed demon souls and he kind of liked it. Long story short he's a fan of from software games
looks like someone missed the point of the entire fucking thing
You really want me to go dissect his fucking eight year 35 minute video on a thread that's going to get 404d anyways? Kek get bent. I remember watching it and disagreeing with his criticism I'm not going to go skim through it to remind myself with this shit so I have to party for reasons listed above
Glad you've conceded he was right.
>the worst bioshock has white knights for its story
jesus christ
Yeah that was a pretty decent game that got memory hole'd as quickly as it came out. And that you cherry picked your one good quote out of some stupid tutorial shit from the beginning of the BioShock game proving your disingenuous cuntiness. Kill yourself
I didn't he was wrong and he's a dumb fuck so are you for harping on his nuts this hard
The worst bisock game would be 2.
>If you were here in 2013 you’d know it was hard to find any negative critique of the game when it came out.
lmao even
As someone who really liked the game after my initial playthrough that I did in one sitting on midnight release and only soured a lot on it after doing 1999 mode, or whatever it was called, you are completely full of shit. Yea Forums was filled with people who didn't like the game for a myriad of reasons when I checked 8 hours after launch.
reminds me of when deathloop came out. game still looks like shit
To anyone who unironically disagrees. While BioShock Infinite is not the strongest in the series because that would go to one and then infinite and then two. To pretend it's a vitriolic ass painful mistake of a BioShock game is ridiculous.
It's not the fallout 4 of the Bioshock franchise. There is plenty good in the game the characters are likeable. The combat etc was great. Story was easy to follow and the list of actual good shit is endless. If one is a 10 BioShock Infinite is at least a solid 7
Yeah, he was right, you're wrong.
Careful not to accidentally swallow his balls while you're washing them with your mouth user
>from software games
Fuck souls fags, I want Armored Core!
>Actually you have to watch this 8-year-old half hour video that Matthew made because all my points and criticisms are literally in that video for this thread.
I played infinite when it came out back in 2013 and completed it in one 13 hour sitting on 1999 mode which I unlocked early with the konami code. Game was definitely not GOTY 2013 no matter what metric you look at. MGR was the best pic because it's amazing and has proven to have stood the test of time, but there was also shit like TLOU/Tomb Raider reboot for pretentious movie fans, GTAV came out that year and that blows everything out of the water for financial success and mass market appeal. Hell even Assassins Creed 4 came out that year and is arguably more enjoyable. Infinite is only relevant due to it's ties to Bioshock which are loose at best.
Never going to happen. I'm with you there but we've lost
Are we really going to act like metal gear rising was the pinnacle of gaming in 2013?
Bioshock is a shit game, I'll debate that point with you further if you want to give your opinions as to why it's good but this argument has just been about whether or not his video was right, which it was. You have not refuted that and as such you are wrong.
pretty sure it was demon's souls. i recall him liking dark souls.
unironically, yes
Infinite's combat managed to be a step back from 2's because of worse weapons (that you can only hold two of) and plasmids.
I love that the story being easy to follow is a listed virtue rather than it being, you know, good. But how could you call something good that involves asinine bullshit like ghost mom or "no shit we could have never carried gun manufacturing machinery ourselves, let's just jump to a different universe where we never had to do any of what we did in the past hour of story because the machinery wasn't confiscated."
We can't argue about the metrics of his video because not only have you not sourced them you expect me to fucking source them for a thread that's going to give 404d. What the fuck should I go back to an 8 year old video play it on like two times speed just to have an internet argument for a temporary thread? I watched it when it came out and I disagreed with it heavily. I can't remember every single point that was in it but I guarantee my opinion hasn't changed.
So from where we stand you think his videos right I think his videos wrong and there's no proper pass through on this
Those are mediocre games at best.
Can you name a better game that came out in 2013?
The weapons were perfectly fine and suitable for your average shooter. The vigor's perfectly complemented it and didn't need much. Obviously the two weapon wheel system was kind of shitty but I felt more as though infinite kind of wanted you to be situational with whatever weapons are using. I remember I kept my revolver pretty much the entire time. I will say some of the mechanics around it were kind of bunk though
I think it's both good and pretty good to follow. I don't see how it been good to follow is a negative that makes people even dumb people feel more engaged. We're not trying to watch a fucking David Lynch film. The reason for opening the tear made sense
Did far cry 3 come on 2013 or was that 2012? Otherwise infinite
And Bioshock isn't?
As I said, he was right you are wrong.
Far Cry 3 was 2012, and infinite is fucking garbage so it's not an option.
Bioshock Infinite isn't mediocre, it's outright bad.
And as I said this isn't an argument and you're a retard
Infinite was pretty good didn't see anything else that beat it that year
Hyperbole is hilarious especially considering other games that came out there
Not liking e-celeb and politics?
Now I have to dig up a wojak and call you a tranny