This game honestly sucks and feels like what would happen if reddit was given free reign to create the next Doom after...

This game honestly sucks and feels like what would happen if reddit was given free reign to create the next Doom after 2016.

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no windows 7 support meant i had to return it :(
that's 3 things so far that i cant play because of no windows 7 support

It is dogshit I mean only strictly game design, I don't give a fuck about story or aesthetic changes
that was worse desu

2016 had better armor. the one where his arms are exposed is homosexual

it's that fucking hispanic guy in the interviews for 2016 and this one. In the first one he seemed like he just wanted to make a fun doom reboot and succeeded, but he's clearly *that* kind of aspie where any positive reaction sets him into overdrive to outdo himself to get more positive feedback. So he concocted this retarded "chess" match of switching guns for specific enemies and turning it into a resource management game with candy crush colored items popping out of everything.

Why do exposed male arms frighten you?

Filtered. 2016 sucked ass and Eternal fixed almost all of its issues. 2016 had
>Shitty unskippable cutscenes every 10 minutes
>No reason to use anything other than the SSG
>Terrible collectibles
>Horrid combat with 50% of the "combat" being searching for the last imp jumping around like a retard
>Awful visual variety
>No replayability

>>No reason to use anything other than the SSG
Siege mode, tho

Are you possibly homosexual?

>fixed almost all of its issues
I assume you were one of the retards who looked at 2016 and thought "You know what this DOOM game is missing? More platforming!"

My gf made me this cake

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Nah, I looked at 2016 and said "Why the fuck is every encounter like 8 demons max and most of them are imps?". 2016 sucked ass.

2016 is what felt like if reddit made an "old school fps"

I had fun with it; I enjoyed the few times I got really into it and slaughtered an entire horde of demons in seconds, before looking back and realizing "holy shit, I did that," the controller still shaking in my hands

i would kms and then kill her

it's as epic as metadoom

Gameplay was good, the story and aesthetics were just signs that Doom still chased trends since 2016
Anyone who compared Doom to Berserk, Devil May Cry or Shin Megami Tensei must feel foolish when TAG2 had a literal Avengers Endgame inspired cutscenes
A western game will always be a western game

I just can't get into it for the life of me. Sure it's challenging sometimes, but when I win it doesn't even feel rewarding. The alternating between shooting and glory kills feels contrived. Then again, I'm a Serious Sam fanboy, so maybe I have a different idea of what "good" is.

I'm a Sam fanboy and I thoroughly enjoyed DE.

It has excellent, deep, fun gameplay, but it sacrifices EVERYTHING for it. The environments are completely static and sterile, there are no measures at all to make you feel like you're a part of the world, the aesthetics are a huge step down from 2016, and every chainsaw kill yields a gigantic spew of neon vomit drops that looks like complete shit. Even the "secrets" are literally fucking shown on the map. Still a good game because the combat is so fun but that's literally all it has going for it.

You did that in the original Doom games as well. Unless you're some sort of freak that chainguns Revenants and Mancubi rather than SSG or rocketing them.

>The environments are completely static and sterile, there
>sgn being covered in flesh and blood
>cultist base/dhb base straight from Quake 2
>and every chainsaw kill yields a gigantic spew of neon vomit drops that looks like complete shit.
As opposed to gigantic spew of piss drops?

>So he concocted this retarded "chess" match of switching guns for specific enemies and turning it into a resource management game with candy crush colored items popping out of everything.
Sounds like someone never played og games with pistol start on uv

Fuck I wish I could be you. DE certainly looks very well made and it's a pity when everybody around me loves it but it's just a slog for me. It's like smoking weed with your buddies and you get paranoid every time.

If you had actually read what I posted you would know that my argument is not that the levels "look bad" (even though gore nest looks fucking awful and is easily the ugliest level in either game), it's that the environments are just empty set dressing with barely any relevance to the gameplay apart from some monkey bars and jump pads every now and then. Compare that to an FPS like half life 2 in which you are constantly interacting with your environment and its props in interesting and creative ways. Also the false equavilence between neon vomit and piss drops is idiotic and I don't have to provide an example of ammo and HP drops in fps games not looking like complete garbage, you can easily find that on your own.

Doom Eternal is the Firestarter sequel I always wanted.

>it's that the environments are just empty set dressing with barely any relevance to the gameplay apart from some monkey bars and jump pads every now and then
So same thing as in every doom game. Gotcha

>Here's a criticism of the game
>Well actually every other game in the series also has this problem
you are a midwit

>bwaaa why can't i kill enemies with garbage like in valve shit


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go back to sucking dicks on reddit

anyone have the screenshots and images that "proved" Yea Forums and screwattack created nudoom?

no idea what you're talking about, but reminds me of back when Yea Forums thought they sunk the tortanic.

just hope you swing into her hard enough from the rope? try to aim through your head to hers? down the pills, then through a handful of them at her mouth like batarangs? lol you're fun user

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It's not a problem. The game is about killing monsters. The environment's role is to look cool and provide fun exploration (in case of OG)/arenas (in case of all of them). Not everything needs to be an immersion sim.

stop pretending to hate the platforming

I think the base game is mostly pretty good other than trashing Hayden. 2016 is better other than a few things. DLC is pure cancer.

>2016 except every level is that bullshit where you're locked in a room until everything's dead
I got about an hour in

2016 is literally nothing except getting stuck in an arena shooter

low test faggot. the tacky aesthetics of doom eternal are far superior and more akin the og doom. 2016 is a gay le epic badass serious game

What are the other 2?

Doom 1 - 6/10 today
Doom 2 - 9/10
Doom 64 - 9/10
Doom 3 - 5/10
Doom 4 - 7/10
Doom 5 - 8.5/10

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>Doom 2: 7/10
>Doom Eternal: 9.5/10
>Doom 2 mods: 1E+100/10

Ok explain me why the levels feels the same and your gameplay style doesn't really matter cause after few upgrades you blast every single enemy except the marauders?

I'm convinced that describing something as "reddit" is in fact reddit as this point. The word is interchangeable with "cringe", but since Yea Forums is a pro-cringe board reddit posters avoid using that word, and instead describe what they consider cringe as "reddit".

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I really hate running out of ammo in 8 seconds and being forced to use the chainsaw.

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FPS are boring unless it's competitive 5v5

You can't run out of ammo in 8 seconds past early game.

It's the ol' Reddit treadmill. Posters will come up with something on this site, it will become an ebin meme, board culture and whatnot, then as soon as it spreads beyond Yea Forums, it has become Reddit and always has been.

>this thing sucks
>why? because it's reddit
room temperature IQ

Yeah, it's 12 seconds instead.

Why the fuck do they thought that more cutscenes is a good thing in Eternal ?
It's Xcom all over again
>Fracnchise had decent remake of an old game

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Because they wanted to have fun with them. They also made them skippable so yeah.

i tried like 3 times to get into it while i loved 2016. it doesn't feel like a doom game at all. its not fun.

>>Horrid combat with 50% of the "combat" being searching for the last imp jumping around like a retard
That's pretty much Doom Eternal though.

how so? I played it on my win7 without any software issues.

2016 sucked because every fight was telegraphed from a mile away, and they gave up spawning enemies between those arenas halfway through the game.
The shotgun was also worse than Doom 3's.

I still hate that it is balanced around waiting for glory kills to finish. Yes, you can skip them with a skill but it just makes the game a lot harder as it is balanced around the pauses. It needs a better melee combat system that doesn't pause the game by default, with combos.

Yea Forums complaining about Eternal's cutscenes is just the definition of graspign at straws.
The lengths i've seen Yea Forums go to seethe about this game is embarassing, like the first month with that autist who spammed threads because Eternal had weapon pick up icons instead of "COOL BADASS ANIMATIONS" like in Doom 2016.

>it's that the environments are just empty set dressing with barely any relevance to the gameplay apart from some monkey bars and jump pads every now and then
You must have hated Doom 2 then.

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No it isn't, literally the only time I got stuck is literally because a monster spawned outside the map.

> So he concocted this retarded "chess" match of switching guns for specific enemies and turning it into a resource management game
That's literally what the highest level of play in Doom wads are, specially in slaughter wads like Sunder.

Reminder that Yea Forums decided to shit on Eternal a month before it came out because Yea Forums realized people were hyped for it.
The same almost happened to DMCV, and in fact that game has a handful of autists that are the only reason DMCV didn't have much conversation in Yea Forums, since all they did was shit up threads, seethe about DMCV and talk about how great DmC was.

Yea Forums is nothing but autistic, racially ambiguous, low IQ kids, and should be treated as such.

The original games didn't let you switch immediately after firing, it didn't have this stupid ADHD juggling meta where every single enemy is killed in the exact same way. Those games had real resource management too, not just spamming cooldowns to rubberband yourself back to full.

This game is cool, I just got filtered cause I can't do insane swaps like youtubers do so I played something else. I like 2016 more literally only because it was easier and I could mostly do what I wanted. If I weren't shit at videogames I would enjoy eternal way more than 2016, well except for the missing MP and the armor customization cause I feel like 2016 MP was fairly traditional over the sea of battle royale looter shooters, 4v1, survival "minigame" styled modes. Deathmatch and TDM will always be more fun to me than anything else

> it didn't have this stupid ADHD juggling meta where every single enemy is killed in the exact same way.
lmao what, the hardest WADS are literally just super shotty and BFG spam.

>Those games had real resource management too, not just spamming cooldowns to rubberband yourself back to full.
And you think that's what Eternal needs, to be slowed down by actual resource management and to have you accurately aiming your shots, giving you less freedom?

>I can't do insane swaps like youtubers do
You don't need to.

It's not Doom, but it's fun. The gameplay of the original ones is also affected by it's technical limitations, which aren't a thing here, I don't think you can replicate the original Dooms without just outright removing stuff like being able to look up or down.

Wrong. Combat is a clusterfuck that sacrifices depth and complexity for visual overload and a checklist. Do anything wrong and you're fucked for breaking the intended flow