Elden Ring’s ‘Easy Mode’ Is One Of The Most Popular Mods Right Now

What a bunch of mentally weak losers

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>P.C. Players

Oh wow….

Literally the first thing PC gamers do when given the choice is make god mode trainers or save states in their emulators

Of course they're weak bitches.

Yea Forumsros...
they're having fun...
how do we stop this?

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The game is already piss fucking easy, it spawns you in front of the boss room and you can farm easy bosses for souls whenever you want. Im nuking every major boss right now one shotting them, that's never happened in and dark souls game

My cheevos said I beat the game chuds

So much for the Masta Race


>The Rine Starts Here


>180 day quarantine for online if used
not my problem

t. ps4

They can't play online so I don't care if they want to ruin their own experience.

good now they can stop complaining

E-z mode.....forgive me......

They should probably find a different series

Do PC gamers really?

>Spirit Summons
>Overlevling is easy
How do you need an easy mode?

The "maybe this just isn't for me, I'll play something else" mentality doesn't seem to exist anymore.

Literal propaganda because Gaming Journalists are trying to pressure From to include Easy mode in their games.
Nobody is actually using this but them.

it already has an easy mode and its called summons or ashes

if you still can't beat a boss with those you should probably kill yourself out of sheer embarrasment

23k people using a mod is news worthy. Seems more like it's a convenient narrative point to say "see we were right, Dark Souls does need an easy mode" there is a reason weasel language like "one of the most popular" is how they phrase it.

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Stop using azur comet then


>One Of The Most Popular Mods Right Now
one of the most popular mods for... what? Of all timeor for just Elden Ring?

For context, twice as many people felt the need to replace dragons with Randy Savage.

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Bloodborne (PS4 exclusive) chads stay winning

>twice as many people felt the need to replace dragons with Randy Savage.
Should be more desu

im flying to a friend's house for a few days to play BB because I'm not going to buy a PS4+BB

more like the game isnt balanced for shit and not everyone wants to grind to level 300+ for it to be easy.

I enjoy both Bloodborne and Elden Ring.

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I just checked nexus and it’s not even in the top 5 most endorsed, why are they lying?

>look mom I'm baiting
everyone knows this is from's easiest game since ds2.

What does it actually do?


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The game's already rather easy since it's so open and you can go somewhere else if things are hard for you with one boss.
And if I've done every dungeon and area before going to the fatlus plateau, you'll be severely overleveled anyway.

Why does it bother you so much that some people would like an easy mode that have to invent a conspiracy?


Attached: EAZY MODO.png (882x667, 107.9K)

Basically they claim this now and when arguing about from needing to put in an easy mode they can point to these articles and claim it's what the majority of people want and therefore what from should do. It also reinforces their position that it's not that they're bad but that the games are too hard and need an easy mode.

Fuck, i know the video of this webm. It's about a guide of farming jewels.

It's like an Ethiopian kid judging Americans for eating too much. It's not like he has a chance to prove his own discipline since he never has food.

Gets you banned most likely

>Reduces damage to you by 50%
>Increases your attack damage by 25%
>Doubles your hit box radius
>Doubles amount of health you recover from flasks

>Elden Ring players are being banned for using easy mode
Why are they so fucking obsessed with souls getting an easy mode? It's up to the creators of the game, it's their artistic vision. I wouldn't demand a band make their songs easier to play or say "oooh I think you should have gone to F# there" the whole thing is preposterous. But we know the reason, hate clicks.

Anyone tried it? How does it feel just out of curiousity?

It's mentality of consoom drones, pick worst but good marketed game in the series, push through asap on easy mode (or cry about difficulty and download a mod), chalk off and to the next "big thing" cancer creators are hyping up.

>mfw I'm personally tailoring my own experience exactly as I want to make it exactly as hard as I want
>made myself a zweihander capable of getting a faith-scaling lightning strike WA with a claymore moveset and a pillory shield with 95% phys block for maximum fashion
>made litany of death USEABLE, no more 12(??) damages 2s spellcasting
>made the crucible spells more satisfying by slightly upping their range and hitbox and knockback power
sucks to be you fags, have fun with that unbalanced mess of a game, I'll be having fun meanwhile

>Use magic and shield

Shut the fuck up nerds

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That is a big number but it's less than 10% of the people who viewed it, also kinda weird that it has 50k downloads but less than half were unique.


Why not just summon? What's the appeal of modding the game to make it easier rather than using all of the mechanics that are already in the game to make it easier?

I wouldnt mind just increased damage and health, although mostly for mid-late game.

Considering I feel OP in most areas at level 80 I can only assume it would make it so you don't really have to fear death.

>defending this faggotry
an hero, faggot

Apparently it's split up so you can pick and choose which buffs and debuffs to install.

it's WAY too easy for 75% of the game, the main issue with the game is that the last 4-ish areas are completely outscaling all the others (haligtree and mohg's especially), it makes the game feel like your usual child-focused normal mode game like ratchet and clank or something (though those numbers seem way too high even for the last few areas)

you're better off using less 'specific' mods like that 'fun overhaul' mod or the sacred tweaks mod, which simply makes some specific builds much more fun and interesting to play (though always unbalanced, but not to the extent of the other one)

I'm extremely interested in seeing where the modding scene is going to go for elden ring in the future though, seeing how popular this game became compared to the other ones, yet the other games ALREADY had some very good and content heavy mods, and (most of) the modding tools are already out and working for ER, I feel like this could very well become a new skyrim

I don't get what these fags don't understand. Not having easy mode as an option is part of the experience. Otherwise I'd died twice as turn it onto easy mode and get no sense of accomplishment when I beat something. Seriously how monged in the head are these people philosophically? Not to mention these cunts are the ones always banding about that videogames are art.
>Videogames are art

Maybe I'll get it just to turn it on when the enemies become boring.


you guys still playing elden ring. that shit is old news, already finished it twice. imagine wanting to play it a 3rd time in 2 fucking months
collecting all of the shitty map peices
copy pasta bosses
even worse copy pasta ugly gray and blue chalice dungeons
half of the main bosses are lame
only 4-6 "legacy" dungeons, the best part of the game when the oldergames we just called them levels and their were dozens

I have nothing against this. The first time I played KotOR back in the day I used cheats. It was one of my first real RPGs and I was playing for the story. What did I do after I beat it? I stopped cheating. Eventually replaying it on hard a couple of times a year. I think back of how I might have dropped the game out of difficulty. Granted, that cheating is behind me, I was just a teen. Nowadays I have to get mods for games like DA:Origins to make it harder, and have done a solo nightmare run.

Some people like to enjoy the game their way. Harder or easier. Nothing wrong with it. No different than modding other games. I'm sure if these people enjoy the game enough, they'll attempt it on a harder difficulty. That's the reason for difficulty options in the first place. Does it ultimately change the experience? Of course. But better than the person never experiencing it at all. I don't give a fuck what the developers intended. Do what you want. Anyone crying are gatekeeping nerds who's only accomplishment is beating a hard game.

Who cares? If you want to play that way, go for it.

Why are fromdrones upset over this? It's not affecting them in any way

>Easiest dark souls
Make it easier!