Is the honey moon phase finally over?
Is the honey moon phase finally over?
elden ring lives rent free in westoids minds
This thread is stupid. Post green haired vidya girls.
once you get to the 2nd playthrough the honeymoon phase ends and you realize how shallow it really is
It has MMOtier overworld
You can literally count the steps required to get from one dungeon to another and its always the same
They did this distribution to make the world be filled with shit, but it feels like a fucking MMOtier map where you have to choose which point of interest you will do now and which one you will do afterwards, and every dungeon are the same assets being rearranged in a different way
Why the fuck they couldn't make it fully legacy dungeons like before? Open world is a fucking mistake
Westoids are the katananiggers of Elden Ring. The smallest bit of adversity and they cower in fear.
im on ng4 and i cant stop
random e-faggot
Yes, finally time for us to admit this game is shit.
>acknowledges that miyamoto made it balanced around summons
>dude why are the bosses so hard solo
>bro imagine if the dark souls bosses were like this even though those games are fucking old
summons = didn't beat the game
>boss fights are absolutely bullshit without summons
>boss fights are complete pushovers with summons
Yes, great boss design Miyazaki
it just takes time, in 1 year it wont be controversial that ER is a middling FROM title. we're just clogged up with so many hypebabs, anyone who has played the previous games can see what a mess the game is
summons = beat the game
Imagine getting worked out by a computer so bad you make a half hour video about it lmao.
now do it without summons
Anyone who titles their videos like a fucking community college essay isn't worth listening to and I wish all you dumbfuck teenagers would stop posting on Yea Forums. It's a shame that gookmoot is afraid to ban little faggots, because this shit would not have flown in the good old days.
Hes right especially about the way bosses are programmed to cancel out of recoveries like Morgott/Malenia. Its the worst of both worlds. The game is still very playable solo even with the slowest weapons. But the polish is sorely lacking. They tried to make bosses strong enough in the later part to justify the spirit ashes and other stuff but those still make the game far too easy. And on top of that it just makes it harder for people going solo unless they just slap on some super powerful cheese build or sorcery.
The best way to play solo STR is too use two great/two colossal weapons and just jump punish anything you can. But this can still lead to long recovery times against bosses doing extensions/input reading/animation cancels etc. So the best middle ground for STR is probably dual great weapons or a colossal with a good ash of war. I did Malenia and most of the last bosses with dual colossal hammers with jump stuff equipped and it wasn't bad or even hard id say overall. But the fact that jump L1 feels like it has less/the same recovery as jump R2/R1 and the only other move i remotely used was regular L1 here and there means its just pointless to exercise those moves that are too slow. The game isn't balanced around all builds having a equally competent time. Because part of it is balanced around the ranged/spirit options.
>honeymoon phase
Why do people think this is a thing for vidya?
*unsheathes rivers of blood*
You realize Demo is one of those faggots who sucks Froms dick and makes a living doing so right? Pretty sure he did ER with a STR build. Of all people to come out and make a divisive video like that factual as it might be surprises me. I guess hes either fishing for views or has run out of top boss faggot videos to shill over and over.
They are pushovers with or without summons.
>acknowledges that miyamoto made it balanced around summons
It's not balanced around summons either, even basic ass summons make boss fights tremendously easier by virtue of having free opportunities for hits and healing, while strong summons like Tiche and Mimic trivialize everything
The problem is the game isn't balanced around summons. Summons largely trivialize the entire game from beginning to end. If anything getting more unbalanced as time goes on because they become more and more sturdy. If anything the game is more balanced solo because you have to adapt to a degree and handle aggro yourself. Ash summons are actually cheesier then summoning other players.
People like Elden Ring more today than they did last month.
Do not get the complaints about the "boss design" from her or YTfags. Literally the same shit since BB and DS3.
Most of them are yes. Id say maybe 5-6 of them are rough solo if you aren't a bleed build or something cheesy. But most bosses aren't very hard in ER or there is some quick way to down them. Hell some of the harder solo bosses aren't even hard if you run magic since you can stun lock both Mohg and Morgott with the beam fp flash shit still.
it's how shazamkids cope with the game being a massive success already
>Why do people think this is a thing for vidya?
It's like any other form of media. Why wouldn't it be? You might be enraptured by a book, movie, album or game or whatever you think is amazing the first time, but when you watch/listen/read/play it again, you realize it has a ton of glaring flaws that you either didn't notice or ignored the first time around because you were blinded by hype or something like that.
>literal who complaining
my first playthrough was using shit like raya lucarian knights and other weak ass retards. they barely helped, and no one was just conveniently finding mimic tear or tiche to plus 10. this argument is disingenuous
yes we can agree its an awful game that's obsessed with being challenging and creating very narrow paths of overpowered shit compared to actual rpg and action freedom, because open world is shit
carry on
they aren't that trivializing for certain things like Niall with 2 adds, and the multitude of double bosses.
Radagon/Elden beast is probably the most balanced for summons because he can keep juggling and stunlocking your summon, and half the time he will be outputting aoe that also stops you from damaging him. Also helps radagon is immune to bleed.
On PC you can probably cheat engine edit your summon so it isn't as powerful for certain fights, and there's probably going to be a re-balancing mod in the future. This is why you should get Fromsoft games on PC.
80% of the people who bought elden ring are zooms whove only played minecraft and league of legends their entire lifespan before their favorite twitch streamer starting raving about Elden ring. the hype doesnt reflect the quality of the game exactly because there's been a 10fold influx of people to the FROMsoft "fanbase"
>bosses at the end of the game feel like they were designed with Sekiro's combat in mind instead
>most of the caves were worse than procedurally generated chalice dungeons, with shit rewards and recycled boss fights too
Don't regret exploring everything in my first playthrough, but I wish I could forget everything and play the game for the first time again because I have no desire to do 95% of the content on ng+
Because it is. Look at Bioshock Infinite probably the biggest example of them all. By all accounts a mediocre game the worst in its trilogy debatably. Almost no one would stand up and defend it why? Because all those faggots were hype train retards off on the next faggot streamer game of whatever kind. ER is a better game in contrast but it still holds true. Its why when people make fun of the filtered retards in videos they end videos saying ITS NOT PERFECT BUT ITS STILL A 10/10 MASTERPIECE INSTANT CLASSIC!
Who the fuck talks that way? Hype faggots with nothing else. In reality they themselves are as incapable of analyzing the product they dick suck as the retard getting filtered 10 seconds into the game. They are alot more humble about it though. They're the same people who probably die to the actual dumb things and say "Wow From games are so deep the combat is always teaching me something new and unique.". And when they die to that sort of thing in another series probably fume ab it. Because its like an accolade to them. From makes babies first hard game. ER well comically the hardest game they've made in my view in this formula atleast is also the one with the most tools to cheesy and beat without learning a damn thing about it.
Its extremely funny when you see a clip of some dude with RoB and 2 summons or a mimic stun locking and mashed Malenia to death. Hes jerking himself off mentally because he just beat "Le hardest boss of forever XD" but in reality he learned nothing nothing about the pattern nothing about the journey. Just the destination. Its just an accolade to him not the actual ability to learn/adapt to something. Difficulty is entirely based off variables. Some variables are special and hard to deal with. Regardless if you eliminate/reduce the variables drastically or entirely something is not longer a challenge and so it is simply an accolade without sweat.
Malenia is a good boss aside from the waterfowl attack, which players have already found a ton of strategies for.
It'd be one thing if the thumbnail was a Runebear or one of those worm mini-bosses, but they picked the meme boss because they probably died 500 times to her. Already know the video is worthless just from a glance.
The worse thing is that you just know fromsoft will give up on making good movesets for bosses when they realize normies want more punching bags instead of actual fights as most of the bosses ended up being cheesed
Over for R1 spamming nerds who are mad they can’t play the game like dark souls 1 anymore maybe
You still got a summon/summons that pulled aggro/did damage/did poise damage and gave the boss/areas nothing in return. You reduced the difficulty based off definition. Even if its not the same as a win button like Mimic/Tiche its still adding a variable to your side that has no real downside besides fp cost which if you were melee is probably a drop in a bucket.
I agree with Niall and crappy bosses but mainly on premise of those bosses being lazy and mediocre so its fine to either bewitch their summons or use one on them. Because ultimately double boss AI is used poorly. Comically Niall is probably one of the few bosses they bothered to change the AI of with adds present. As for Raddy/EB i don't really agree. But i think EB is a shit fight. As for juggling your summon i've ever seen this well watching friends/shitters waddle through ER. Its also still nothing but a gain for you because Malenia would be the only boss benefitting from beating on your spirit ashes.
Also the fact she's an optional boss at end game, when every player has tons of tools at their disposal to kill her with. You got stacks of respecc fetuses if you even need to get even more specialized.
You know every single Soulsborne boss can be cheesed just as badly right? Sekiro is the only one that has bosses that aren't as cheesable (deliberately at least, there's still a few exploits).
The game isn't balanced around either.
It's just no balanced, at all. lmao.
I can't believe I'm agreeing with Joseph 'Human Hamster' Anderson but Elden Ring feels like they shoved Sekiro bosses in a souls game, bosses that are hyper-agressive but it's 'fair' because your defensive options are ALSO offensive options in Sekiro. The same isn't true of Elden Ring, so everything just becomes an unending tedious slog.
This game really just mindbroke you guys huh
In Elden Ring its far worse by far, its not even a question, summons were considered already cheese on other games and in this game are just part of the game, imagine this shit
Dude did you beat Malenia? Me and my mimic CHAD BOSS I CALL HIM really hammered he down with our RoB. Waterfowl is so cheap! I'm glad mimic took the one she used and i didn't! Whoa epic shes a flower now AWESOME!
His points about Malenia were more so about how after her clone move and a few others she tends to quickly animation cancel and how in general some bosses don't have true punish windows either at random or from reading your inputs on certain moves. Although my issue with Malenia isn't waterfowl and i wouldn't call it an issue because it took me like 45 minutes my first playthrough and not much after that to get her down well enough to beat her consistently. Its how her tracking on alot of moves is so great that you cannot try to really make her whiff. In fact waterfowl is unique in the fact of if you dodge through the first or second flurry. Or if you're good enough run to her side right as she launches the first you can make her whiff for a pretty great punish scenario. But yeah you're a fucking idiot assuming its waterfowl.
>made it balanced around summons
This is unironically why its getting so much hate. A shit ton of people absolutely fucking hate the idea of summoning for assistance, they want to beat the game themselves for a sense of pride. Even if its an NPC. I even hated Dark Souls 2 for it because you were required to summon certain NPCs to progress their quests.
In previous entries, summons were always a +1 that they didnt expect you to be using really. Now it's not a +1, it's a -1 if you don't have one - they just give you a shit ton of on-demand whenever-you-want summons and design everything around the idea that you will be rolling with with fucking mimic every big nigger you come across. Its like bonfire warping, there is nothing wrong with warp-anywhere intrinsically, but in DS3 it wasnt just an optional feature for fast travel, they designed the entire map around that feature and the world sucks ass and loses interconnectivity as a result.
Tl;dr fuck summons, summoning is gay, mitsubishi remove all summoning from the games pls
>Want to discuss a games balance/workings in terms of variables/design past memes/filtered threads/laughing at retards
>Mind broke
This is why Yea Forums fighting game threads are such utter shit. Retards like you who in reality can do nothing but act ironic.
It's a thing because games take time to finish and not everything is good and not everyone plays the game at the same time. Look at Div OS 2 - the first act was really fucking good and polished then second act had some glaring issues and act 3 and 4 were absolute dumpster fires. As more and more people get into act 3 and 4 overall sentiment changes to be more disagreeable towards the game. Same thing with ER - people basically enjoy the game until they unlock the snowfield section and sperg out
post hand, nigger
Honestly think it’s an ego thing with these dudes. They’re whole identity is playing these games the “right way” melee only, no shields, no summons and now they’re mad the developers wants them to use some of three million mechanics they put in the game instead of just R1 and circle. Pathetic.
None of the normalfags or actual fans who played these games ever had a "honeymoon phase" because they never even played anything else like it in the first place or were very much aware of what the game was gonna be like because none of the game was ever kept a secret, comparing it to Bioshock Infinite development and hype cycle is disingenuous as fuck, that game didn't even had any competition when it came out so all the AAA journo rats went all over it and it not only looked more interesting in pre-release material but it likely was, it's the fucking Sonic 06 of FPS and somehow you think it's fair to compare Elden Ring to that? If anything Dark Souls 2 fits more as the most insulting piece of shit FromSoft ever published, it ruined the fanbase back in the day and it never recovered from it.
t. sorcerer moonveil fag
What ever floats your boat
You enjoy it the first time through because it's new and amazing but replaying it is inherently not going to be as enjoyable. That's not "honeymoon phase". It's the natural state of media.
DeModcracy (in OP) to my memory is a hardcore bossfag who doesn't care about anything else in the games. Of course he's going to get upset when Fromsoft uses filler bosses in optional dungeons and get incredibly upset when the game starts to eclipse his (aging) skill level because he's not as "hardcore" as he thinks.
And I say that as someone who genuinely thinks Fromsoft went too hard on boss bullshit because they injected Sekiro bullshit into Souls combat. And think they did the same bullshit to DS3's bloodborne influence.
Go smoke pot or something and calm down holy shit autismo.
>good aside from the waterfowl attack
Or the fact that she heals even on block. Or the fact she was 2 phases of full hp bars. Or the fact her 2nd phase has a one-shot ability in it. Or the fact she'll, for no reason, break out of her poise/stagger to punish you half the time despite her low poise being her gimmick. She was a shit boss - dies to fucking rot/bleed builds and jobs to the mimic.
That's not honeymoon phase. Honeymoon phase would be more along the lines of getting halfway through act4 and then realizing that the shit that's angering you now started 2 acts ago and it's just gotten worse.
ER isn't getting "Honeymoon phase", it's just different people with different opinions finishing at different times.
At this point its pretty much sealed in stone that ER will be critically seen as the worst From game, it's their MGSV, same messy, pointless open world disaster
who wanted to play a souls game with fucking summons anyway. from had no idea what audience they were making the game for
>the game isn't balanced around summons
It absolutely is. The bosses attack patterns and lack of openings regular punish windows are an example of this.
If we say that it wasn't balanced arouns them, then we have to accept the alternative explanation that it's From is just hilariously bad at design and intentionally wanted players to spend 95% of their fight time dodging le anime combos.
Im giving them the benefit of the doubt and applying Occam's razor here given that its the first Souls game to have such patterns, and also coincidentally the first game to let you summon a pretty big selection (relatively) of NPCs with such unrestricted freedom.
>summons were considered already cheese on other games and in this game are just part of the game
Because most of the community is newfaggots who either have no experience with the previous games or got filtered. Now that even women and retards can beat this game the mere mention of summoning or trivializing strats being considered cheesing or easy mode will get you an ocean of salt from newfags.
>break out of her poise/stagger to punish you half the time
This isn't just Malenia. I've noticed that quite a few enemies in the game will magically get hyperarmor after stunning them more than once in quick succession. That or they'll autododge your attack. The Black Knife Assassins are the same way.
>but replaying it is inherently not going to be as enjoyable. That's not "honeymoon phase". It's the natural state of media.
>It's the natural state of media
That's not true. I've got plenty of games, movies, albums and so on that I can play/read/listen to for the 50th time and enjoy just as much as I did the first time, whereas some of them seem amazing at first but then dip in quality the second time through.
Time tags confirm samefagging. No one took your bait. Fuck off.
Would be true if half the people playing didn't base their own opinions on other people's opinion therefore - very wrong
You are mindbroken, i'm the last guy of your yous and you just can't realize how wrong you are
People were saying the bosses were shit from day one, and they were right.
I'm the third reply and only that one
the whole game is bosses, so that means the whole game is shit
It was overshadowed by all the fromsoft dick sucking fanboys telling them they got filtered
I feel like people are shitting on ER instead of realising that maybe Derpy Souls formula simply ran out of steam. I mean, there's only so much variety you can have will a system of dodgerollbigbossespoiseparrybackstab
the "right way" to play was how all the other games played, it's ruining the combat
other games work fine because jumping attacks doesn't homogenize the entire weapon movesets
and they also are shorter so there is level padding, so you can try other weapons without wasting as much time as in ER
I enjoyed the open world and legacy dungeons. The caves and catacombs are shit. Some bosses are decent, most are shit.
The game gets boring because of all the copypasted content.
>v contrarians desperately look for videos shitting on GOTY for hipster points
>HoNeY mOoN pErIoD oVeR?!
Fuck you Yea Forums niggers. You can never be happy.
People aren't saying the game is "10/10 best game ever" just because someone else is.
>Yea Forums niggers
You mean Shazamniggers or Tortanic Trannies that are desperate for things to be shit. Game is great but I wouldn't say 10/10. Maybe not even 9/10 because the problems are core issues with designs that can't be changed with a patch.