What new deck are you playing, Yea Forums? Seeing this clip sold me on the Galaxy Eyes archetype.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel
Live twins. The climb to plat is quite the struggle though. I might make a deck involving Despias for the upcoming fusion event
Yosenju-Kaiju is the most fun way to play this Synchro shitfest. Prove me wrong.
U.A., they're way more fun than what I initially thought
post cards that make youer pp big
Im working on galaxy eyes right now too actually. Missing a couple of the extra deck cards and a couple of the SR main deck cards now
>What new deck are you playing,
Unchained. It is strange that I need to keep destroying my stuff.
I have a confession to make, I am a bugman.
Unga bunga format when (normals and spells only)
just played against this and what the fuck, he cant be destroyed by battle and is immune to all card effects. How the fuck do you stop that if he's hit the field?
Why is everyone playing Blue-Eyes all of the sudden for the event?
Bruh, your kaiju? Your piercing? Your direct attackers?
Kaiju, Goddess of the Underworld
I want to build a new deck but nothing is as fun as Endymion. I can win just about any match except for if they get Droll & Lock Bird in their opening hand
would that include normal fusion monsters?
all of these
and any card that summons tokens on their side of the board like ojama duo
Your vampire sucker?
feet soles
why did he do it bros
I play Dark Magician and my one kaiju never drew. So I just fusion summoned Dark Cavalry and piercing damaged him. Took him a couple turns of Kaijuing (which I selene'd) and him fruitlessly changing battle positions to no avail, then he scooped. Dickhead.
I watched a dude pop his Barone's destroy ability, realize it didn't work on Nova, then clear his own field to synchro ladder back up to Baronne again, and then attempt and fail to destroy him once more. The guy could've just ran Baronne into him and then tried to come back since I only had the one, no clue what he was thinking.
How do I unlock eldlich packs? Is it just random?
>2 more months until we get usable new cards
I'm trying to get used to F.A but it's really hard to pilot
You gotta craft a SR/UR card thats in the pack
craft 1 sr or ur card
craft an eldlich SR
Craft any SR Eldlich archetype cards using your SR craft point, preferably Eldlixir
I kind of feel like an asshole using a Draco control deck in these early ranks. Then again I'm a newfag so I need all the help I can get against people with years of experience. Like if I ran into a fucking meme Exodia deck I'd probably get styled on.
Thanks friends
I've seen like 3 chinks tonight playing Drytron, they really are soulless insects.
It's fun and I enjoy it but my main is still Meklords.
are ya winning, son?
Im turning left
I don't even blame people at this point, Konami literally handed a near-readymade recipe for a Drytron Herald deck to all players thanks to solo, all it needs is some tweaks like removing the Herald ritual spells and Perfection and bam, deck is done.
>furigana says "weed"
>when they nuke your field and Astrograph summons himself from your hand
>he starts to glow
Nice board you got there, shame is something were to happen to it.
>Decide to try the destroy mission using Cactus
>Get hit with either combo decks or tru draco
>Start give up on it
>Suddenly, jap name
>Dude plays Dargonoid Generator
>Realize he wants me to make them fight
>Spent a long ass time doing this
>1 card left on my deck after a pot of desires
>He proceeds to commit suicide
>Check the mission
>From 15 to 50
>Got some gems from one of the unlimited ones too
Did.... did I just met an Angel?
the japs are always running cool unique decks
id rather play a jap than a draco faggot american any day
>no update of banlists
>solo mode taunts you with dytroon herald eva build
>money tournament let a DD bot reach top 2
clowns...i think the show's over
I got stomped by a jap playing an earth machine deck that I thought was pretty cool until he summoned VFD like a soulless bug
My favorite moment of the Synchro festival was when I was going second. My opponent got Stardust Dragon onto the field so my plan was to bait him into negating a Raigeki. But instead of using Stardust's negate, he used a trap card's destruction effect to destroy my Raigeki, which goes off even if you destroy it because destruction is not negation. I also had a Lightning Storm in hand so I was able to wipe his entire board clean and he surrendered.
A yes, a classic "MST doesnt negate" moment there
If you think that's weird try Scrap Dragon.
I got a small dick and the gout
Stun nigger BTFO
Says the Adamanigger
>man aiming for the smallest brain deck in the game doesn't know how the most basic shit in the game works
Checks out.
It's synchro event so it's okay :)
>faggot vs faggot
Adamancipators might be gay, but it is always a good day when Stunfags are put in their fucking place.
yes, poly and normal fusion monsters and rituals and normal ritual monsters allowed
why is it everyone i duel that plays tranny strikers is a BMing slowplaying sore loser
What are the cheapest ways to play Despia right now?
Are these guys ever going to get retrains as effect monsters?
>finally get to play drytron
>brick after brick after brick
Is this really the best deck in the game?
I hope not
Seems like your draw power is a little too low, friend
Invoked Despia Shaddoll, but I'd honestly just wait since the only other playable Despia deck is Darklords and those fuckers are pricy
>play event only fight versus stun and true draco decks
>Make anti-anti meta deck
>only fight versus synchro decks
I swear this game knows
you'd have to be a literal retard to make a Drytron deck that doesn't churn out at least 3 negates any time it goes first
>chinese name
>win coin flip
>click go first
>hangup, "no response"
this happens a lot, are they force closing because they don't win the coin flip??
why play despia, they have no teeth without the new cards that aren't even in MD
Is there an alternative to dark magician like how blue eyes got neo blue eyes?
You sure it's the most braindead? I feel like Dracos is a lower IQ version of that deck. Which is what I'm using.
Post your deck and those "brick" hands.
They definitely do but I'll still play this garbage
>it's only a matter of time
Virtual world owns all
Magician of Black Chaos?
Neo blue eyes is the vanilla fusion, you mean alternative blue eyes, right?
Magician of dark illusion and dark magician the dragon knight have the "become dark magician while in the field" effect.
>starting draw has no (archtype)monster, but it had maxx c
>activated maxx c
>opponent special summoned a dozen of time
>after 20 cards I still had 0 monster cards
>in 20/20 monster spell/trap deck
How do I play Virtual World?
What fucking spell traps you run to not be able to get a monster with them?
Yes. As Toon monsters.
How does he see what's in front?
This event is the faggiest shit ever. It's all fucking stun decks
He doesn't need to see, he just needs to point it in the general direction since everything in front gets destroyed.