Comfy Elden ring thread. I'm 200+ hours in and on my 4th playthrough. I can't stop send help.
Elden ring
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you faggots seriously need help, like intervention style
game is pretty good but not THAT good. get a grip
In my defense there wasn't really anything I played in the months leading up to ER so it's kind of a blow back from that.
Already beat the game and got all the achievements. Pretty much only do invasions now but sometimes I'll do co-op.
>no mod turning literally every character except the player female
im on my 3rd and doing pure occult build
But did you do EVERYTHING?
>playing a shit game 4 times in a row
JFC Yea Forums is fileld iwht idiosts nowadays, huhg?
Morgott seems to be second guessing his decision to spend some time to catch up with brother Mohg.
I need more Elden Memes
What's the point of NG+, all bosses are still weak af, and you have to grind for bell bearing again, I don't see any rewarding
there isnt any point.
Genuinely just starting the game over again while importing a weapon/armor set you wanna use is so much better.
I'm glad the uber cancerous all sorceries and miracles achievements of old never made it back.
Not him but the last time I enjoyed a game this much was the first 20h of BOTW
until you realize all the rewards are shit and nothing to find but shrines
If you wanna rush an ending real quick or you wanna feel overpowered for a run. If you want none of those then just start a new game and mule shit you wanna use if there are any.
The point is to dab on all the bosses that gave you trouble on NG
To get two copies of unique weapons for powerstancing, both sets the questline exclusive stuff, and to get some more ancient dragon stones. The real redundancy is NG++ and beyond. At that point you're just doing it for memes.
>enemy can take 11 katana kits without staggering
>get their armor
>turns out they don't stagger because they have inflated enemy stats and not because their armor is good
>know where everything is, can better tailor your experience to yourself
>challenge runs, cosplay runs, weapon runs
>honing your skills
>trying different startegies
>looking for secrets and easter eggs
Is it cheating to use godrick's great rune? I know the answer is not but I feel bad since it makes everything so much easier. I used one and drestroyed a dungeon but I think I'm going to jump off a cliff if I find a boss
the point is you can do all that in ng
>challenge run in ng+
Wish BoTW had AoWs or something instead of the repeated rewards
You shouldn't feel bad because the game will throw bullshit at you and expect you to have that rune equipped.
nice meme
yes, good, good!
Nah great runes require a resource to activate so it's okay. Think of it as an activatable Sorseal but won't get you killed.
i''m 170 hrs in and just reaching godgrey first playthrough
Hey if PS4 owners can manage to play one game for over a decade, 200+ hours is relatively normal.
That one reason i hated BotW, the fact that after a while, you know your only rewards are a shard you get each shrine and maybe a strong, disposable weapon, so that makes exploration lose it's point.
At least in ER, i can pretend the purple item behind an obvious trap isn't an arteria leaf.(which it will of course be, while the white ones are golden rune (1))
Best girl Rya
>still can't play the game due stutters
>have 12700k and a 2070
kill me
And you better do it in NG+. Fuck you're thick, perfect example of all the no game retards that post here now.
botw unironically rewards you better for exploration than ER does.
Just glad i didnt give in to hype and buy this game, thanks god
>muh korok seeds and shrine puzzles
>Finished my first play-through
>120 hours, probably about 20 hours of pvp
>Probably did about 75% of the content, 25% of the quests
>Not sure if I should do another playthrough or not
I kind of started cheesing towards the end with flame of the redmanes, that shit had ridiculous stagger. Maybe I'll go a full dex or STR build this time.
Is this a valid elden meme?
Not really.
There's never a point in BotW where you find a reward as good as the meteorite staff, and that'S technically at the start of ER.
Both have plenty of shitty rewards, but ER general put those behind death traps, whereas the good stuff is either in plain sight or actually hidden. There's also way more content in ER, the only things that kept my interest in BotW were the labyrinths, because the beasts were damn too small and easy.
I just noticed Elden Beast looks like a dick
ER (And souls game in general) found a way to hack your brain so it gets excited over a reward you will never use.
yes, it is!
how is ranni an lgbt rep?
Because she fucks wolves?
>friendly wildlife
oh no...
because she'll accept women as her consort
She marries you even if you are a girl. That's B
Another day has passed, I still didn't defeat her...
While there's plenty of rewards you never use in ER, there's also plenty that'll fit toward your build, or interest you enough to try it out in another.
BotW will give me weapon sacks and more health/stamina, and nothing interesting.
There's the armor pieces, but most are shit or shit looking.
that just means she's player-sexual.
Besides, from godwyn and fia having a "child" that's literally just a rune, you can see that having kids and all that ain't like on our planet.
At least not when demigods are involved.
being player-sexual means shes not straight, which slaps her into the LGBT category
I'm 80 hours in and just beginning to explore the capital, how slow am i ? i also did a lot of side content like the underground ranni quest lake of rot
Raya Lucario
The end game bosses still basically one shot you, and your damage non linearly caps out at some point.
Not slow at all, that's pretty normal.
been using the Reduvia blood blade, how is it late game? I have a Uchigatana as well that I use but recently switched over to red
Solid, but don't add Rennala twice. Flows better when characters aren't doubled up.
is there an infinite amount of smithing stones and somber stones? Can I farm them somewhere
>tfw 100 hour in and i've only been to altus plateau for comet azur to continue sellen's quest because i thought i had skipped something
The pacing and quest progression is all kind of fucked.
Playing co-op with a friend is also taking a fuckhuge ammount of time.
>start new character
>take portal to Beast Clergyman
>Ride south to Lenne's Rise for Memory Stone
>It's night time, so I pass the Night Cavalry
>Ignore him and touch the grace, but I don''t sit
>Ride the air jump up to the roof
>Casually walking to top of the tower
>+40k runes and Bloodhound Step
I was gonna cheese the dragon anyways but holy fucking KEK
not the last ones, but otherwise there's bell bearing.
i want a ranni fumo frfr no cap
>Can I farm them somewhere
Other than just buying them? Game seems so unreliable with mat drops that it felt pointless till you get the Bells for em.
yeah, i'm gonna make a cheese prisoner at some point, gonna get meteorite staff, rock sling and moonveil really early.
There are bell bearings going up to +24 and +9. You get more +25 stones in one playthrough iirc.
>Not getting the mace from the weeping peninsula
>Not getting the pickled foot on the beach
>Not killing Greyoll
Your cheese needs work senpai. You are a baby.
Happened to me too, but in the opposite direction. Ran past him up the hill full of poison traps, 30 seconds later ENEMY FELLED
I'm pretty sure what's happening is that getting too far away disables collision detection for the bridge, and then he resets his position and falls to his death.
sounds legit.
The putrid erdtree piece of shit in the grand cloister started taking damage(as if from rot) when i raised the platforms in the lake of rot and then it just died while i was raping the virgin abductor.
I'm definitely planning on a NG+ run, but I'm holding out that the new patches will fill in more storylines or streamline some shit. Got fucked over already and not looking to be blocked out of character stories again.
Gastoc seemed pointless, but my fault for killing a named NPC and thinking it wouldn't bite me.
>I was gonna cheese the dragon anyways
Try reading the entire post next time before replying speedreader.
>Not getting the mace from the weeping peninsula
No need, got an Uchi.
>Not getting the pickled foot on the beach
>Not killing Greyoll
That's literally what I was about to do.
I like me Sword of Milos, lads. Decent weapon for someone with more DEX than STR. Does decent damage, has some bleed, restores FP per kill, and the AOW debuffs all enemies around you as well as give your heavy attacks a new combo. I had low expectations for it but it is actually pretty solid. I have some ARC and FTH too so it gets some decent bleed and I can cast more incants with the FP restored from kills. That FP restoring talisman helps too.
this based-boy cook crustaceans and he's EATING them.
learn more with the link bellow
Challenge run videos aren't very fun to watch for this game. Too much freedom I guess. The start is like 3 hours of running around then plowing through the first two thirds of the game. Skipping most enemies.
It's disappointing. Latest one i watched was lobosjr ash only run. No fun with it at all
>he watches other people playing games instead of playing them himself.
Pathetic sort ahead.
I'm not giving the Dancer's Castanets to Tanith until the next update.
>have some arc
That benefits nothing unless your weapon scales off Arcane. And Milos does not.
Funny thing is, there's a special reward for killing Gastoc before Godrick, but his creepy tone after that makes it seem like the perfect place to kill him, especially since he's no longer a merchant.
Playing a game over 30 hours is pathetic