imagine growing up with a super nintendo
man that would've been a time to have been alive
Imagine growing up with a super nintendo
It was pretty based but true patricians had access to an arcade as well
These frogposts are absolutely devoid of personality and human emotion. It's almost like a bot posted this.
haha wouldn't that be crazy
I enjoyed it
I played in the japanese arcade. I feel like the american arcades wouldn't really be the same experience. They just seem dingy and its not like a public hangout.
I did and it was fucking awesome
Us late 30s boomers born in the early 1980s really witnessed the absolute best
>NES as a child
>SNES as a pre/young teen
>Playstation as a teenager
>Dreamcast as a 18 y-o
>PS2/Xbox/Gamecube in your early 20s
>xbox 360 in your mid-20s
Now add in the arcades and witnessing arcade launches such as Mortal Kombat 1-2, Killer Instinct etc... add in Blockbuster and everything being physical and patch-free. Add in no women in the industry, no SJW crap etc...
Zoomers have absolutely no idea what they missed. They will never know the feel of seeing a Super Nintendo with Super Mario World for the first time. They will never play FF7 on PS1 in 1997, they will never login to WoW in 2005
mall arcades in the 90's and early 2000's america were the shit, bit too many goth kids though.
oh yea I actually remember going to a mall arcade it was on its last legs and during the dead era of arcades though I doubt it was the same experience
yea growing up with a nes seems like it would've been something else. You've basically seen the whole videogame industry from the start if we're being real here. Though for me personally the console just seemed like it had a few hits but wasn't really up to the regular standard of quality as a whole.
Go back
Growing up with a NES, the main problem was that you obviously couldnt buy any games since you're a kid with no money, so your only option besides getting a game for Christmas or on your birthday, was to rent a game for the weekend
However there was no internet so you didnt know which games were good and which games sucked. And renting a game that sucked and being stuck with that game the whole weekend was awful
I vaguely remember renting AVGN games such as Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde or LJN crap. You got back home, played it for an hour or 2 at most and then just gave up and spent the weekend playing outside instead or something
Personally I would therefore "play it safe" often, and rent games that I already rented before and knew were good (RC Pro-Am, Excitebike, Contra, Punch-Out, Rampage, etc...)
The only exception was Ghosts 'n Goblins which I still rented a couple of times because I really enjoyed the horror theme (I obviously never got far as a child)
make me
I did grow up with a super nintendo
my first console was my older siblings genesis
i was born in 95
i had it the best as i avoided most of those shitty boring 2d games and went straight to 6th/7th gen greatness
I grew up with an emulator and had all of it.
>people who were born before the gamecube was released can post on Yea Forums
didn't you just buy what your friends recommended? even with the internet I remember doing that. Had a rich friend who got pretty much every relevant game day 1
its just not the same
lucky guy
The Super Nintendo was my first console.
I got it when I was 6.
It was the Donkey Kong Country combo edition.
It was a very fun time to be alive, Maybe even the last one.
I'm 18 and we had a super nintendo
I preferred emulators tho
xbox 360 was 10x more kinoer dough
10x infinity is still infinity
>user are you still posting frogs?!!
>Your mom and me are done playing so get my clothes already!
I think the last one was gen six
It was definitely downhill after gen 6.
360 games kinda sucked though I will admit online play was really incomparable to anything the snes had
I didnt have a friend that had "all the games" or any friends that had lots of games
And to make things worse, I'm ESL and didnt speak English as a child so... I would base my weekly rental choice on the cover art and gameplay screenshots on the back. I still somehow got to beat Final Fantasy 1 at the time but don't ask me what the story was, I just skipped all dialogue
SNES combined with going to the rental store on Friday to rent a new game every week
Arcades where me and my friends could play Killer Instinct, Primal Rage, and other games (Before the DDR kids took over)
Nintendo Power and Electronic Gaming Monthly and other monthly gaming magazines to further immerse yourself
Couch coop with friends late at night at a sleepover
Trading games with friends
Reading video game guides
Man those memories...
hd ruined everything really. Now you had to be part of a major corporation to make anything relevant.
Remember when you rented an rpg but couldn’t finish it, so you had to take it back, praying that next weekend your save file would still be on the cartridge and someone else hadn’t got to it first?
>remember when you had rich friends who had everything?
oh yea were video games less popular back then? I know sales numbers are pretty much way up now but I figured that was due to aging, and assumed most all the boys had consoles back then
My mall arcade smelled like mold, bo, and burnt popcorn. I also remember some fat kid getting mugged for his tokens at knife point and the employee just laughed.
Before guides were popular and easily accessible some games came with a Hint Number in the manual you could call ( only 5.99 a minute) to ask how you could get past the point you were stuck at. I think I called for help in Dragon Warrior when I was 8.
alright maybe it was just me then did you at least have a funny fat friend who ruined you save files?
that sounds like hell damn dude
Imagine growing up in Japan
Wouldn't that be weird?
Yeah I did. He always want to snoop through my parents clothing drawers too. I thought that was weird. He was probably the type to sniff his moms panties or something. He was odd.
I remember an especially great sleepover when we rented Brawl Brothers, that was awesome
I also had another sleepover much later at 16 y-o or so with alcohol involved (not a party, really a sleepover amongst bros). Someone rented Resident Evil 2 on PS1 which had just released that week and started playing. I was pretty drunk and don't remember much about that night, but the only thing I remember is when I woke up in the morning, the guy that rented it and played most of the time (only 2 friends played actually while others watched or were busy being drunk and doing drunk things) was in the lab section. Not too long after he faced the last boss which he beat. I thought that was pretty cool
basically seems like my image of arcades
It was pretty cool. My friends had one, but I had a nes.
I want to go back so bad bros
the snes is so much better than the nes though
its like nintendos best console
Everyone was breathed a sigh of relief when playstation came out with memory cards. N64 players still had to use cartridges, however. Thats why rental stores were 99% sony back then (among other reasons).
Yeah having to go to school until 8pm then getting whipped by your parants because you got an A on the exam instead of an A+ with extra credit
it would be very conformist. But at least you would have had those obscure games that never got localized.
Japan followed a different path
I didn't ask for much when I was a kid. My mom or dad would always give me $5 to rent a game. Ride my bike into town, rent a game, return it same day pick another one. Rental guy was cool about it because at lot of nes games sucked.
shit thats kinda weird. I never thought about the rental market but I always hated memory cards battery saves just seemed so much gamy
I'm not saying it isn't, but both consoles had their own gems. I didn't get an upgrade until game gear then n64 psx and ps2. Then I was old enough to buy my own systems because I had a job.
I did, but I was born in 92 so I'm technically part of the n64 generation. My parents were poor at the time.
It was pristine, unfortunately the cost was having to grow up and see current year.
I wish I died 18 years ago
japan has the benefit of trying to make every girl cute and at least likeable. Even in regular games, the western hot girl is just like a turbo slut who you wouldn't really hang out with outside of sex.
It was user, it was. Born in 86 and I miss the 90s like you wouldn't believe.
I just turned 36 today.
well thats a blessing in disguise because the 64 had like five good games
Way more than that
I was a SEGAsimp which lead to me becoming a PCchad who experienced the late 90's - early 00's PC boom and multiplayer scene which Nintennoids wouldn't even know about.
I miss it without living it so I can sure as hell believe
alright I'm being hyperbolic but I'm not that far off
Happy birthday, user.
I wish house of the dead was a way bigger deal than it was, maybe then I could've respected sega more than just the relentless sonic company
>master system
never looked back
Doom/duke nuke’em lan parties in residence during freshman year were pretty sweet.
I didnt really rent RPGs as a child so I didnt have that problem (my dad bought FF1 which is the only reason why I beat it)
However something I used to do a lot as a kid was to hop on my bike thursday afternoon and ride to the rental place.
The thing is I was only allowed to rent a game on saturday mornings, but very often all the hot games had been rented for the weekend by now. So anyway, what I would do on thursdays is basically pick the game I wanted to rent for the weekend, and "hide" the plastic box/token behind an old random VHS movie or something. That way people that showed up on friday saw the game was rented already, and on saturday mornings I would come back with my parents, get the "hidden" game back and rent it
I feel videogames, during the NES days at least, were actually more popular than today. I grew up in a white suburb and I didnt know a single kid that didnt have a NES
Even families with daughters only from my neighborhood, they all had a NES. But they didnt play as much as us boys and didnt own/rent as many games
duke nuke em existing at all was pretty sweet
>The thing is I was only allowed to rent a game on saturday mornings, but very often all the hot games had been rented for the weekend by now. So anyway, what I would do on thursdays is basically pick the game I wanted to rent for the weekend, and "hide" the plastic box/token behind an old random VHS movie or something. That way people that showed up on friday saw the game was rented already, and on saturday mornings I would come back with my parents, get the "hidden" game back and rent it
sometimes it amazes me that society functions
>hide the game
Damn dude lol I specifically remember doing with FF2