This is unironically the best Star Wars video game of all time
This is unironically the best Star Wars video game of all time
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the doors open
lets go
>verification not required
that episode where you babysit queen amadala is bullshit and a half
No, it isn't even the best SW game of that gen
Fucking based and tpbp
God this was so fun
I liked jedi power battles better than episode 1
thanks for reminding me this game existed, pretty sure I used to love this game as a kid
Any idea if it can run on win 10? I'm down to replay it now.
Kick ass game. I still have it
I remember playing the PC version as a 4 year old. Got stuck taking Jar Jar to his underwater home.
>Not Jedi Power Battles
>Not Bounty Hunter
I don't think it's fair to rate star wars games on different platforms against each other
PCGW says you need to jump through some hoops to get it to install properly. Unless you want to deal with it, i would just emulate it.
Emulation is probably the best bet
Because any other SW game would lose to "AOE2 but Star Wars"
The best star wars jedi game ever made a Jedi knight academy, and best space fighter was rogue squadron 2. I cannot be refuted.
When I was a kid, I liked that game.
Then I played Jedi Outcast, and liked that, too.
Then I played TPM again, and realized I was retarded for ever liking it. My god what a piece of shit that game was.
I have been itching to replay battlefront 1 and these threads aint helping.
Those godly summer nights spent dogfighting in space to land inside the enemy's battleship and start battling it out guns blazing.
God that was the golden age, I swear.
Stand back! I'm about to slash all my prices!
Does no one like podracing?
user I love me some SWGB but let's be reasonable. It's not perfect by any means.
>all these delusional boomers who don’t think battlefront 2 classic is the best
All I ever did in this game was use the level skip code to Mos Espa and go on killing sprees
>*bad plataforming in your path*
idk man, Jedi Knight comes close...
>*bad plataforming in your path*
this game has more depth than the movie
that isn't the pod racing game
or the ep 3 game
>Here they come!
>Get ready!
This and Jedi Power Battles were great
Get your reading glasses old man EA didn’t own pandemic til 07
Bring me another juri juice!
For me its Star Wars Pit Droids
>The room is filling with poisonous gas!
>Mean people die pretty quick down here
This, Droidworks an Gungan Frontier
It's not the best but it has SOUL.
Should I bother with the PC version?
That is the one I played but is a pain in the ass to make it run in modern system (and still runs like shit)
Way easier to emulate the ps1 version
just use DgVoodoo2 and put a 3dfx scanlines reshade filter on top of it.
Who you gonna murder next, mister?
>the heaps of star wars games made during the prequel era
>VS the sequel era games that I can count on a single hand
Not counting the likes of Battlefront or LSW which cover all of the eras, is there even one set during the sequel era?
>Rogue Squadron 1, 2 and 3
>Pandemic Studios Battlefront 1 and 2
>KOTOR 1/2
>Third person hack n slash gen 5/6 console games
>Pre-Gen 5 console games
>EA Battlefront
>LEGO games
>killing the child slaves in mos espa
an incredible game
>star wars used to have top tier games
>now are just EA shovel ware
What happened?
This is still the best Star Wars game
Take a wild guess.
you guys know where the real fun was
My life for yours.
I remember this being so fucking jarring because the game came out BEFORE the fucking film. Like what the actual fuck? at least wait for the damn movie to release holy shit. My friend and I went to a midnight release for EP3 and we were playing this right before we head out
>give up on playing the game and just kill every npc in the level
ahhh...they dont make em like they used to
>stands in your way
they made that Lego game that was based on Force Awakens, but I'm pretty sure that's it.
Disney seems to want to distance itself from the sequel trilogy. They are focusing mainly on the TV shows now.
was it me just being a shitter as a kid or this game was like INSANELY HARD??
What's the deal with the old republic? Is it like a pre-prequel?
The game let you save at any time. In one of the last levels with all the catwalks I went to save like I would normally do. However right as I opened the start menu I must have pressed the roll button without knowing. Thus, every time I loaded my save I was already in a roll and fell off the catwalk. My save was bricked and I never finished it.