How did you feel when you got your first rune scimmy?
How did you feel when you got your first rune scimmy?
I used to pronounce it "ska-mitt-er"
I was more of a normal sword kinda dude.
I got a rune 2h instead because I thought it looked cool as hell
actually it was my guth trim skirt, but i hated it, it was just cheaper than legs.
I never made it past bronze, and just having a bronze 2h was valuable to me
i got the rune longsword because the game wasnt solved to the point where everybody knew absolutley everything at level 3
Remember finding an adamant scimitar on the ground in Al-Kharid and my friend was mad jelly. He tried to speedrun Dragon Slayer to try and one-up me with a rune platebody. I think he ended up dying but never told me.
Kinda hard to tell someone you died when you're dead.
getting dragon scimmy was way more powerful
i remember killing elvarg and a guy who was killing the lesser demons outside pmed me congratulating me
>rune scimmy
I sleep
>rune 2h
Muh dick
Scimitars are based, there should be more bendy swords in vidya
I preferred 2 handers because I like beeg number
My reaction to getting a dragon scimitar finally however
>Hey look at this
>rune 2h chads
based, once I did dragon slayer I bought a platebody and 2h in falador garden. The grand exchange ruined the game. Once I became a member it was full sara + granite maul.
skimmy or simmy?
skimmy ofc
not as good as when i got my first special attack weapon
i got a rune longsword first because i thought the inven icon looked cooler
Same. Longsword just seemed right
scimmy is nothing compared to finally equipping and using a whip
More like scamitar. Quickly swapping rune with mith/iron was a classic sucker game.
>that rich chad who was always at castle wars ice barraging everyone
50k dayum... I never got above level 90 with full saradomin because all I played was clan wars and castle wars and pest control
I immediately hopped worlds and would desperately try to sell it for 1k - 2k higher than I bought it
it worked every time for some reason so I would do this for profit whenever I was bored
to this day "selling rune scimmy 50k" is what i type over and over when im testing out a new keyboard
What wasn't "solved" was the damage type thing. People used to think battle axes were the highest dps melee weapon. I found out longswords were better for certain mobs, so I started using it, and then switched to scimitar because same dmg type and faster attack speed. It was quite obvious, or at least it felt it did more dps than the longsword.
>selling v skirt 200k
>actually trade them a black plateskirt
Based, I learned to type like a fuckin madman at a young age entirely thanks to Runescape. Makes my current job significantly easier. Thanks, Jagex.
Got my account stolen cos fell for the most obvious scam. Recovered account with the help of my pissed dad and guy had used my gp stack to buy rune scimmy. Didn't mind.
You just brought up memories that I didn't know I had.
>convince friend to sell his entire bank just to afford full guthans
>spend an entire day selling everything shaking with excitement
>go home before he gets to sell everything, never get to see full guthans
>hey how was full guthans "alright"
Whip is honestly not as exciting as finding out
Potions, uh
Actually do things?
holy fucking soul
Explain without using buzzwords why this is "better" than the GE
was really into this game, and really, really into making money in this game. it started when I got scammed by and immediately turned around and started scamming people with the same trick.
graduated to luring scams in edgeville, ended up amassing what I thought was a real fortune (multiple full barrows sets and a whip, a halloween mask, a santa hat, etc.).
went from that to staking and ended up going back and forth between straight up 0gp broke and 4-5b rich. did mostly the same thing even in old school runescape.
haven't played in a while but it's a god tier game if you have the specific kind of somewhat autistic enjoyment it was made for.
it wasn't; it was hell spending hours trying to buy or sell something. but it's still nostalgic.
The average game solving power was below being able to calculate average damage and attack speed
Or even just tracking time to kill mobs
All that mattered was that the biggest number is the most goodest
I didn't care for it. The only thing I REALLY wanted was the Frog Mask and the cool 2005 scarves.
Free market that is determined by players
They still use "player interaction" as an excuse to not add the vendor features to the PC version of PoE that the chinese and console version.
It mostly just enabled scammers and makes trading a pain every time someone tries to haggle
How would you go about balancing runescape's original weapon types so that there isn't a single obvious beat weapon? Can a game be made unsolvable, preserving that feeling of variety, or is a meta weapon unavoidable?
It's actually pretty trivial if you look at it from another angle. Make enemies and different armor types have stronger weaknesses to specific weapon types.
Coming back to this game it is really gross how much they design around that stupid flicking exploit.
It is just tedious and you should have to bring a prayer pot or stop designing all your content around three early level prayers.
tick manipulation is why I can't get back into OSRS anymore. You need to do it to compete in PVP and they started designing PVE around it too, and most of what OSRS is anymore is just PVP and PVE now.
Honestly, attack speed is the only thing that matters. Because the damage doesn't have a floor, just a ceiling, it always boils down to this:
>use fast weapon
>deal 1-25 damage every 2.4 seconds
>use slower weapon
>deal 1-35 damage every 3.0 seconds
And sure, the bottom one has a higher overall DPS, but then you need to factor in that the top one will hit 6 times in the time it takes the bottom to hit 5, and maybe you roll sub-average every time, and maybe one of those 5 hits miss and so on and so on.
I like what they did with weapon rebalancing... what? was it already a year since that? damn. But I don't think it was enough, attack speed is just too fundamental to how good a weapon is.
I thought everything in OSR is now all about ticking or some other bullshit autistic pvmers and pvpers made required to survive the new stuff.
they solved it with the evolution of combat
>Honestly, attack speed is the only thing that matters
Got my first whip by selling black mystic. I bought pieces cheap for 250k and sold them as sets for 500k.
Did this game teach kids to cheat?
welcome to the real world BITCH
there is not a single piece of content in this game that actually requires flicking outside of some combat achievements and autistic shit like low level inferno
explain to me what you think tick manipulation means
Too bad it fucked up everything else about combat.
I used the rune battleaxe
maybe when it was first released but eoc is far superior in 2022
>there is not a single piece of content in this game that actually requires flicking outside of some combat achievements and autistic shit like low level inferno
Having bothered to get a quest cape post SOTE
You're a liar.
Yep, it's aids.
Prayer flicking was one of the earliest and most commonly used tick manipulations, to the point that modern content is designed around infinite protection prayers that you have to constantly toggle correctly or you take like 80 damage in one hit.
If you enabled and disabled your prayer in the same tick or something, it would give you the protection for a tick, but not consume prayer points.
They could've just made it cost an initial casting cost of a point, but instead they just let players be acoustic with it, and now you have people doing silly things like killing GWD bosses without ever getting attacked, praying for a half hour plus without drinking a potion, etc.
Pvp also suffers from this with tick eating, and other techniques I don't even care to know.
same, i got one really cheap and used it until i could afford a rune 2h
Never got one. I always carried all of my gold with me for convenience, so whenever someone lured me into the wilderness I lost fucking EVERYTHING (like 12k g). I don't even think I ever got a full set of adamant gear, it was mostly mithril almost all the time, and slowly working up to addy before dying.
Playing MMOs when you're 7 is so fucking kino.
Not as good as when I got my first d long. And that didn't feel as good as when I got the d scimmy. After that, it was all downhill.
>luring noobs into the varrock wizards
Both of these points are what fucks over high-str low-speed weapons in OSRS.
>strength only affects your max hit, you will always roll a random number when you do hit
>fast weapon is 1-25 every 2.4 secs
>slow eapon is 1-35 every 3.0 secs
You're trading an attack every 0.6 seconds, 25% of your attack speed, for the chance to roll up to 10 extra points of damage. Your odds of actually rolling that damage is what 10/35 = like 28% or 30%? And if you factor in misses like you said it becomes even lower so odds are even though your average dps goes up it still goes down.
Is probably right. Slower weapons just need higher stats to justify it. That or put in an actual damage floor like EoC did but we both know the OSRS spergs would never approve of it.
The only thing that's superior is your delusion.
>literally just doing TOB as a quest
this is so fucking dumb and I hate it
>not a single piece...except these
The fact that there are any is absurd. It was an exploit, and not a beneficial one, and they just decided to ignore it and let it fester until it was too late and reddit would cry about not having it.
this guy is right, there is absolutely no content in the game that requires prayer flicking to beat it. yes it can give you an advantage in by saving you supplies, but it's not required.
I'm guessing the people who think it's required spend more time watching youtubers play the game then playing it themselves.
You don't need to do tick perfect prayer in order to beat anything. Nothing is designed around that, cmon, user. People do it because it's the optimal way of doing it, not because it was necessary.