what do you think it will be gameplay wise?
will you be able to maneuver a spaceship like in no mans sky?
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>will you be able to maneuver a spaceship like in no mans sky?
they did say it'll be manual flight
that would be pretty cool.
i hope they dont fuck it up, this could be something unique.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say they'll overhaul the way random encounters work, so when you go to "fast travel" to any of the different city hubs or planets, it'll have some sort of simulation that determines what sort of stuff you'll be stumbling across out in space, where you'll then be able to control your ship in real time against an enemy fleet or space pirates or something.
Todd did say that they are using procedural generation to a greater extent than any of their previous games
Aside from that, I wonder what sort of stuff you'll be killing outside of the opposing human factions. They did a pretty decent job with the creatures in F76, so I wonder if they'll be bold enough to directly show us aliens or any other insane lifeforms.
What I'm most curious about is scale in this game. Obviously, they could go the No Man's Sky route, but how would they do it differently?
Literally just Skyrim again.
havent been following it for a while now,
has anything at all been revelaed in terms of gameplay?
i feel like i havent seen anything about this game be it a screenshot or video, yet its slated to come out this year
i hope its a master plan and its just not to be revealed until release
tell me lies
When he said procgen he meant more they generate the world with it but then everybody gets that same world that was generated during development
but yeah I could see fast travel random encounters being a thing
They haven't revealed anything offically but from leaks we know there is variable gravity mechanics
It's Todd's master plan. He's said in the past that if he could wait to reveal a game on the day of release he would, but will never be allowed to. It's definitely a Beth trend/trademark that is getting more idiosyncratic with each game.
im not expecting to control my spaceship whatsoever. im expecting the outer worlds with bethsda budget instead of obisdian jank. expect the absolute worst to appreciate the game on release.
you will ride a npc wearing a spaceship as a hat and you will like it
I want it to be like mass effect but with scope focused on one star system of no more than like 4 to 6 planets each with a playable area the size of oblivion and maybe a couple space stations and moon bases.
moon bases are customizable like fallout 4 settlements
I don't know why people think it will be more Outer Worlds than No Man Sky. Outer Worlds is not the "End all, Be all, Space Game" in terms of scale. Which is what Beth is marketing Starfield to be. I just wonder how it will pair up against Star Citizen or Elite Dangerous.
I don't know but I hope it will be a bit like Star Trek where you're the captain and can recruit crew members, assign them to different roles or posts. Consult them about current events, make them pilot the ship, make them handle weapon systems, repair the hull, analyze space anomalies.
Fuck yeah
what if its a complete overhaul of the bethesda formula
like not skyrim in space
but like a whole different feeling game
chances are it will be skyrim in space
but it could be stalker in space
im ok with skyrim in space.
That would be severely lame, I'm ready for a new big Beth RPG man.
There's zero evidence it won't be shit.
>Another spacial settlement needs your help human biological entity.
>Press A to help Natasha Garvey.
You are the Starborn and you need to stop the ancient evil spacial threat.
> Please, Vasco, activate fus-roh-dah.exe
this is what im fearing too.
????? that's bugfesta's formula, wtf are you expecting dumbass?
>Hey, you're finally awake.
>Oh, no. A spacial dragon. Kill it.
>You ... I've seen you... Let me see your transgender face... You are the one from my cosmic dreams...
>Press A to choose your spacial pronoun.
>I once was a space faring adventurer like you, then I took a railgun shell to the posterior hull.
Fallout 4.
It's hard to get an idea without actual gameplay footage.
>will you be able to maneuver a spaceship like in no mans sky?
Its made in the gamebryo engine, it can't even handle fucking ladders. What makes you think it'll handle spaceflight?
I'm completely expecting Outer Worlds style where your ship is a map select.
I could be wrong but many years ago when the game was only rumoured I read something about Bethesda looking into procedural generation and that there would be designed planets and then there would be uninhabited randomly generated ones to explore. probably just rumours but it would kinda fit the sort of "exploring humanities last formentor" thing they are going for.
Isn't there a ladder in the trailer?
>Just don't think about it
I want to believe
Based on what they have shown us Im going to take a wild guess and say its gonna be dog shit.
If Bethesda couldn’t take the concept of “what if fallout but multiplayer” to a satisfactory conclusion what dent headed bug brained idiot is gonna think they can pull off an “open galaxy” space RPG?
everything Microsoft touches turns to shit, zero hope for this game
This game has been in development long before Microsoft had anything to do with it
It will be guaranteed kino. I trust Todd. Do you?
>you see that mountainous planet? you can travel to it and climb all the mountains
I really can't imagine anything much different than what they've always been doing
hey dumbfuck are you fucking blind? everything Microsoft touches turns to shit
REMINDER: The "Climb That Mountain" quote is 100% true.
tbf, 76 wasn't made by their main team, still i wouldn't get expectations too high
probably not in this case as they can't outdo zenimax in that area
Its going to have TEN TIMES as much crafting as Fallout 76. Yuck.
feels like there's no one on this site that can use Photoshop effectively, it's all scuffed shit
>Don't worry guys I'll make sure it's good!
They already showed non-humanoid, uncivilized alien life forms in concept art.
>76 wasn't made by their main team
yes it was, with everyone under zenimax too
looks fucking kino
i wonder what their tax policy is
can't wait to take out my NASA service rifle and shoot those fuckers
oh right, I had forgotten about this. who am I kidding, a game in space? of course they'll let you encounter aliens.
the fact that I can't even understand what those creatures are trying to be, tells me they probably put in the effort of making things feel a lot more foreign and unfamiliar this time around. shit looks cool.
God i hope so, that's the only thing i want other than it being good obviously.
The main team made the map, the best part of the game.
I don't like the constellation story they're pushing. It's going to be one of those games where no matter what you want your character to be you're railroaded into working for them.
Apparently there are 3 different starts
Hopefully not, hopefully even with different starts you get the chance to betray your starting faction too.
Todd said the game will be more of an RPG than their last few games. So presumably this means it won't be Skyrim in space, but rather Oblivion in space. He mentioned classes, among other things. Hopefully this also means they're going back to more thorough NPC routines.
>the fact that I can't even understand what those creatures are trying to be,
They look like space mudcrabs.