>Metal gear solid
>"War is bad and you should feel bad for it"
>Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
>"War is based because it allows the good to defend what is right, all of the excuses Japan makes about pacifism is just that, an excuse, Japan should re-arm to prepare for the new centaury"
How did they get away with this?
Metal gear solid
Simple. MGR isn't a real Metal Gear game.
>Metal Gear Solid V
>"You're a bad bitch and you know it don't let your baby mama tell you none you grab the bull by its balls like it's a workday and basically you own it"
How did Hideo get this past Kojima?
Thank God, its actually fun and well-written
Yeah whatever you say
It's actually pretty deep and probably went over the average normalfags head.
>Raiden is a clear stand in for Japan, a battered man who only fights for defense
>Each character explains how this is just an excuse, you can call your actions self defense but all you are doing is limiting yourself by doing this
>Each boss theme applies both to the boss themselves and to Raiden (Japan)
>Sundowner's theme is literally defending Japanese imperialism, Red Sun is the Japanese term for war along with their imperial flag. Sundowner's name is literally named after a Japanese combat plane
>Monsoon's theme is about Japan trying to forget it's past because it's too painful
>Slipstream sam is Brazilian, this is specifically a reference to the fact that Japan brought the code of the samurai to Brazil, Brazil is the closest thing Japan has to a "son" and has a special relationship with Brazil IRL because of this
>Brazil, the country that houses the forgotten code of the samurai reminding Raiden what it means to be a samurai
>Raidens entire character arc of realizing there is nothing wrong with fighting for the right cause
The world will come to be controlled by a faceless cabal of puppeteers pulling the algorithmic strings to control our entire lives. Direct action, heroic sacrifice, true love all become impossible in this regime of life. Resistance is not only futile but reinforces the system.
Glory seeking retards will always find a way, nothing can imprison a based retard for long. Violence must be enshrined as a fundamental right of every living being.
Last metal gear game I actually enjoyed was sons of liberty.
>well written
pick one
I actually never realized this. I was always interested in the explicit themes the bosses expressed (representation of "the weak", pacifism as an excuse, etc.), but I never made the connection with Imperial Japan.
In four out of seven MGS games you play as a guy who explicitly wants war to continue indefinitely for basically the same reasons as Sundowner.
Suddenly It Has to Be This Way becomes a lot more uncomfortable.
even when they had one it was shit-tier
Jesus Christ. It's all coming together.
>Metal Gear Ray
Literally the physical manifestation of the nuclear threat. Its defeat against Raiden is Japan rising above the two bombs as a nuclear power itself.
>Blade Wolf
"I rebel against being chained by a greater power, much like, you should, Japan."
"We made war because we were good at war, remember those days in China, Japan? We were in our element."
"Preying on the weak is the natural order of things, Japan. You should not feel shame over this."
"That's immoral! Warcrime this, code of conduct that! Come on, Japan, accept that war is in our very nature! Learn to embrace it, and we can go back to the good ol' days after the rape of Nanking!"
"Remember, Japan! Samurai spirit, honor, bushido! Just punch harder! Yamato damashiiiiii!"
Literally standing up to America with a renewed spirit and coming on top, earning its respect in the process as both acknowledge their similar mindsets.
It was ultra-nationalist propaganda all along, Ban immediately!
Seeing as how people constantly post about it and quote I would say yeah, it is. It's just not deep or anything.
Man after playing all the MG games, Rising is seriously the best and by a fucking mile too. Only good "real" metal gear games are 2 and 3, even then Rising is leagues above them.
MGR is more like "war is bad but you're a bad person"
Seethe Kojimbo.
this. God its so fucking shallow and boring after like 2 hours. Music 100% carries it
>Japan brought the code of the samurai to Brazil, Brazil is the closest thing Japan has to a "son" and has a special relationship with Brazil IRL because of this
Excuse me, what the fuck are you talking about?
I used to think the game was too short, but considering now that there's not much to do besides slashing i think 5 hours was pretty appropiate.
Not "war is good," but fighting is unavoidable. Raiden thinks these guys are all nutjobs for using violence to achieve their goals and believing in [WORLD OF STRENGTH], but that's exactly what he's doing too, he's just a hypocrite. It's fine that he wants to protect the weak and orphans and shit, but his completed character arc at the end of the story is acknowledging that to be justice in the world, he has to embrace the fact that he's a weapon for violence acting outside of the law.
>wahh but this is a regression of Raiden's previous character arc!
And it's done really well.
“Anti-war” videogames are such a meme. Sure you can be anti-imperialism, anti-colonialism, anti-military-industrial complex but some bullet-wound healing respawning badass just singlehandedly crippling an enemy army then being like “nah we don’t need a military” is just retarded
because they were the antagonists
>almost all of our problems could end with a DUDE WEED LMAO worthy idea of "everyone quit killing each other"
>we can't
stop it
Metal Gear Ray is specifically one of the few metal gear models that has no nuclear devices in its arsenal.
this thread is making me think that MGR is nothing but fruit ninja with awesome music and im really hoping it isn't true because i do want to buy this game.
MGR was written by Luciferian occultists, MGS was written by Hermeticist occultists.
It's too short.
no, synthesis.
A shame most miss this phase because their baby brains can't cut for shit.
Sundowner would be so much better if he was actually invincible until all shields are down. It's such a simple fix it makes me want to scream.
It's mogged hard by DMC3 and DMC5 but it's still really good. Wait for it to go on sale
Jesus it actually makes perfect fucking sense. Is Kojima really this based?
It's more like "war is inevitable, so you should fight for something you believe in."
>Sundowner's name is literally named after a Japanese combat plane
Source on this?
"Sundowner was a cyborg mercenary who served as the de facto leader of the PMSC Desperado Enforcement LLC. during their activities in 2018, as well as a member of the Winds of Destruction, alongside Mistral and Monsoon. His name was derived from the wind condition that occurs in Southern California."
That user is full of shit
Yeah, that's what I figured.
>dumb fucking retard posts bullshit
>its just straight up completely wrong
>gets the characters naming scheme wrong
>literally doesn't even get the fucking characters names themselves right in his retard drivel
>makes up dumb bullshit that only morons with zero understanding of geopolitics would buy
>"guys ids soober deeb trust me"
>85IQ retards with no critical thinking capacity immediately agree with shit they don't even understand because they are morns but dont want ro be seen as morons and they think its what a smart person would do
These are the type of mentally retarded NPCs that spend an hour staring at an empty canvas in an art museum claiming to be "moved" or watch a 2 hour fanfiction YouTube video titled "The Tragic Tale of Zanzibart" or some shit and pretend like they have experienced a masterpiece of writing and allusion
Whatever you want to call it, that's fine. The point is that he seemingly walks back from his previous development in the main series, which is technically true but since it's building upon rather than ignoring the prior development it's not a bad thing. I just see the "they reversed his character development, bad writing" critique fairly often by low-IQs, so I figured it was worth addressing.
I don't buy it
each boss makes sure you have a mechanic mastered, and armstrong is 5x harder if you continually miss his aimed cuts at the boulders
people should have sundowner's lyrics playing well before he's half dead
i'm pretty sure half of those guys were joking but the initial point is still pretty true
Japan has an insanely cucked mentality post WW2 and since the game was written in Japan it's hard to believe they didn't draw at least some inspiration from that
it's practically the only japanese media I can think of that straight up goes out and says "might makes right" rather than some ultra-gay liberal shit about individualism or that everything is about perspective or whatever
MGR message is that u should kill black ppl
What the fuck now it all makes sense.
Japan... ganbare.. '
>it's practically the only japanese media I can think of that straight up goes out and says "might makes right"
Yeah, the damn antagonist says that, the one you are supposed to hate. Most of the dialogue is just cringe drivel and a cheap excuse to have cyborg ninja katana duels.
I just hate faggots like this so much, these are the type of niggers that made 40 hour long video essays about the deep meanings behind like the occult symbology in Evangelion, then refused to admit they were wrong when the creator himself came out and said "yeah i dunno what any of that shit actually means, I just used it cause it looks cool"
I thought it was clear it was a joke, but inevitably some people on this website are going to buy into any bullshit no matter how unbelievable.
Not everything made in Japan has some nationalistic message, user. Sometimes art is just made to speak to a human experience, if you can believe it. You're right that the embrace of the "might makes right" reality is unconventional, but this is unconventional for all fiction, not just Japanese fiction.
You're calling the writing cringe drivel while simultaneously insinuating that everything the antagonist says is automatically wrong? You know Raiden grew from interacting with the antagonists, like any good story, right?
>the Eva meme
He said he picked the name for the series because it sounded cool. It's only low-IQ niggers like you who interpret this as "lol all the symbolism was meaningless I didn't mean any of that shit haha get fucked weebs." Don't reply if you can't tell the difference.
it's not just the antagonist it's every boss in the entire game and the thematic plot for the entire story. Raiden going from being a naive violent loathsome hypocrite to having a self-realization and actualization in embracing the fact that he is no different than his enemies and his own moralizations and rationalizations for his own slaughter is just pure cope
that's also what the five winds of destruction are based upon. their thematic element is the reasons we go to war. and you can hear that in every Boss' backstory with the conclusion being Armstrong, which essentially boils down to "for the greater good"
I get what you're saying but think MGR of all games weren't written with some thematic complexity in mind when it's right there on the surface is also complete brainletry
literally every MGS game has a main "theme" and memetic philosophical message in case you couldn't tell
>Not everything made in Japan has some nationalistic message
saying that a game written in Japan might've been influenced and written from a Japanese perspective is not a stretch you fucking dolt. it is a natural assumption
This, it isn't garbage.
Yeah that's weird af
I think it has something to do with Brazil having a high amount of Japanese expatriates.
>"Raiden, you are more than just a weapon."
>Raiden is now literally a living weapon
Honestly, MGR was just salvaging the weird decision MGS4 made.
How the fuck am I the first person to post that Sundowner is the fucking bad guy and not the one the writer wants you to agree with? They literally gave him a stereotypical southern accent and had him bring up 9/11 to remove all subtlety about him being an American neoconservative.
And the posts "explaining" OP's bullshit are even more bullshit.
You know Yea Forums is really fucking terrible when most posters don't even have a surface-level knowledge of the meme games that everyone here claims to love.
Because you're not the first person to disagree with OP. Take the dick out of your ass, someone already got upset about the pro-Japan LARPers before you.
literally the whole point of MGR is that there is no "good and bad", his is an impossible pseudo-moralistic stance for people who are blatant or self-indoctrinated hypocrites, like say americans
Sundowner is not "bad" he represents masculinity and nature. You'd be no more intelligent claiming russians are evil or that lions are evil for eating Zebras
Sundowner just sees things differently from the player, it's not fucking complicated user
This take is dumb. This is the game's message:
Yes Sundowner is wrong and farming orphans for their brainstems is actually a bad thing. I don't have to prove this in an argument, because nothing will stop these kinds of people except a melee combat induced execution.
pretty much, sundowner took "it's only nature lmao" to the extreme, the only enviroment that he could live in is constant war while doing bad shit, raiden is not different when it comes to being unable to live outside of war, but he knows that is not a place where people that are not maniacs can just live
the orphans are completely irrelevant to the entire plot of the game. they're only shoehorned in to give some motivation to Raiden's character arc and up the stakes for Raiden's confrontation with Armstrong because 90% of players have forgotten about the African president at that point in the game
the thematic element of the game is still War and Raiden's character arc. he literally repeats Armstrongs message at the end of the game and that is AFTER all the organ harvesting shit you fucking brainlet
sundowner is only wrong because he lost
>giving children the ability to survive in a future where a single cyborg man is strong enough to destroy a Metal Gear Ray with a sword is somehow bad.
Fuck being a normalfag in that universe.
That's cause nukes aren't real :)
>the orphans are irrelevant
>they're motivation for the main character
Pick one.
>African president
He is irrelevant, why was he supposed to be brought up again? His death is just to demonstrate the peace which war-for-profit/fun disrupts. Orphans and Africans are the same to Raiden; weak people who he needs to use his strength to protect from other strong people.
>there is no right or wrong
>you and I are the same
This are not saying what you think they are. The point is that morality is irrelevant to deciding what happens in the world, and like Armstrong Raiden needs to use violence to achieve his goals. Raiden can preach about orphans and shit all he wants, but unless he uses force to stop people like Sundowner and Armstrong, his moral principles mean jack shit. His morals still matter because they guide his actions, but when it comes to conflict Jack the Ripper is the negotiator. This is not good or bad; it's just the way the world works.
Killing orphans and black people (only the ones in suits) is still bad, these are not treated as morally neutral by the game.
Sundowner is just the comedian
the point being just because someone is morally repugnant that does not make someone ""evil"" or oneself morally perfect, because "good and evil" are literal constructs which you'd think would resonate with libs since they love that word so much
>with the conclusion being Armstrong, which essentially boils down to "for the greater good"
Lol he never even comes close to saying that other than ending war as a business
He gives some rambling incoherent speech about "fighting your own wars" wich is just air
The writing in these games is shit because it was made by people that cant write. Pretending there is meaning in it is pure cope
Monsoon's fight takes way too long desu
>Killing orphans and black people (only the ones in suits) is still bad, these are not treated as morally neutral by the game.
the fuck do you think happens in wars and what the main theme of the game is then you absolute dip
the idea that one geopolitical interest is more noble than another, especially under US hegemony is absolute gigacopium and it's what the game is pecking
now go back to your cuckshed brainlet