I've been waiting 20 years for video games to look & animate like this in realtime. Fucking when will it happen?

I've been waiting 20 years for video games to look & animate like this in realtime. Fucking when will it happen?


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When we can deep dive.
The problem isn't graphical, per se, it's the user interface and how we interact with the game.

You wouldn't like it anyway, why bother making it?

>tfw thought the Warcraft movie was going to be 2 hours of this

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this. Yea Forums would just call it soulless and go back to praising valve games and old nintendo.

Precisely. We both know what the audience really wants. Putting forth anymore effort would be a fruitless endeavor.

>scenes with Orcs look great
>then a human pops up on screen next to them
Whoever told them normal people looked fine juxtaposed next to CGI Orcs needs to be shot. Plus, good fucking luck knowing what's going on without knowing lore beforehand, I remember me and my friend went with some other friends and we were the only two that understood what was going on. Also someone storyboarded Moses Thrall and thought it was fine.

I feel bad for some of the people producing this thing because it looked like they legit actually cared about WoW. But it was such a colossal fuck up. Just a really bad film in a general sense.

All I do is play fantasy games waiting for them to be that epic and not just awkward and dorky like Skyrim/dragonage/Witcher etc.

looks like Dark Souls 1. games look better than this.

Nigga are you blind? it looks like King's field

>saw cinematic
>wanted to be a dwarf bro with a bear bro companion
>every. single. friend. for a decade and a half has been hardcore horde
>never get to be my drunken dwarfbro hunter with a bear bro pet
Endless sadness.

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>That itch to play WoW is coming back again
The current state of things is bad enough that I think I can avoid caving this time.

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That movie was horrible

You're saying that likes it's a bad thing

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My favorite cenimatic was for wc2 or 3 where it was raining and an orc warrior and a foot soldier were beating the piss out of eachother then the green burning meteor hit

Find a good everquest private server and I'll play

Yes I want graphics to get better.

No, I have played ultra-realism games before that lagged and it not worth it. It rewards to focus on what works.

WoW was too levelup game. They killed every character we played as. They wanted to just destroy everything and make new characters and wipe away the history of everything that happened in the past.

People playing the online mmo decided they just wanted to play it and see where it goes. So they just accepted the monthly subscriptions and made overwatch and hearthstone. Which means Blizzard became HD 3D rendered pornhub channel instead of Dwarf Hunting on Ironforge Mountain with Bear Pet channel.

Like when Anakin Skywalker turned to the dark side because he liked Padme.

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Why didn't you just make an alt?
I played on both factions all the time.

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I always play as Dwarfs + Nelfs, and then on the horde I play Trolls + Taurens. Best races.

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Nah Human was always the only race that is best. The other races are just there for diversion. Luckily I had a friend who only played Humans. Both sides (Forsaken).

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Well... There was a private servers that was full crossfaction aka both horde and alliance players could form parties, raids and guilds together.

Tauren Hunter > Dwarf Hunter though

I will always be an undeadfag at heart.
Love Tirisfal. Love their lore and being an edgy piece of shit.

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That looks like the raid armor though.

I don't play fantasy games in fantasy worlds to be a boring human.

>Yea Forums hate things XD
Fuck up nigger

Making the WRONG mistake to play as is up to you. If you don't see playing as a frog as wrong then you can do so. But you'll find out that human is what you were made to be in the end. Or you'll be enemies with the only ally on both sides.

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for me it's undead lock

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for me it was a priest
always liked the way undeads looked in cloth gear

Being a frog sounds cool

I think over my countless hours on various WoW pservers, I've mained every vanilla race and every class at least once except for Human and Paladin. I just can't get into 'em.

Yeah , humans are boring

Never been a big human player either. Across all of the time I've put into WoW I think I only made one human character ever, and never leveled him past 20.
Likewise I'm also not a pally kind of guy. Cool aesthetic but always found the playstyle boring.

Not me. I made Human and Undead Paladins. On Atlantiss and Ascension.

honestly nothing was more fun then murdering some dumb bastard then using cannibalize on them.

The nostalgia of that video hits really hard.
Why did you almost make me cry?
I never asked for this.

This is the sort of thing Dark Souls got ridicule for for being too uncivilized. Try to be civil and humane please. Even the Undeads all have class. It's the bad undeads that don't want to return to the light, like Arthas did leading them all against the lich king in the final battle.

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cannibalize was the closest thing WoW had to t-bagging

Why does everything beautiful have to rot?

>warlock cringing and crying because his enslave demon spell broke and he's about to get assraped by an infernal

>the drums of war thunder once again.....

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Having Maiev voice that when she doesn't even appear in Vanilla was fucking awesome.

>Alliancefag at heart forever and always
>Mulgore is still the most soulful starting zone
Anyone else?

God of War

For me, it's Horde, but Dun Morogh and Loch Modan.

I like teldrassil and dun morogh the best even though I prefer horde

I was hoping they'd make a WoW 2 with better graphics and different spells, but no they kept piling shit on top of shit

Mulgore is so empty and incomplete it's easily the worst zone. What little it has is very kino tho. Enjoy your trek thru the barrens XD. Us night elves get teldrassil then darkshore then ashenvale. The holy fucking trinity of night elf kino forests

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There are plenty of games with amazing graphics. And there'll be more on the horizon with better rendering tech coming out soon.

But you know why none of it will matter and why it won't make games more fun? Because you'll still be pressing the exact same WASD to move and standing around while basically-cutscene NPCs spout dialogue at you as you wait for the next gameplay moment to start up.

Graphics don't make games more fun, especially when the actual gameplay hasn't changed at all in 30 years. We're still controlling characters, attacking shit, listening to dialogue, and moving our third-person cameras around the same way we did back in the N64 days. No amount of polygons or texture resolution is going to magically make that more fun.

Just remember that MMOs are full of tryhards and troons and tryhard troons and every time you feel the itch, it will instantly vanish, completely, every single time.
Playing with a bunch of sweaty nerds who already 100% know the meta is not fun and never will be fun.

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I appreciate good art so graphics matter to me. I want a beautiful and immersive world as well as good gameplay

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>Playing with a bunch of sweaty nerds who already 100% know the meta is not fun

This is true for basically every game. Games are their most enjoyable when they're new and not littered with this cancer yet.

>I want a beautiful and immersive world as well as good gameplay
Yeah but that's not how game development works. You can't have both. Not unless you want the already massively inflated budgets to skyrocket even higher. The more it costs to make something, the more corners have to get cut to get it finished. So you either have cutting edge graphics, or you can have some sort of innovation or improvement in gameplay, but never both.

Sure you can

>Sure you can
Then why has it never happened?

the original wow trailer and cinematics were fucking kino. and playing the game really gave you a great, similar feeling. shame it doesnt still have that.

It has, someone already mentioned God of War

>someone already mentioned God of War
That game was absolutely not any sort of innovation or improvement in gameplay over anything that came before it. If you took away the graphics and the name, it'd just be another generic and mediocre third person hack-and-slash console game.

are you asking why, subjectively? certain for every example people list youll just sit there like a faggot and say "thats not immersive" or "that doesnt have good gameplay"

I genuinely thought Halo Infinite was going to look like the first teaser.