Why is it so unfair? Why are some players blessed with such great genetics that they can do such impossible feats? Is there a point in gaming if the playing ground is so uneven?
Elden Ring
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Are you a ADHD Gamer? How has it affected your gaming over the years?
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ignoring the reddit shit how the fuck do I beat her with a falchion
There has never been a man that posted on Reddit and posses 'great genetics'
not really, if anything it makes me too immersed in gaming so that I can go for hours at a time without noticing
I've had it since I was a kid, I used to be hyper but now I'm just shit at paying attention for extended periods of time
As far as Malenia challenges, this isn't even hard. WFD is easier to dodge on multiplayer because it's lagged. Anyone who fought her alone probably had a harder time, this is just cringe e-celeb shit.
>Is there a point in gaming if the playing ground is so uneven
Do you buy games to be the best in the world or something? If so you better stop you fucking retard, especially when you hope it will magically happen to you when you play aimlessly.
how do people beat her with melee? serious question. she only gets stunned for a brief moment and her combos are way better than what the player can do. my best attempts as solo vs her were by using ranged weapon arts
You're just a beta
Use weapons or ashes of war that can stunlock her, like corpsepiler, transient moonlight, wild strikes, sword dance, and waterfowl dance from her own weapon.
Just look up RL1 Malenia on youtube
She has a pattern and you can just learn her
>only gets stunned for a brief moment
So fight her like any hyperarmor boss. Hit her once and walk away. She has considerably less health than other end game bosses, no need to rush.
this isn't impressive
the dude is overleveled with 70 vigor and uses bleed kats
there are people out there that beat malenia as lvl1 with no summons, that is impressive
i have the reaction time of a turtle and i beat every souls game multiple times. if my retarded ass can do it, so can you.
>Why is it so unfair?
How is it unfair? Because other people have better reaction time than you or put more time into practicing against her than you did?
50,000 upvotes... wow bros, i wish that were me
Some people beat ER using a dance pad.
Some chink a month earlier beat the game by blowing pipes.
There are lots of people who do autistic shit in these games to prove themselves as the best.
Is rivers of blood melee?
If so, rivers of blood and a shield.
The Youtube video in OP's pic is honestly pretty impressive, he doesn't get hit once and had 2 deadweight cheerleaders bloating up Malenia's HP.
Boring as fuck to watch the whole way through, but he clearly knows the rotussy inside out
and yet somehow this guy gets 50k upvotes
I hate reddit
>Malenia mindbroke redditors and scrubs so much some faggot with dual bleed kats got 50k upvotes on plebbit for helping them through her
some people have no lives
>mah lady
>t. 4chaner
Hit her with it until dead.
melee with ranged weapon art
his jumping r1 hits for 1k lol
it's not impressive
I've only beaten her once pre patch, and I'm not that far into ng+. I have too many games to play. I just spammed hoarfrost stomp.
practice practice practice
took me 12 hours over five days using only the darkmoon greatsword
it's an incredibly tight fight, but very doable once you have built up the muscle memory
It's unfair because the Shattering is unfair.
>equip fp physick
>equip comet azur
>graven talisman
>scorpion magic talisman
>80 int
Bro I just soloed her for you give me (You)s
It was a hard fight but she only killed me 12 times, and I was so pissed I just whipped her ass in probably less than an hour
You know for a fact that posts about this guy here are made by him. Apparently all the posts about him on reddit are by him. I've just heard of this guy and I hate the shit out of him—I don't want to hear about this guy anymore
>casually rolls through point blank waterfowl at 3:12
I do but then she comes back to life and slathers her wings all over my camera
Where do you get the pot helmet?
Only doable online because rolling online is far more lenient than offline.
>Using rivers of blood and moonveil
>thinking he beat Melania with some naked meme build
lol, he didn't beat it. Only skill he has is knowing when to attack and dodging her attacks, and being very patient. That's it.
This faggot uses powerstanced Uchigatana + Rivers of Blood, literal easy mode.
And you're saying Yea Forums posters do? kek
>reddit thread
This place is dead. I'm going back to 1ch.
Alexander gives it to you.
Oh yeah, idolizing something that just helps people skip all the challenge in the game. This is peak leddit and you didn't beat her.
>great genetics
A literal chimp can learn dodge roll timings for game, given enough time. However, if you actually did that for Dark Souls 2 2, that's not an achievement, that only means you have no respect for yourself.
I’ve been summoning guys who are copying his idea and seeing how they do.
Have you seen /fit/ or /vp/?
user don't be so hard on yourself, you might be a chimp, but you're a GREAT chimp! You make people around you laugh!
Lasted 30 seconds longer than I expected
she killed me way more lol
interestingly, I didn't get frustrated with her like I had with some other bosses
it was quite peaceful
and as a result, I had a lot more fun going through Mountaintop of the Giants and the rest of the end game + Mohg
greatshield and lots of poking with a frost+bleed weapon. When frost procs switch to a fire weapon and do 1 poke, then switch back.
Repeat until dead.
Ignore the fact she has lifesteal even on shield, just keep poking.
I used the Great Epee. She literally has no answer to the range, her AI doesn't know how to respond to somebody that's hitting her outside her punish range. I imagine that's how colossal weapon users are beating her
But her health is doubled, so it evens out
Jesus christ. When I beat her I used great stars and hoar frost stomp and she was half health in like 5 seconds.
>When I beat her
>hoar frost stomp
You didn't.
people trying to copy him and then failing miserably and embarrassing themselves is pretty funny
Even though his build was soulless and meta he legitimately was good at the fight
>that spacing
>those dodges
goddamn what a champ
But, isn’t that what you would do with any weapon
>summon copiers
>sever them when malenia is low
>kill self as they see me drink my jihad elixir in front of them
>hoarfrost stomp, probably pre-nerf
you might as well have summoned
Blasphemous blade plus mimic cast weapon art, knock her down plus heal constantly
I guess I have ssj retard power where I focus harder when I'm mad
Dangerously based
7 hours later....i thought this was gonna be my forever....i got her to 15% health like 10 times
It was before the patch. They announced the patch the next day. It did seem a little overpowered
boss hp gets scaled like crazy when summoning
Also it was a heavy scale so I wouldnt call it magic
i literally beat her on my first ever try because i kept stunlocking her with rivers of blood special
why aren't these homos RoBing her to death instead of taking twenty minutes punching her and wasting everyone's time
I saw this guy last week and he ate shit in the first 10 seconds.
Fucking redditors
lel, gonna start doing this
rolling backwards works pretty well for most of her moves, there's just a couple where you need to learn to react and roll past her
her kick can link to one of two combos, one where she has hyperarmour and one where she doesn't, so it's best to just keep away from her at that point
her long range air stab attack and her long windup upward/downward slash attack are very punishable and where you will do most of your damage
you can throw freeze pots at her to knock her out of waterfowl dance
you can always escape by running away
if you're using a heavy weapon, you are probably just dodging a shitload and punishing the one or two attacks where she gives you enough time to get a jumping attack in. it's a long and kind of boring way to win. if you're using a faster weapon you just have to learn when you can stun her and when you can't.
He's doing it online, which has much easier dodge timing due to lag compensation. He dodged a waterfowl point blank at 3:12, which is impossible offline without sprinting
It was still a pathetic display
Why are you even wasting your time playing the game at all? You’re just pressing the instant win button repeatedly.
Why even play the game if you don't even want to engage with the boss content?