>3090ti performance for $499.99MSRP
Even if these are scalped to double price, it's still not a bad deal for that level of performance. RTX 3000 cards are gonna devalue massively.
>3090ti performance for $499.99MSRP
Even if these are scalped to double price, it's still not a bad deal for that level of performance. RTX 3000 cards are gonna devalue massively.
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>3090ti performance for $499.99MSRP
Also, if they're not scalped 4K will finally become the norm for anyone not playing comp shooters.
Comp shooter people will likely move from 720/1080p to 1440p.
>3090ti performance for $499.99MSRP
you gotta be a retard to think and say shit like this
4070 will be the equivalente of a 3080, 4060=3070... just like the rest on the gens
also $499.99MSRP but in reality it will selling in stores for $650
I mean, the RTX 3070 outpaced Nvidias previous highest end card. It's not unlikely, shit will likely be 500 watts though lmao
3070 beat the 2080ti, at the very least with that in mind well get 3080ti performance with the 4070
The world of graphics cards and arbitrary pricing is insane, glad to just be a consolefag so I can concentrate on playing games rather than worrying about overpaying for hardware where I can get get the same performance for a fraction of the cost a few months down the line
Uh, last I checked console prices were completely fucked due to scalping.
I am fairly poor, after taxes I take home around $1700.
I live below my means though, and manage my income.
After Rent/bills/groceries I still have around $1000 a month to fuck with. Two months of disposable income gets me a new high end rig from scratch. Upgrading a GPU is small time even for a poorfag like me.
Wait, we are already at the 4k series?
This literally never happened with 3070.
3070 ti beats 2080 ti by like 3%
>glad to just be a consolefag so I can concentrate on playing games rather than worrying about overpaying for hardware
do you fucking hear what you're saying?
graphics cards AND consoles are being scalped, also last i've checked consoles also use graphics cards, so if there's no stock, people will scalp them
Later this year we will be, yes.
RTX 3000 cards are fairly old, they only feel new because they just became available to non botters.
What's wrong with it?
Yes Yes Keep spreading the FUD so I can get cheap 30 series or 60 series on ebay
>I mean, the RTX 3070 outpaced Nvidias previous highest end card
This is the exception, not the norm. The 2070 did not "outpace" the 1080ti, nor did the 970 "outpace" the 780ti, nor did the 770 "outpace" the 690, etc. This is ignoring the Titan of each gen which was actually the high-end card of the series.
I see your point.
I have been wanting one since they first released.
3070 is pretty much on par with the 2080ti or 1% better.
Yeah but what's the point? There's no good new games coming out to play on it.
No current card can do 4K/ultra/60 on Cyberpunk without DLSS blur
I guess we can both cherry pick YT videos but yours is the only one I've ever seen showing the 3070 as faster.
No current or future card can make Cyberjunk a good game either.
>3090ti performance for $500
lmfao do all the JUST WAITers really believe this shit
This is an outdated view. GPU's are no longer about simply running new games, but running older games at extremely high framerates.
Not even remotely a poorfag in reality.
Yea and the ps3 is a super computer lol
>uses really bad game in his example
That's $12.50 an hour or so. Many coastal states have minimum wages equal to or higher than that. That's poor.
What game fully utilize a 3090ti even?
Pozzcreed? Fag Cry?
If you don't play AAA bloatware that's a waste of money
5% better than a 3070, which can't game, also street price will be 1000 burger coins but moshe your GPU reseller will have them on amazon for $1500. Feels good being a 970 chad that stopped caring about westoid tranny games made after 2013, elden ring runs at 60fps on my nearly decade old rig.
>instantly scalped for $3000
>Real world performance is actually like 2% better than 3080
>only benefit is more vram which isn't really needed, but nice to have (I guess?)
I bet it's also going to be a disaster for drivers and stability too with teething problems on production. Because they are fucking annoying and instead of shipping huge amounts of good product like they used to with the 10xx series they are chasing the purple dragon when they really don't need to be.
A fellow 970 chad. Good to see we're still around.
Read Dead Redemption 2 in 4K. Cybercuck.
Heavily modded Witcher 3 in 4K.
its already been said but who gives a fuck about new AAA trash?
it's about running "relatively" old games at 4k 144hz
Name one (1) game I can't run at 60fps with a 1070.
I have 3080, don't see myself upgrading. I only really play iche.io tier crap anyway. I have all I need for work (film). Maybe if a really insane game gets announced. I can't think of any good AAA games that are on the horizon.
Almost everything in 1440p/4k Ultra
Where r u renting holy shit i gotta get outta massachusetts
Wait i have a house fuck
All the rumors point to a perf increase close to 100%, which is rare and remarkable as far as graphics card generations go. If that's anywhere close to the truth then yeah, the xx70 card could definitely be in striking range of the previous gen top tier. Ampere really is pretty shitty.
Shitloads of games could at 4k, especially nowadays when 4k 120Hz+ screens aren't even crazy expensive anymore. Some games will completely shit on it too and perform poorly if maxed out, it's expensive but it really isn't some sort of god card with earth shattering performance, it will barely manage to perform adequately in the heaviest games at 4k so there's clearly a lot of room for improvement.
4 is an unlucky number, hard pass
>16gb only
I rent a large finished basement for $450 with everything included(very lucky), I live in PA. I have a private bath but share a kitchen.
>Ultra meme
No functional benefit over just High, and even then you can deal with medium mixed with high, even low on some settings. This is the absolute state of Millenials/Zoomers where they had to hide most of the settings under "preset" because people were too smoothbrain to manage their own performance. And the continuation of needless videocard development is just going to let them brute-force bad optimization.
What was that saying...?
>Software can be as bad as hardware allows it
That's plenty of vram. Especially for a $500 card. The 4080 will probably have like 32GB.
Man, consoles games are running at the equivalent of 1440p/high/60fps.
You are literally getting shit on by consoles.
PC gamings biggest advantage is the lack of needing to compromise, how are you not ashamed.
I only mentioned that because of the 3090ti comparison. 16gb isn't enough to do most of the tasks a 3090ti would face.
No they aren't.
looooool. sure they are sweatie
My plan is to buy the 4090 and continue playing Minecraft
Good deal
NC used to be like this, in 2011 I rented a house with my friends and got a room for 350 a month. Good times.
Why don't you upgrade to 32 gigs of DDR4 RAM instead
As a professional/work card, you're right.
For gaming, it doesn't really matter.
They are yes. An example.
4k is still a meme, there's no reason to go higher than 1440p
Only the niggerstation5, you can get xsx/s at retail they pop up all the time I get alerts from Slickdeals for them being available like weekly and they don’t get instascalped, I check links and it’s actually in stock
Yes there is, the reason is that it looks much better.
you forgot the part that you need a 3000w psu and a new electric installation
ok woah woah woah
where in the hell are you living that rent is that cheap, or are you living with like 15 other people
Glad Im an old consolefag so I don't have to worry about overpaying for hardware