Is it the fault of the studio or playstation? I say playstation
Is it the fault of the studio or playstation? I say playstation
Didn't the devs literally say they signed the dotted line and regretted it?
somebody post that menu screen
I've never met a single person irl who enjoys oddworld games
Sony is generally retarded and likes to burn money on stupid shit to kneecap themselves.
Lorne Lanning is a trend-chasing clueless retard nowadays
no ones does. it's one of those things people just pretend to be fans of for the unique clout. like earthworm jim
What was probably devastating for sales was that it was an oddworld game
Shit game
Back to your "press dodge to win" Souls series, pleb boy.
Didn't they put Jim Sterling into this game?
Oddworld was always style over substance. Does Lanning not realize that he's removing the only appeal his games ever had?
what the fuck happened to him? the original games were amazing but soulstorm was just a soulless craft-a-thon.
Lorne is an idiot and believes those downloads are all lost sales.
I downloaded it from PS+ and only played the first level.
When I saw the game had double jumping and a scoreboard at the end of the level I knew I didn't like what they had done to it.
It's a disappointment of a game, nothing close to how the first oddworld or stranger's wrath was. Genuinely couldn't bring myself to play any more past the train section.
MediEvil is one of those too
I actually liked MediEvil when I was younger, it was a very fun game. The remake on ps4 really sucks and has terrible frame rate issues.
>2d platformer fails to sell on a 9th gen console
oh my god who the fuck buys these games at full price + tax + tip + foreskin removal
I'd say the problem is the game being shit.
Imagine getting money from both Sony AND Epic and still having your game flop.
Could it possibly be that he's another mistakenly glamourised auteur coasting off of other people's work like Kojima?
I remember people giving credit to the team and saying such and such did this and that while lorne is the only one from the whole original team still involved, but really the whole thing was his idea and why any of it happened at all even if it was just a skeleton of whatever odyssey exodus was it was all him
He's glamourised? Has anyone ever really given a shit about his games? I suppose they must sell a decent bit to get new entries now and then, but I've never seen any buzz around Oddworld.
u retards pretend to like this boring series because matthewmatosis liked the first one a lot.
stupid nigger sheeppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp cant think for yourselves
I love te old Oddworld games but if the devs tink anything beyond people only lpayed this game because of PS+ they are lying to themselves.
i love the originals, never played the remakes, i played the psp one but never ended up finishing it though
munch's oddysee was cool, i only got it because it came bundled with my original xbox but i ended up playing the ever living shit out of it
since then i tried to play the 2d oddworld games and it's just way to hard for me and not fun
munch's game had a lot going for it
You take that back ps1 medievil is a gem. Oddworld was always a meme puzzle game that would have been better served as a movie. Even the original was mediocre at best.
Well usually the devs that take the EGS money do so because they know their game is shit before it releases.
zoomie here i loved the game way before any irish or otherwise e-celeb shilled it since I was a kid I had oddysee on the ps1 and didn't even know there were other games in the series.
I was a pussy and was on edge the whole time I played and was afraid of literally everything in a way not even horror games can today and constantly died so much and after jobbing so much I'd spend most of the time on the voice menu making the characters make weird noises
PlayStation Plus sales do not equate to sales and it is completely dishonest for him to pretend he believes that is the case. /thread
I bet the completion rate for Soulstorm is less than 4% of the total downloads. People just hoard the free crap to try and justify their Snoy (((subscription))) for the honor of playing video games online that should not cost money to play online.
80s kids like Jim for his cartoon he also had this really cool toy that shoots his head off I still have it
I really enjoyed it on the psp never played the remake though
All that said Odd world sucks ass besides the aesthetic
maybe they shouldn't have made a shit video game
Ooblets is the only EGS game I can think of that was worth a damn and they took the money cause small indie made by a husband and wife and openly said that the upfront check is nice and they can just sell it on steam later. I pirated it though so oh well
Sounds like stupid boomer talk. Download /= lost sale. A lack of marketing and being high on his own supply was the problem. Anything to pass the buck, these wannabe auteurs never accept responsibility. Earth Worm Jim guy is the same way.
Have they even had a game since the PS1 days? If come out after 23 years with some shitty niche game, you shouldn't wonder why nobody gives a shit. Up until this post I didn't know it existed.
>they can just sell it on steam later
I thought Epic v Apple documents said Ooblets was going to be a permanent exclusive
That and they still got money every time someone downloaded the game from PS+.
I like the first game.
That weird oppressive atmosphere really sucked me in as a kid and I got really autistic about saving everyone. Don't remember if I ever succeeded though.
Those Ooblets devs are massive cunts though so even if it ever comes to steam they'll never get any of my money.
Dark Crusade was better
I’m just going off what the dev said last time I gave a fuck about the game may have changed but from my understanding it was exclusive for a few years then they could do whatever but they may have been full of shit Idk
I haven’t kept up with them since I pirated their game and played all the content that was out at that time what did they do?
you'd think they'd learn their fucking lesson the last time they signed papers and ended up bankrupt
When they announced the EGS exclusivity they acted like assholes about it and when people called them out on it they doubled down.
yeah same
me and my mum played it together on playstation when I was a kid, like, taking turns and laughing at farts
like one of few good memories I actually have of her tbf
that being said, I didn't like how soulstorm looked
I wanted a classic style oddworld sequel game
stranger was okay and munchs was fun as shit in full 3d sometimes but idk
soulstorm just didn't grab me
too fast paced, too hectic, too much, even if it was in 2.5d like that
the original oddworld games were like tomb raider or resident evil in that it had an odd control scheme that took time to figure out properly which is what made running for your life so satisfying to do
soulstorm looked, dare I say, casual
Meh who cares I pirate any EGS exclusive anyway let the fags take Tims money valves got so shitty I’m not gonna be upset when something is not on steam and I say that as someone who’s steam account is old enough to vote
It’s devs fault. It’s hilarious he thinks the 4 million people who downloaded the game for free would have bought it in the first place. Oddworld would be extremely lucky to sell close to a million copies of the game was GOOD. Soulstorm sort of sucked.
Oh and to add to this fuck things like the rockstar launcher so goddamn unnecessary. I already don’t buy games that need an independent launcher but those cunts try to shove it into all their legacy titles I bought a decade ago
Yea people just saw it as shovel ware rightfully so. Only people who care about odd world enough to buy it are in their 30s and 40s for the most part so the ps plus deal was a great way to get young people to play the game and discuss if it wasn’t a steaming pile of dogshit
terrible posts anons nice job
They completely fucked the dark atmosphere of Oddysee and Exoddus, fuck Lorne, his wife is the real creator.
Now that's a soul/soulless pic, what the fuck.
Cheers. If people stopped replying I'd stop baiting.
Medievil 1 is still my favorite from the PS1 gen but I've heard conflicting things about the remake. Medievil 2 was the odd one though but storywise at least Sir Dan got himself a qt mummy gf for his troubles. Even if I had felt the story was finished when he finally reclaimed his honor and got a place in the hall of heroes.
>that hand placement
based lad
No one would have played it anyway.
I'd play it if it was on Switch. I tend to think Gay Station is shit.