10/10 Games

What's a game that is, IN YOUR OPINION, a true 10/10?

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Shut the FUCK up marnie

Miku game!

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Crash Team Racing
Donkey Kong Country 1
Both Mario Galaxy
Marnie's Game

Man, donkey kong country 1 & 2 are my favorites. I even like 3

Leog Island 2 for the Gameboy Advanced SP and I want to fuck Marnie


Ocarina of Time
Mario 64
Deus Ex
Resident Evil 4
Metal Gear Solid 1
GTA San Andreas
Jak and Daxter
Castlevania Symphony of the night
Super Metroid
Streets of Rage 2
Starfox 64
Mirrors Edge
Tekken 3
Soul Calibur 2
Street Fighter 2
Wii Sports

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>StarFox 64
Can you call a game 10/10 if it has a section you think was objectively bad?
SF64 is one of my all time favorites but Aquas stops me from calling it a perfect game.