Elden Ring BTFO

This video flawlessly explains why Elden Ring is bad.
FromSoftware lied, Spirit Ashe Summons were a massive mistake.
This is just the beginning, people will slowly but surely realize that Elden Ring is the least replayable souls game and that the juice simply isn't worth the squeeze when it comes to replay value.

Attached: Elden Ring BTFO.png (1264x711, 1.06M)


I'm proud of you for trying to make videos user, even if no one else is. Keep doing you. Though I'm not gonna watch it, sorry.

he's right though, I was posting the same thing before the video. The bosses having such long attack strings where the player can't do anything but run away for like 10-20 seconds is extremely boring. At least in Sekiro you could fight back.

It's over... we lost...

a fractured but whole design

I didn't make that video.

Yep, they were designed for the baind aid spirit ashe summon system which ironically breaks the entire experience.

I'm not giving your gay youtube channel views, faggot
>INB4 b-but i-it's not mine
it's as if you actually like being someone's bitchboy for free

sure you didn't user