Greatest game of the decade.
Greatest game of the decade
boring shit
Walmart is this way >>>>>>>>
Brainlet spotted
It doesn't have legs for past 200 hours. It's the same production chain every time. It gets boring.
Imagine a Zachtronics game but tedious and boring
200 hours a for a 25 bucks game is amazing. Oh wait, you are biased because you expect this to be a 10.000 hour game. Tough shit, bitch.
Only if you have autism
That's every Zachtronics game.
t. googled some blueprints
Download mods if you want different production chains
Oh wait you won't because that's not the real issue you have with the game
I just wanted to swap the inputs on a chem factory. Why the fuck do I have to download a mod for that
>It doesn't have legs for past 200 hours.
explain why that's a bad thing
Factorio is pretty close to being the perfect game
If you have autism yeah
Can't wait for them to ruin it with the expansion pack
Polite reminder they hired one of the most cancerous modders to join their steamed development studio.
Earendal's got autism, but his mods are good. Even if you're the same speg who whines about Space Exploration every thread, alien biomes is one of the best mods available and his graphical work is top notch, which is exactly what he was hired on to do.
It's over, everyone is playing Satisfactory now.
wasn't it for the art or something?
Do you have to know or understand programming to play Factorio? I'm probably too dumb to play it if so.
Factorio gets memed as being for smart people, but it's really not. It's much less that you need to be smart to play it, and more that it makes you feel dumb, which are two very different things. There's stuff you can do that requires brains, but it's hardly required to win. Try the demo and see if it interests you
no just some math all the way in the late game IF you want to optimize the base to the fullest potential
Factorio is a test of patience, that's it.
It's no Zachtronics game.
You just need a bit of patience to figure out trains and then you are having fun for days.
this and gzdoom are all I have installed.
unfathomably based
true and based
it's a good game but it isn't for everybody
it's actually very niche
autist and virgin
i added it to my wish list
how cheap will it be during the summer sale?
Yes. He got hired for art not for his mod shit.
You don't even need the ability to plan for the future, there's a lot of people who "complete" it with total spaghetti bases that even they themselves don't understand.
It's almost not even a game. It's just an engineering simulator. You feel like you're doing something useful but in reality you're sitting on your ass clicking boxes.
>projecting brainlet
>how cheap will it be during the summer sale?
No. Has nothing to do with programming or even math like other anons said. You do have to use your brain and occasionally you have to re-plan everything especially when you get to the late game. The game is pretty much completely about identifying inefficiencies and improving them. That's literally all it is. You need to be able to see where things are slow, and trace back and find exactly why it's slow, and then make the proper adjustments. People pretend it's way harder or more complicated than it is.
I have 1000 hours unmodded on factorio
and 2500 hours modded
it's ludo
This is actually pretty based.
Ironically, I actually am playing satisfactory right now.
I primarily make nice buildings and adjust underclocks on machines to make things run smoothly.
It has much more in common with modded minecraft than factorio.
>techs and recipes haphazardly gated in FOUR (4) separate buildings
>casual exploration focus
>disgustingly inefficient caveman mode start that factorio glosses over
>poor performance
>3d (duh!)
>no end goal
I like it, but it is pretty much objectively worse in nearly every regard.
it'll never be on sale
I'm too stupid for this game or too impatient, but likely both.
I'll get really far with my first base but then suddenly comes time to either move and start over or demolish and start over...and I just quit around there.
Still, fun game.
Oil production and nuclear power felt slightly different, in that they actually forced me to use the circuit network to build a proper control system. But otherwise, yeah, towards the end of the game it was an absolute slog because it felt like I was just repeating the same design patterns I'd already figured out earlier.
>end of the game
it's just the beginning for most.
Most don't even get as far as launching a single rocket.
Fun game but I have no interest in replaying it. I am interested in the DLC though.
This is me, sadly. 300 hours, I just restart too much or lose motivation.
I enjoyed the game, but I don't really feel like completing it.
Are trannies still 48% themselves hard over its success?
Do people really struggle to launch a rocket in this game? It took me 50 hours with almost zero help and a spaghetti factory. As soon as I started building a rocket I thought "Is this really it? When does it get hard?"
How often does an Indie game create/revolutionize a genre?
Just how to multiply and divide if you want to optimize your factory, but plenty of games require that for minmaxing.
There's three right there and spaghetti is basically infinite random mode
It's not too uncommon.
i think it's great and added a new genre to gaming i still think satisfactory is better. 3d takes it to a whole new level where creativity can shine. it's not a knock on this game because the sweats will quickly come out and say that factorio is harder derp derp derp but idgaf, satisfactory is more enjoyable.
I also enjoy hand injuries from having to click ten thousand times to place electric wires.
I have 70 hours and never got very far. Eventually I give up because my base sucks.
How is Dyson Sphere Program in comparison?
Much comfier, generally simpler.
and when exactly are you using ten thousand wires? upgrade your poles dude or just mod it so you dont need to wire shit up
DSP is another great alternative with a lot of its own cool shit, it still has a lot of depth and it does get pretty hard at a point. if creating bases on multiple planets sounds interesting to you, give it a shot. KatherineofSky recently did a playthrough of it if you're interested in some gameplay.
>looking up entire factory guides that practically solves the game for you
Why would you ever do this unless you are already done with a game?
Brainlets who want to feel big brained
>indie shit
no thanks
Every building requires a wire connection that must be manually placed.
If you actually get to the endgame, you are using a lot of buildings, which is a lot of wiring.
They touted that 'zoop' building as some amazing QoL, but it doesn't apply to half the objects you actually want to place.
I don't particularly mind doing everything slowly, since I am just relaxing anyway and there are no biters to race against, but for those coming straight from factorio, it can seem like a big downgrade not having ghost placements, quick placing of multiple buildings, or bots. Hell, even before bots, I built with ghosts and actually constructed the things afterward so I didn't have to pick shit up slowly piece by piece to altar an assembly line.
>mod it
No, mods are irrelevant.
>I built with ghosts
>No, mods are irrelevant.
xd pepega