Water bottles are like video game piracy
Water bottles are like video game piracy
Agreed, real men use pails of water.
They’re all trans
Agreed, real men drink their own piss
Why not pokemons???
>buy a cup from tacobell
>fill it up at mcdonalds
Nobody can stop me.
That's crummy.
I never understood the
>you HAVE to drink X amount of water a day!
Like don't you just drink when you get thirsty? Why is it suddenly a challenge for people?
tap water is a paid sub
>he doesn't drink x amount a day
You didn't beat the game (of life)
If you'd fill that with coke I bet Americans wouldn't need the supportive text on the side.
I tried drinking "the recommended amount of water" each day and I had to piss every 15 minutes or so until I said fuck it and went back to drinking when I was thirsty and was fine despite it being half the recommended amount. It was especially annoying when I was on a trip in a hot area and this lady supervising us kept badgering me to drink more when my pee color was already telling me I was overhydrated.
wanna know how I know you're under 20?
>pay for tap water subscription
>is good
>keep being good
>diversity hire plumber come to "fix" a couple of pipes
>now water is shit
>"it was a necessary change to allow more people to drink water, and to be fair it's still good"
Now fill this with alcohol and go to work.
>plastic water bottles
its usually people under stress or overworked that forget it, kids that game too like how it happened to those Korean kids some years ago
you don't even properly process the water unless your drinking it with food, you just end up pissing it out.
why use pails of water when you could be using skub?
>go to fancy outback steakhouse and get a table
>asks if I will be having any drinks
>place 64oz nalgene on table and say "YES THANK YOU I WILL HAVE A WATER"
>water returns with pitcher of iced water (apparently couldnt just fill up my bottle)
>asks if I can have more time to think about order
I don't get thirsty
>using skub
skubfags, or niggers as i like to call them, need to leave, this is an anti-skub website
Likewise. My body doesn't seem to have a strong thirst mechanism. I can distinctly feel hunger and every other urge, but thirst seems to be weak for me. I get headaches constantly because I go days without drinking on accident.
drinking that much water is actually bad for you
the whole "drink at least 2 L a day" is a scam
This man is unhinged.
>my pee color was already telling me I was overhydrated
actually had a retard try to argue with me that your pee should be completely clear
It's marketing to sell bottled water.
They copy water without removing anything from the source?
>drinking that much water is actually bad for you
the amounts required to do that are way more than just 2L a day
That's what is written on my futa wife's cock
Your wife must have a long cock.
The recommended amount is more than that, actually. 3.7 for men and 2.7 for women. Idk how people drink that much without having to piss constantly.
That's what she was saying on the trip too, but my piss was already clear and said I needed to be drinking 30% more. It's insanity.
Never bothered to look it up. What actually is the most healthy amount one should be drinking?
unironically, it depends on the person
Drink water when your thirsty. That's it.
>buy a house near a stream
>free water and electricity
she's a big girl
I never feel thirsty unless I'm ravenous for it, so I'd probably only manage one cup a day if I did that.
Whatever makes your piss not have too much of a color, 2L is the average what a person drinks a day, spread around the day that's a glass of water every two hours or so
I had this problem too which is why I started bringing a 40oz water bottle to work each day . I drink that plus a couple cups at home and I feel like that's pretty good. I have lemonade color pee, no foam or anything, so I feel like it's fine.
unlike your game subs at least you don't pay if you don't actually use it
Keep a log with much you're drinking each day, your piss color tells you a lot about your hydration levels. If your piss is a dark yellow then you should drink more water, and if it's clear then you should drink less. Once when you find that sweet spot drink the amount you have logged until it becomes a habit.
I didn't know people have broken thirst glands
It's more of a habit thing, from people too lazy to get up and get a drink so they ignore the thirst until it stops having an effect. This also happens to people who habitually breathe out of their mouth: it actually becomes more difficult to breathe out of the nose until they manually do it for weeks.
>The most potent hormonal stimulus for thirst is angiotensin II (AngII), which is generated when the rate-limiting enzyme renin is secreted by the kidneys in response to hypovolemia or hypotension.
It can be genetic. If you have kidney damage you can also develop this.
Because some people don't drink enough. Sometimes they play or work all day and instead of drinking water, they drink soda or sweetened juice. It's partly the reason why people's piss are yellow/orange in color and stink so bad.
Who else is an omochad?
Is that a reference to piss drinking?
Gotta mod it with your own filter
I can't talk right now, I'm making piss.
piss holding
>playing vidiya
>feeling kinda thirsty
>grab your tea mug
>it's empty
>"I'll pour one after finishing next encounter"
>keep plying for another 30 minutes
Repeat 10 times.
It’s Nikka Whisky from the Barrel, btw. Nice shop.
You'll fuck up your epididymis (one or both) doing that. You want to have what feels like blue balls for the rest of your life? Stop fucking around.
Big Water is trying to get us to drink their microchips and calcify our pineal glands so we can't think!
What in the actual fuck did i just watch
growing vegetables are too
>His water bottle is under 2 liters.
lol, lmao even