you didn't beat the game
You didn't beat the game
thank goodness i have ritalin instead.
>mutts think it's normal to be on this and xanax
thank science I have dexamphetamine and lisdexamphetamine
>you can get perscription Amphetamine in the US like its still the 1940s
Based or cringe?
i play some games stoned and i can unironically say i didnt beat those games
Oh well, I was going to end this playthrough and start a new game anyway. Gonna try the highborn backstory next time since it works so well in this game.
>play games stoned
I just get tired
No wonder you didn't beat them
I used to take Adderall but it suppressed my hunger so much I was getting hunger pains but couldn't eat still
mein nigga
nah its more like i dont remember shit
I actually need it because I unironically have severe ADHD.
Nobody thinks it's normal
i don't think it's normal but i've accepted that my body has been flooded with toxins and carcinogens from before i was old enough to control what i consume. so i figure i may as well continue the spiral into permanent brain/body damage as long as it fixes my inability to focus.
>way back in highschool
>friends always overreacted when trying any drug
>hyped up adderall and how it was so great for studying
>eventually try some
>feel nothing
>think all my friends are fags who pretend to get high
>years later
>having some medical problems that should be cured by a simple pill but arent
>doctors order a drug efficacy test
>turns out i cant metabolize a ton of standard medical drugs
>including adderall
>realize my friends werent pretending
>get a chance to try ritalin
>dont feel any effects from it either
i feel like i got cucked out of superpowers
all drugs end up causing the very problems they're prescribed to treat
IIRC theres even a debate on if Non-ADHD brains can even feel the effects of stimulants. I assume caffeine doesnt do shit to you either?
you don't even need a prescription for ephedrine
if you aren't stockpiling emergency stims for a nuclear war, what are you doing?
That's a massive generalization and often wrong
If it was for me Coke would still have cocaine in it.
Weed makes me feel weird, and it doesn't feel good. I smoked during my edgy teenage years now it's been several years since the last time I did. Not so long ago I found two joints and gave it to a random woman and her two male friends in exchange for her letting me handle her tits
I'd like to know how that exchange was initiated
>hey baby girl I'll give you and your friends some weed if you let me grab your tits
>take drug to treat X
>body pushes back to achieve homeostasis, X returns
>can either up the dose or stop taking drug
>X is worse than before you started the drug
there is no exception
I dont feel anything after 1 cup but if I drink a whole pot of coffee it feels like my eyes are wide open and my heartrate goes up
>what is spacing out usage to maintain tolerance
but i needs it
>take 70mg of some abusable diet drug a friend had
>also smoke some of my vape pen
>feel super focused
>load up overwatch
>load an aim training map and shoot at bots
>accuracy feels so good
>I keep getting headshots
>enjoying it too much
>my dick gets hard at my tracking
>decide enough is enough and queue for a qp game
>get my ass handed to me repeatedly
my thyroid grew a tumor the size of a grapefruit so I had to get it surgically removed. I now take thyroid drugs because I dont have a thyroid anymore. It certainly would be nice if my body regrew a thyroid but thats not how it works
My doc wants to prescribe me ritalin too but I’m too afraid to take it. I’m an actual adhd retard tho.
should I try it?
>thyroid drugs
You take some kind of synthetic hormones to replace what your thyroid would have made
This is not the same thing as drugs
>stockpiling emergency stims for a nuclear war
2 more weeks amiright
i got prescribed recently but i barely take it because of that stigma with stimulants. if you're in school/working probably take it, but if not then idk it's up to you. i get a lot of shit done with i do take it, so i only take it when i know i have the whole day to myself. if you're fat you should probably change your diet while on it and exercise more.
What about your ability to focus and remember things?
Getting things done would be neat tho
It was the sunset. I was sitting down resting on a concrete seat in a park. I look down and find some sort of artifact containing the joints (there is an electronic music club near there so no surprise someone lost it). I got up and kept walking like 100 meters ahead there was this 30 years old roastie skank with her friends (two males, one of them gay). She asked me if I had weed and, yes basically I said that
cool it with the antisemitism
Why does literally everyone I know take meds for random shit
I do not know a single person who isn't on a fucking gay pill for some meme illness
Like does no one else find it weird that most zoomers have a lot of OTC drugs they have to take?
I have a niece and she's fucking anorexic at only 14 and has 10 different pills because her mom was too busy smoking weed to take care of her lmao
i only have 5mg so it's not really making me focus in the way you think it would. however, when you put all that shit away somewhere where you cannot access it and just focus on that one thing you want to do (reading, programming, etc.), you will focus.
recently i took two on one day, 1 in the morning and 1 at noon. by the time i checked my phone it was around 6, and i'm always on my phone. so yeah, the ability to focus/remembering is much better.
It's the other way for me, except one friend who takes sleeping pills
Are you european?
What is being a weak minded degenerate who needs drugs to cope
Please kill your self for the betterment of the future generations
You should know by now that mutts are jewish cattle addicted to at least one thing
>someone spent hours rotoscoping 'cado to make this
Also, this post was made by an American.
Holy fucking shit
>Like does no one else find it weird that most zoomers have a lot of OTC drugs they have to take?
you are safe because no one put a name to your stupid mental problem yet redditfrog
>I have a niece and she's fucking anorexic at only 14 and has 10 different pills because her mom was too busy smoking weed to take care of her lmao
btw I diddled her when she was little not sure if that matters.
>implying the drugs you're talking about aren't also replacing a deficiency
performance enhancing drugs are... LE BAD
This yes. SSRI's, no. Meth is amazing.
>hue due, methhead.
If you smoke weed you are the niggest nigger to ever nig. Shut up and go wear your burkinstocks to the next BLM rally you whitbread prancing homofag.
My body produces a lot of stomach acid and that leads to crazy ass scarring in my esophagus. Need to take a daily pill for the rest of my life to limit the amount produced. If I don't, I start choking on food because my esophagus is too narrow
How big were the boobas user?
But that is my prescription
based anprim retard
If this were true, Tylenol wouldnt work either. I think you're lying you lying liar.
>when she was little
how little
why is Yea Forums full of "MEDICINE BAD" retards?
i didn't realize the amish had a way to connect to the internet
should I do heroin anons
I would rather lie in bed feeling good all die than lie in bed being fucking miserable and restless because of crippling ADHD and OCD and depression and anxiety
Go for it, lad.
okay where do I get it
They weren't really that good. Probably most guys here would've not liked them but I sure did. They were a bit small I would say like cup B and saggy, she was actually a mother of one kid or two or so she said.
Also white and obviously natural. I don't like fake tits.
It helped me lose weight
>can't get adderall legally without jumping through a million hoops with multiple psychiatrist visits, a 6 hour IQ battery test, then a waiting period of 1+ months
epic, truly epic
Medicine is for treating an actual illness.
What do you expect when they kill education funding in america. They want an army of disposable retards.
ADHD is real
It's real but it's not an illness.
You just deal with it.
>But it's hard!
>You just deal with it
or i could just take a pill and not spend years achieving nothing
Will this help me 100% binding of isaac and all dlc?
I 100% have ADHD and need stuff like this but Im too lazy to go get a prescription
yeah, it can help you finish your backlog
Don't feel like getting in this argument, but i feel like in the future stupidity will be considered a mental illness and they'll make a pill for it.
Really? Then why is there such a big black market for it?
This atomoxetine shit I was prescribed is useless
sugar pills that give you nausea
if you have add lads just blow your brains out this is misery
Can't stand the side effects that come from taking ADHD meds. Always gives me stomach pains.
The actual discussion is that non-ADHD brains feel the effects differently rather than not at all. For normies it's a pick-me-up booster that causes euphoria like lots of recreational drugs. But if you've got brain problems it just kinda calms you down and focuses you.
I have extremely bad anxiety that I cannot control no matter how much I tell myself to calm down. I have been like this since I was a child. Remember the scene in Breaking Bad with Hank in the elevator? I have something like that happen to me like once a week without meds. It's not something I can help on my own, I've tried.
>try it once
>get intense hyperfocus and churn out whatever work I need to do with zero distractions
Off the pill, I've never had a study session longer than 1.5 hours. Should I see a psych?