What type of role do you think Sarah would have played if she survived during the start of the game?
What type of role do you think Sarah would have played if she survived during the start of the game?
Generic innocent child companion that makes inane dialogue as you wander down a hallway, squeeze through narrow gaps, and push boxes and ladders to get up a ledge in lieu of actual gameplay.
>character dies in first 15 mins
>somehow the most popular character in the series
it's all the sfm isn't it
Cum dumpster for the protagonist and any and all male antagonists
Wholesome daughterwife
How about instead of just Sarah living, Joel also dies and then you have a friendship of Sarah and Ellie.
That be kino.
In the apocolyptic setting it is likely that Sarah would continue to offer her services to lonely desperate men
She'd likely finance Joel's escapades and he'd be her literal Pimp Daddy
No, a real man would take her all for himself.
she does give great blowies
She would have been a 32 year old hag. Think with your brain, not your pedophiliac desires
This post is vile
Cocksleeve for old men
why is there someone who waifu's this fetal alcohol syndrome faced character here to the point they post them in every loli bread
Stay mad roastie
Cuny (C from cranberry, U from juice etc)
She would have been a hot hag.
did i hit a nerve and rustled your jimmies that i called your waifu an uggo? get better tastes FAS-fetishist
now i wonder where have i heard all of this before
Less talking more cunny
For what? Dying!?
She would have been good pals with her friend Coach
Fuck off! Faggot.
insanely based
God you people.
you really like shilling your shitty drawing don't you
>CEO of drug sales and cunny
The fag actually derailed a Sarah thread completely a couple days ago. It was full of shitposting so nothing of value was lost, but still.
its either him or the bubbukaposter always killing threads
>timeskip Sarah
It's a good thing she died before she got ruined
sex icon
drug kingpin
>bubbukaposter kills threads
Those words don’t make sense
bubbuka lauraschizo if this is you stop deraling threads into deletion
Cute fox
>The fag actually derailed a Sarah thread completely a couple days ago.
Yeah except that didn't happen? I was there the thread was shit to being with he posted one image and everyone went crazy.
How can posting one of the top cunny artists in the cunny thread ruin it?
Wish someone would leak the improved version of her SFM model along with others instead of keeping it to a circlejerk of five 'artists'
Thanks for thinking I drew it but unfortunately I'm not that talented but thanks fren.
Nice cunny pic.
He has admitted to posting her solely to incite more shitposting, which is obviously a fucking retarded idea.
what model?
There's an NSFW model of Sarah that's private to a few people
>posting porn based on a real child
you are without morals
either you don't frequent loli threads to know what im talking about or you're actually him
if the later, stop being a gigantic nigger and having good threads deleted
Joel survived partly because he spiraled into being a cold, cruel son of a bitch because of her death. If she'd survived, they'd have probably died soon after the beginning of the infection.
For me, it's the model with abs. Wish there was more stuff with it. The one in the Selfdrilling toblerone video with the perky nipples is God-tier as well.
That's the one I'm referring to, yep
>Selfdrilling toblerone video with the perky nipples
okay, i have to fucking find that now. Watching her get cornholed by dogs was fun enough but i need some genuine toblerone action.
What did you think of the last of us 2
No cunny, don't care.
>Welcome home, Hagu-chan. You gave it your best at work today too, huh? How about we go beddy-byes together?
>*pet pet pet*
>Haguhagu (artist name)
>*melting sound*
>come with me, young'un... I got somethin' for you...
>cut to Sarah and Coach eating a burger together :)