Name the game.
Name the game
me on the right thanks to hrt
war thunder
fallout 4
Sonic Adventure 1 & 2
lol, fucking retard
Good for you my friend
me on the left thanks to hrt
Any pokemon game that isn't BW/B2W2.
BOTW unironically
every single game
Guilty Gear Strive
Cute slimes.
excuse me faggot
second half of elden ring
What for? Your dilation break?
Why would you play a game that you dislike? It doesn't make sense.
Cities Skylines
I've learned not to do this anymore, but it used to be WoW.
>sports = trannies
maybe get an interest in one and you wont seem like such an obese shut-in virgin loser
New vegas.
Tekken 7. 400+ hours and I'm still dogshit. my shitty composure doesn't help.
OP just wanted to post loli porn, lmao
Those are two adults. Well I'm assuming they are since they aren't small
I'm a techno producer and DJ with tens of thousands of fans. I've been in 17 different countries this year so far. Fifa is gay.
Fallout 76
Why do embedders have such shit fucking taste?
I mean how hard is it to find some good art? Why not just link to it like a regular coomer? Are you afraid we'll laugh at how fucking shit your images are?
Dark Souls 2, you can sink hours into that shit without getting even the smallest bit of enjoyment
heckin valid
me on the left (but only because i share the sentiment when playing certain games)
3DS era Pokemon
Wasted so many hours of my high school life autistically breeding flawless competitive Pokemon and shinies for no reason
oh frfr no cap sheeesh bro gimmie your socials brudah
oh wait you're a larping retard
HoI4. Please make it stop.
You in australia? Practice against me if you like. Learn punishes and safe shit. I'll have sex with you gently.
Well show him what you got
look up fuckjannies PNG Extra Embedder
I don't want to get banned but I really like Sarah from the last of us
All talk no action
>I'm an unsuccessful loser and therefore everyone else is too
lol, lmao even
Also misusing the word "larp" outs you as a 2016 election tourist.
What the fuck are you talking abou-
Oh. Now I see.
go to sankaku and search for a few of her images
top-tier stuff
Tetris TGM 3
pleb taste desu
Because they're not really interested, they're just one of three parties
1. Looking to shock anons
2. Troons trying accuse 4chins of secretly distributing pizza with extra gouda on it
3. Looking to get (You)s regardless of reaction
>hes says whilst reddit spacing and using revisionist shit
mmm hmmm i'd ask again but we already know you're some projecting tranny pretending to be important. tunes for the 10 furries at the mall convention kek
Lost Ark. Gave up before hitting lvl 50. What a boring ass game.
Unironically too subtle since the shown OP is an actually relatable feel for most of Yea Forums
Reminds me of a few threads I saw a few weeks back where people took a generic Elden Ring image and turned it into a gif with porn after the first few frames, and only like 3 posts in the archived thread mentioned it
>people could use the extension for cool or creative things
>instead it's always just porn
Smash Bros. Melee, 4, Ult, whatever, I play, I hate it, but I don’t stop
Like what?
Be the change you want to see
Diablo 2 multiplayer. That was the last mmo game I played. Thank god for not being retarded and learning fast to avoid stupid timewasting.
if thats a man then i want to sex nothing but men
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, I only open it up when people contact me to play but damn I feel like shit every time I do.
why is even the hottest tranny less attractive than a 6/10 woman
You can't unironically have taste this shit. You're literally deranged.
Has Taftaj been getting bustier and thicker?
Damn I love his cute face