I honestly don't think Patches is that good of a character to warrant bringing into every one of these fucking games.
I honestly don't think Patches is that good of a character to warrant bringing into every one of these fucking games
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I honestly don't think your opinion matters bro
t. cleric
I did not know who Patches was and I killed him because I thought he was trying to trick me.
he is a mascot
He wasnt in II go play that
I hate the Knight NPC personally
Didnt even find him in Elden Ring
It’s not because he’s good or not, it’s just a fun recurring thing. Don’t think too hard on it.
they don't put him into the games
he sneaks in himself
Is this the lore thread?
Why are these two wearing the same shirt/outfit/whatever you want to call this thing?
Best I've got is that Rya was adopted by Tanith I believe. I didn't complete either quest, so I'm probably showing my lorelet status.
i think there's 2 other nobles that wear Kenneth's stuff, one of them is the canon shield guy
It's the aristocrat set you can wear it in the game.
they're the same person, kind of like radagon/marika
i like him
he's not important to the story, is usually a good vendor and is so cartoonishly sneaky and deceitful that it becomes comical and he's largely harmless anyway
plus dark souls 3 showed he isn't completely rotten after all
He insists upon itself much like this franchise does
who dafuq is patches?
unironically I have no fucking idea how to continue Kenneth Haights quest. It feels like I've done 90 percent of this game and he's still standing in his shitty ruined castle musing about finding somebody
if you gave Nepheli her Bird Up then you just need to rest at the grace in Godrick's boss room. not just teleport there, but rest at it. Gostoc needs to be alive too so if you killed him for your stolen runes, RIP
I think he's cool, you can respect a guy who manages to stay sane through 100s if not 1000s of years of life without going full zombie mode.
>play Shadow Tower Abyss
>he's also there and tricked me twice
>Armored Core: The one pilot smart enough to give up when faced against the dude who faced Anatolia's Mercenary and won.
>Demon's Souls: A graverobber who likes punting people out of cliffs to loot their stuff. Especially if they are clerics.
>Dark Souls: Same as above, add some fondness to some little thieves and likes to dress as Onion Knights.
>Bloodborne: An acolythe of the Elder Gods and a literal man-spider.
>Elden Ring: A member of the local invading pricks.
DS2 has Pate, I'm not sure if they felt like they shouldn't use Patches without Miyazaki's blessing but Pate is essentially the same damn guy
i dont think he's brought back for his oscar nominee performance
its just more fun to have the same dude turn up in every game to kick you off a cliff, its all part of the dumb joke
i hope the bald cunt drives a truck into my mech and pushed me down a ravine in AC6
Patches is literally the Joker of Souls.
Bringing Patches back actually makes total sense when you realize Elden Ring is meant to be a soulless caricature of FromSoftware's old work.
It's like Robert De Niro and Al Pacino, they've become parodies of their own greatness.
>when you realize Elden Ring is meant to be a soulless caricature of FromSoftware's old work.
But they already did that with Dark Souls 3! Come on surely our beloved From wouldn't do the same thing twice! Or five, or even seven times!
Dude who gives a fuck. Fromshit story telling is so vague.
Patches has been in their games since fucking King's Field
they like their carryovers, you can fuck off
>Patches has been in their games since fucking King's Field
Damn so has the MS DOS era gameplay. They really do like their carryovers
and? they are about to make another autistic Mech building simulator, cry about that too, no one put a gun to your head and made you buy my "slightly different than last time" FROM Sim games.
Then Dark Souls 2 is the game for you.
yeah instead you get that stupid dogcunt named Pate.
Thats just typical noble born robes, Tanith and Marais also wear a variant of that design
You need to progress Nepheli's questline. Talk to her enough in the Roundtable and she'll leave for the Albinauric Village in Liurnia. Meet and talk to her again and she'll return to the Roundtable, moping at the bottom of the stairs near Hewg. Exhaust her and Gideon's dialog, then go back to the Chapel of Anticipation, reached from the Four Belfries in Liurnia. Reach the top of the chapel and pick up the Storm King ashes. Give them to Nepheli, then complete the Mountaintops of the Giants after Leyndell. Then warp to Godrick's boss room and talk to Nepheli and Kenneth to complete the quest. If Gostoc is still alive he'll return to being a merchant, now selling an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone in addition to his usual wares. The Twin Maiden Husks won't sell this if you give them Gostoc's bell bearing, so keep him alive if you want it.
He doesn't even last till endgame. He dies at about 70% in.
Patches never dies. You never get his bell bearing.
>You never get his bell bearing
Unless he's in the dlc, he's dead.
user it says right there you only get it if you kill him during his boss fight, if you go about his quest he never gives it to you.
He doesn't drop his items unless you kill him, so it's implied he moved somewhere else. He WILL be in the DLC.
All NPCs that are implied to die drop their items.
No, you can kill him at Shaded Castle and he will drop it there along with his armor and weapon.
You only get that if you kill him yourself. If you follow Patches' questline, he does not die, but instead leaves for parts unknown after giving you the castanets.
I always thought Pate was the better character. He was this classic charismatic Psychopath character while Patches is just a petty footpad.
Again, that's one side. If you sit at a site of grace he just disappears and leaves nothing.
No shit retard, nobody GIVES you a bell bearing, those are always from deaths or implied deaths, such as Corhyn on MOTG at the end of Goldmask's quest.
>tfw missed his entire ER questline because I just beat him to death in the first encounter
Yes because it's implied that he moves somewhere else and doesn't die.
He yielded and you kept attacking. What did you expect?
people that kill Patches are subhuman reptilians
>stop attacking
>HEH, SORRY FRIEND *shoves a stick of dynamite up your asshole and instakills you*
that's what I expected would happen, after 5+ games I don't trust this faggot no more
Speaking of recurring characters, is there a Yurt/Lautrec archetype in Elden Ring? I can't think of one off the top of my head. Maybe Varre?
Dung Eater kills prawn bro if you do his questline
??????????????????????? he's never attacked you after the initial meeting EVER. 5+ games and you're still a moron?
After 5+ games you'd know the worst he does is kick you off ledges. Dumbass. Seriously a veteran would know to never kill Patches when you first meet.
Patches is just like us
He hates clerics (jews) with a burning passion
I mean they turned him into a fucking spider in bloodborne, the problem is just that every re-appearance he has is just so boring and predicable now
Yeah but Pee Pee Poo Poo man is overtly evil in every way right off the bat. Yurt was kind of creepy but Dung Eater just straight up says he wants to rape corpses and eat shit to give everyone turbo aids. I'm thinking more of a character who while a bit odd is friendly and fucks you over behind your back.
>Who's this character?
>Explains who character is
>Who even cares??
the fuck? what was even the point of this post retard?
>he's never attacked you after the initial meeting EVER
he fucks with you in demon's souls and DS1 twice
i never even found this faggot.
How are you supposed to know this?
Literally impossible without a wiki
hey you're right I completely forgot about the bear bug part and the part where he tries to drop you in the catacombs. Still; he always becomes a very useful merchant.