Do you agree with his message that "Git Gud" culture is toxic and gatekeeping good games from the general audience?
Do you agree with his message that "Git Gud" culture is toxic and gatekeeping good games from the general audience?
this thread is worthless
these words should tell you enough about the value of his opinion
>toxic and gatekeeping good games from the general audience
It's actually good because it KEEPS good games good.
The first step to git gud is simple: I call it "Git Thefuckout".
Considering he only got into the game series now and he had some kind of invented idea of what "git gud" means I'd say no. The commie wasn't around when the hostility was on the people asking and how "git gud" formed as a response whining about how shit demon souls was. No every time that happened everyon should ask "oh well whats your exact build? What's your strategy for this area? Would you like me to spoil where you can get some stuff?" Granted git gud kinda took a life of its own outside of souls when it became a diss in competitive games but the point was still the same, "Shut the fuck up"
I think it's funny seeing people lose their shit over 2 words
double nigger
>Do you agree with his message that "Git Gud" culture is toxic and gatekeeping good games from the general audience?
I think that its good to give people help and tips when they ask for it.
>video essays
you have to go back
That's pretty good too
Yeah and if you have ever been in /dsg/ or any general before or after /vg/ people will jump on the chance to give advice if you are not a dick about it. What Noah is missing is that "git gud" is a response to people acting like assholes or after getting dunked in pvp
Git gud culture is making fromsoft omit balance for the sake of that meme though
Gatekeeping is a community service
Gatekeeping isn't real, and if you feel as if you're being gatekept you should reevaluate your position and stop complaining about whatever the fuck you're doing not changing to fit you...but instead should attempt change to fit it.
I don't buy that, miyazaki from interviews says he genuinely likes putting in bullshit
I miss Matt's threads
It was a nice video to have in the backround while doing other things, glad he enjoyed them. In terms of "git gud" he kinda misses the point that learning your playstyle or how you want to play is the getting good part since most people just give up anyway once they get stuck.
gatekeeping faggots like this is good
this faggot lost his mind because code veronica was "transphobic"
why does "git gud" trigger people so much?
someone please make a webm of the first 5 seconds of that tranny video with the fat guy who cries about gitting gud during the video and in the first 5 seconds you can see he plays like grandma and literally can't even control his character (all while in disgusting drag please blur that part out with a tranny wojak)
bullshit like blight town/caelid, traps or patches are good
i'm talking about how the AI in Elden Ring will read your inputs, cancel it's own attacks and do everything possible to make fights as tedious as possible
Only the first three games? Yeah no come back when you beat bloodborne and Elden Ring too
There has always been a bit of input reading in souls games, granted elden ring turns it up a notch by giving bosses the equivalent of a roman cancel.
Also if you’re bitching about gatekeeping you’re probably who the gate was meant to keep out
he's right to do it. it's why ds1 is one of the best in the series.
you're supposed to feel like the challenge is impossible and insurmountable. He's literally begging you to quit with some of the design decisions in dark souls 1.
IMO there's no real way to give the player that feeling with fair game design. Things like the silver archers, the tomb of the giants, 100 archers headshotting you in dukes are all amazing despite appearing shitty.
When you first encounter them your initial reaction is probably to scream cry, piss moan and shit on the floor about how unfair it is. When you master the game these are barely obstacles at all. It's fucking pure video game kino.
He's talked about elden ring in detail in the essay, but omits BB and demons.
>he kinda misses the point that learning your playstyle or how you want to play is the getting good part
...But that's exactly what his argument is. He specifically mentions how figuring out that sword-n-board with flame spells fit him best was him paying attention to how tools the game gave him could solve his problems (gittin' gud).
imagine actually watching this shit.
why not watch a movie or something worth your time?
What's so good about the general audience?
i don't necessarily agree with him but i also don't see the point of starting this thread unless you really just want a bunch of (you)s. i don't think anyone here is capable of actually having a nuanced discussion centered around "git gud"
A movie demands too much of my attention while I'm doing stuff. It's like listening to a friend babbler on about something in the background. Also fantastic sleep aid.
They're retarded and will pay for anything
>I didn't think I'd ever play this game because of the tough difficulty, I wish it had an easy mode
>I played the game, and loved the challenge! The feeling of beating a boss I struggled with was a lot of fun
>I sure wish this game had an easy mode so people could play this game without having to partake in that struggle
How the fuck do people not realize how retarded his opinion is. If this game had an easy mode, there is no way that he wouldn't have just toggled it on, missing the essential part of why he liked the game.
these games arent hard. theres no git gud. you can out level all content if you want. you can summon if you want. you can use magic if you want. souls games have highest achievement rates of any major games. everyone beats it because its easy. you can die easily in the games, but that doesnt make them hard.
That's not even his opinion. He says the games already do have an easy mode in the form of summons and pyromancy if you know where to look. He even says there isn't a simple way to implement an easy mode you can select from the start without removing key aspects of the game.
No, in his video he says that NG+1 is basically an easy mode and they could just add that in there.
There is no inherent value in general audience accessibility.
The biggest normie take on the entire planet when it comes to literally everything is that everything has to be part of a shared human experience that you can actively seek discussion in. It completely neglects and removes more niche and nuanced experiences in favor of shallow platitudes parroted by people with no desire to engage in things as an individual and form their own conclusions without external affirmation by others.
yes, ds should be like walking dead or heavy rain or what remains of edith finch.
Make it a walking simulator or ELSE.
>I sure wish this game had an easy mode
Which is said zero times in the video.
He specifically says the game has an easy mode: leveling up. Since the game can be completed SL0, any leveling is making the game easier.
Then goes on to say that isn't a elegant solution, he wishes something like that was there but doesn't outright say "Yes there should be a NG+1 mode with higher equipment and soul level at the start".
oh dear god reddit.
Marketing is selling you a lifestyle and they sure did
>Tried bosses hundreds of times instead of actually getting gud and beating them in a few tries like everyone else
>Proceeds to make a 5 hour long video of copium fueled passive aggressiveness to cope with his being bad
I'll never understand this...
the toy hurt their feelings and made them feel impotent so they need to do everything in their power to put it beneath them
>people say the games are really hard
>play them and realize there a ton of systems that make the game easy
>make a video essay saying how easy the games actually are if you act like a retard and restrict yourself by playing with house rules
>gatekeeping good games from the general audience?
Clearly isn't working if the game sold 12 million copies
Yes in that Dark Souls games aren't hard in that there's a million ways to cheese them. They're punishing if anything but not hard. At the very most they challenge people to actually try at something they otherwise don't with.
He actually does mention Bloodborne a few times, but he completely omits Demon's Souls to the point of... oddity. I understand if he didn't play it because it's either PS3 or PS5, but it wouldn't be hard at all to do some tertiary research on the game that did 75 of what he praises in the games first.
I'm not going to watch a 5 hour video essay, but probably not. There are more easy games released every year than any human reasonable has the time to play, casuals have no valid reason for focusing all their attention and complaints on the handful of games released in a year for a niche audience.
Do I think people could give more helpful advise instead of just Git Gud? Yes.
Do I think that retards that cry about games being too hard because they refuse to ask for advise should just Git Gud? Yes.
Never says that, guy is an absolute commie stoner who does these five hour essays as his job who admits he has poor reaction times and hand eye coordination.
this video is literally one of the only genuinely well written commentaries on the souls franchise i've ever seen
but yeah he's totally right, both the 'git gud' people and the 'it needs an easy mode!!!' people are wrong since the games are actually extremely flexible difficulty wise and players can tailor the level of difficulty they want to experience in a very natural and granular way
This thread again. Maybe try something new? You got any lesser known channels that people might enjoy for their content?
This. The reason Elden Ring is shit is because they decided to balance the game around summons so shitters could beat it.
it keeps retards shitters and f*males away
I don't know but he does that nerd essayist thing where he constantly reiterates his opinion in that passive aggressive way where he knows people don't agree with him and it makes him mad but doesn't want to acknowledge it.
The way he repeatedly says "git gud", and the way he says it, is one of the most obnoxious parts of the video.
Video games don't need to be fair in every aspect.
Bullshit situations and surprises are what they are.
And Video games developers who try and make an experience should be free to do so.
If they were constantly worried about balance in a single player game it'd be stupid and would dilute every genre.
That being said, adding in difficulty setting choices is good over all so that way more demographics can experience the game. (Old, or handicapped)
But it's not exactly easy to do so if the game has an online aspect like souls does.
This whole idea of makeing everything to be the same is fucking bizarre.
Get gud
Absolutely this. It's like a square peg complaining that the triangle pegs are keeping it from entering the triangle shaped hole.
git gud culture is toxic because it makes bad games worse, not because it gatekeeps normies - hell it does the exact opposite because then normies can beat your babby game and pretend to be hardcore
they hate "git gud" because the messenger is usually "gamers" something reddit despises and specially these subversive ideologue rats
Nothing of the sort. More or less, 'I believed I couldn't git gud because I have shitty reflexes'. Then goes on to explain how DaS doesn't need reflexes. He specifically says he was willing to keep trying and retrying bosses because making the video is his job.
>Tried bosses hundreds of times instead of actually getting gud
The boss which gives him the most trouble is Fume Knight, with 'dozens' of attempts. For all the others, he was using co-op and summons, and didn't have a difficult time. S&O was quick and easy for him because he happened to summon a very powerful player. Did he 'not beat the game' because he summoned? He says summoning is the series' easy mode, so he might agree.
>5 hour long video of copium fueled passive aggressiveness
He praises nearly everything. What he doesn't like - DaS3's nostalgia mania, DaS2's character stat changes - are the things most of Yea Forums also doesn't like.
>That being said, adding in difficulty setting choices is good over all so that way more demographics can experience the game. (Old, or handicapped
a man beat elden ring blowing into tubes dude.
unironically fuck you, you condescending piece of shit.
I stated right after that, that's it not exactly viable in an online game.
I didn't condemn the decision not to have difficulty setting at all.
>git gud culture is toxic
It's not. Just don't go around parading how shit you are. It's that easy.
It's actually gatekeeping normalfags from shitty games and if they were played more massively everyone would see their flaws just like it happened in Elden Ring which is the game that has been cheesied the most of the entire series
cringe, you need to go back
Watching this niggas gameplay against the Fume Knight was painful as hell. 100+ tries and he still needed summons to kill it
This, what people seem not to realize is gatekeeping doesn't make it so no new fans can get in but only the ones willing to be as autistically dedicated as the existing ones will be allowed in. It's a gate, not a wall.
to be fair even with summons it’s hard. there’s no summon that will beat melania for you. gotta get good