Sonybros, is it worth it?
Sonybros, is it worth it?
Only if you buy it on PS. Vanillaware's home
>asking the people so assmad about ANOTHER EXCLUSIVE LOST they've been spamming spoilers for it all month
Get it on PC
I fucking hope this flops on switch.
Depends on what you're looking for. The RTS gameplay is not very deep — on the hardest difficulty, I had to repeat missions once *at most* to get S-rank and I suck at RTS — but it can be fun in a mindless sort of way. The story is okay: anime time-travel shenanigans on par with Steins;Gate et al. Some of the protagonists are interesting, many are tropes. Somewhere along the line, I found myself wanting to solve the mystery, but not as much as (for example) an Uchikoshi game.
A true 6/10. It's not spectacular but it passes the time agreeably. Not a game I'd ever replay. I pirated it on PS4.
the RTS/Tower Defense aspect is actually kinda fun but given you're 17% of the way done by the time you're done with the tutorial, there's probably not much to it
The VN sections certainly have their intrigue and look as good as any Vanillaware game looks
pozzed garbage
>I fucking hope this flops on switch.
Why? If you like Vanillaware, every sold copy they can get will help them.
If you like mediocrity, then sure
Did they fix that line?
yeah get out now before you get spoiled though.
You have to time travel in the past to become the kaiju/sentinels depending on the timeline. Also the cat dies.
It's trannylated, hope you're not an EOP.
I hope vanillaware as it is now dies, and they become an indie studio and release their games on pc instead of getting paid off by sony
It's a meh VN with a mobile tier tower defense/rts minigame.
Damn, two lines of dialogue will sure ruin a 10 hour VN....
Whats a good VN?
>spend 10 hours doing any activity at all
>you're having the time of your life
>suddenly, somebody spits on you. For absolutely no reason. Twice
Any offense can ruin the best of days, no matter how small it may be, user.
>before you get spoiled though.
I am not a redditfaggot, so I don't give a shit about spoilers, it won't ruin my experience.
It's a 50 hour VN actually.
And the character is completely unchanged between Japanese and English, incels on Yea Forums are just obsessed because of one word that triggers them.
SG was fun but honestly this game did the concept of time travel MUCH better. Obviously you aren't supposed to take the concept of time travel that seriously in S;G but I appreciate that 13 sent does.
Park Toucher Fantasy
In a game whose primary "gameplay" is to solve the story like piecing together a puzzle, yes, it will ruin your experience.
Tranny shit
For this VN specifically it will. The entire plot hinges on its reveals.
Good to see they didn't bend over for autistic incel losers.
Iori is
>Lets say some binaries work for me, and others don't
It doesn't make any sense because it implies there more than two genders but binary means "relating to, composed of, or involving two things."
that's fucking stupid.
Chuds lost
Holy shit
make it less obvious next time
Just fuck his bussy
>reading two sentences is like being spat on
damn im glad i'm not this fragile
Hajime (the Dohna Dohna artist) drew a couple 13 cent characters.
kek cope
cute programmer making a nerd joke
Basado, also no as VNs aren't vidya thus not worth bothering with
but i am not a degenerate faggot tho
mental illness
Tranny game
Horseshoe theory at work again. Incels are exactly like the triggered SJWs they hate.
Was this fixed on Switch? Heard they did some retranslation..
nope, still there
Would be easy to fix though, there's a fan patch for Xenoblade 2.
Why are you so afraid of trans folks?
if you change the locale to UK english, does the translation change as well?
They look weird, not sure if uncanny valley is the right word for it, but seeing dudes trying to act feminine stirs up something inside of me that makes me feel extremely uncomfortable.
I tried in French and it didn't work. As far as I know you need to have your switch in burger. I think they just extracted all the text from the game, ran a mass find-and-replace script on it and bundled it up as DLC.
You're probably trans
>Why are you not joining us in exploiting weak-minded people to think they are the other gender so we can push our other more fucked up political propaganda and destroy the world because my dad never hugged me when I was a kid so I want to burn the world.
okay groomer
They're fuckin creepy
>Why are you so afraid of trans folks?
They're mentally unstable and dangerous
to be fair if you watched the video of the axe attack, none of the people in the 7/11 even cared that a person with an axe walked in
>bad translation posted
>thread immediately devolves into tranny shitflinging
sasuga Yea Forums
I absolutely loved this game, one of the best games of the generation for sure.
Sound like the average Australian
The supposed Japanese translation doesn't even make sense since the dude is gay. If that is the actual line I don't even get what he's trying to say cause the dude likes dick.
If all the other customers had been carrying their personal defence axes shit would have gone down a LOT differently
The term binary isn't exclusive to gender. You are an obsessed retard.
Just ban axes retards
He's not trans in the original, they added it for the localization
I don't care trannoid, go back.