Show me your Steam avatar and tell me why you picked it.
>used to micspam oingo boingo in TF2
Show me your Steam avatar and tell me why you picked it.
>used to micspam oingo boingo in TF2
Other urls found in this thread:
It's the GIF from wikipedia's article about GIFs
>tfw I've had the same steam avatar for 14 years now
I like leather and I like dark things.
Its a good one
The only game I regularly play is Warframe. This is Captain Vor, the first boss of the game and the first one to get a major rework as they moved from version 0.000001 pre-alpha game to version 0,00002 open alpha beta test.
I go WAY back
I scream
I thought I switched them up pretty often, but this one's obviously stuck for a bit
I don't remember why I picked this. Then I got the Santa hat several years ago when drawfags we're doing Santa hat requests. Never bothered to change it
im a real nigga
I like Lost, and Locke is my favorite character.
Also it looks funny
I don't use Steam anymore. Switched fully to GOG.
I exclusively play Red Orchestra, Hearts of Iron and War Thunder and only as the Germans, micspamming verbatim Hitler speeches
as in the store or the launcher?
I am catfishing multiple guys to buy me shit and this is the avatar that my fake "genshin fag that is tomboyish and borderline crazy but not like the other girls" persona would use. I ask my sister to say things when I really need to use mic
ur gay nigga
as long as it gives me free shit for pretending to be a girl, yes I am gay.
ur a cheap gay whore nigga
Spiderman threads. Haven't changed it since I made my steam account was created.
how sexy is your sisters voice
Because it's funny and board James was based
could have picked a better pic
nothing special, just an average girl voice, but it's enough for them
it looks funny + I unironically enjoyed The Batman
my favorite one for myself was this one back when it was a thing. and it actually attracted angry messages, so it was pretty cool
its animated and lets every one know that I'm Illuminati aka based and really cool
found it on Yea Forums
windows xp
windows xp
this one reflects my inner self
same, haven't used steam in 5 years
i just drew mine myself
I was really into tf2 and mained scout, and i though the epic face was, well... epic.
i just like dead space
>used to micspam oingo boingo
Absurdly based.
>micspam oingo boingo in TF2
Wouldn’t hear me complaining
because of no way home
they have some great tunes
Put your phone down and pay attention to your teacher
haha look at all these quirky avatars xD so funny
Saw the trailer and thought it would look cool. Haven't changed it since because I really don't give a fuck about that stuff.
It looks cool.
based music video/trailer enjoyer.
And you're also 14yo for the looks of it.
Mine was just straight up hentai because in a Rust server I was in you got to see your picture in the chat when you killed people. Also when you talked. So it was just a arms race to who had the most annoying pfp to be killed by.
Because I'm a 30 year old boomer
Because Demo looks funny
I cropped the face specifically
I cheat in team fortress 2 and I want to bang Raymond while doing it.
because domika is perfection
found it funny when was watching it back then and its been some 6 years now, im the kind of autist that get attached to this kind of bullshit.
I liked the book.
she cute
I liked this game a lot.
Pls, CIA-glownigger OP.