Is Life Is Strange: True Colors MMZF (Millennial Male/Zoomer Female) propaganda? Alex is a Zoomer born 1997 and Ryan is a 1993 born Millennial.
Is Life Is Strange: True Colors MMZF (Millennial Male/Zoomer Female) propaganda? Alex is a Zoomer born 1997 and Ryan is a 1993 born Millennial.
>Your generation will always be cucked by the previous generation
Now you know how we felt as Millenails being cucked by Gen Xrs
I don't think I've seen a woman wear a choker irl
It has always happened but never on this level. zoomer """""men"""""" dropped the ball so hard that zoomer girls prefer Millennial men who are not paragons of masculinity themselves.
But they are legues more appealing to girls than zoomer men who are trooning out at record levels and those who are not wear makeup, skirts and nail polish. Trannies in all but name.
>and Ryan is a 1993 born Millennial.
the same year I was born...
There's a criminally low amount of porn of her.
>cute, slightly chubby Asian girl
How did such a hot character end up in such a shit game?
call me when its an early millennial male aka he was born in the mid 80s.
Early Millennials is early 80s
Me too. We're all gonna get a 1997 gf bros...
>nice booba
>HUGE ass
>meaty thigs & hips
Truely a fictional character with fictional proportions
For all the shit the devs get for being sjws, they sure do make unrealistically sexy women
>an older man hooks up with a younger woman
this was always common
a gf would be enough
should i play this with my gf if she's kinda feminist?
Well duh. it goes from 81 to 96
>4 years is a generation gap
People really fucking believe this don't they.
I for one embrace the new slampig female meta we're working towards. actual obese girls need not apply, but this body type? this is a body type I can get behind, or under, or on top of. it's all comfy with that amount of cushion.
isn't he a tranny
It literally is. He probably had MySpace, she probably has Tiktok
Um, yeah. These games are specifically made to cater to those types of people.
>zoomercucks read ntr
>millennials read tomboy
>cuck zoomies out of their tomboy qfs to fulfill the fantasies of all involved
yeah, gonna call that based.
>implying the separation of generations isn't just another form of segregation to keep people of like minds from forming new blocs
Don't talk to that Zoomer, he called you a Boomer!
Don't shake that Boomer's hand, he calls you a Zoomer!
That's true, women will always want a man who can provide which will always be an older man 9 times out of 10. It's the worst for zoomer men since they are completely fucked economically. A young boomer could have already bought a house and car not even going to college. Zoomers are completely priced out of home ownership unless their parents give them one.
>when you get all the screencaps and webms of the girls kissing and lose interest in playing the game
More common irl than you think. Joey King (1999) and her bf (1991)
women aren't interest in boys (unless they're pedophiles) they're interested in men
what's the leap here?
Steph was also born in 1993
It's just more common for zoomer women
>It literally is
Not when you have older siblings to hang out with and bridge the gap.
>best couple
Wrong, nigger.
>zoomer boomer coomer doomber
shut up faggot
ywnbaw they don't want your girl dick
I was also born in '93.
in 11 months exactly I will turn into a wizard.
I like the videos of Chloe earning her money
>You must be a t-tranny!
I'm a straight cis male and hot lesbianism is the definitive heterossexual men's choice. Now fuck off and die.
It's 4 years, dude. It's not like the generation thing actually means anything.
He looks like a Jew.
for me, it's victoria and maxine
For me, it's Victoria and her daddy teacher
For me it's Victoria and me.
She of course would full on Femdom me.
>Truely a fictional character with fictional proportions
Nigger who gives a shit. I'm 27 and I just finished my military service now I'm fucking 16-year old sluts at school.
Nice to know you're a pedo scum
Seethe, cope, and dilate.
I'm a 30 yo millennial currently pulling high schooler tail.
Is she really chubby? She doesn't look it.
It's free on gamepass. Should I play it?
Slightly chubby. Maybe Americans can't tell because everyone is chubby there.
Either way, she's hot as fuck
Do 99 zoomer bros even stand a chance?
how do I get a wife like this
First women I hooked up with at 32 was 10 years younger than me. It was fun.
I thought this was a troon because the devs made a troon game before this and I was scared everytime I saw her.
That's basically just 00 midwestern emo hipsters or like skateboarders when they went through that hi-8 gl2 phase back seven or eight years ago. This bohemian indiefag shit goes in cycles. They were not the first, nor the last.
Already did that, many thanks
The fuck is a troon?
It's a transsexual
If he is cute and still has his penis, he's just a femboy. They just want you to be their Daddy and destroy their tight little asshole which based and feels like heaven.
Can't tell if chubby or just wearing a lot of layers. Should have had a scene of her in her undies like the first game
This but unironically.