neither does liking popular things.
Unless there's reasons
why are you here
/Yea Forums
im an interesting person
Cause I love you user. Now matter how hard you shitpost, I'm just glad I'm by your side.
Your opinion does not make you an interesting person
Who says I want to be interesting? Who wants me to be interesting?
Neither does changing your pronoun.
What makes one an interesting person?
Seething trannies
Gonna use this next time my fromdrone friend hates on Monster Hunter
Maybe hes just jelly cause it sells better
>hates things that are "popular"
>pretends to like things popular on Yea Forums just to fit in
Why do they do this?
You're the one who seems to be upset. Wanna talk about it fella?
>when you hate the antichrist
Totally, buddy.
Using image macros doesnt make you right
Sure but I'm still allowed to dislike them and be justified.
but it does make you a better person.
what? yes it does. the people i know ask me about my niche japanese game series from 2005 and also about jazz and classic music. they don't want to hear about the shit they already know.
the problem is that people (you) are almost intimidated by people who simply know things they don't
but everyone knows that. However, people who hate popular things do need to be reminded :)
> retards who can't comprehend that it goes both ways
Popular thing can be good. Popular thing can also not be that good because everyone has their own opinions and this board is full of actual retards who think the world revolves around them.
>Popular thing can be good.
It's a good thing Halo Infinite isn't popular then.
>thing nobody said or implied
define "good"
Lets remind people of some other things too.
Liking or hating things while refusing to elaborate on what you like or don't like about them or trying to get why someone else might like/dislike those things makes you an uninteresting person
Fromdrones won't like this
These are as cringe as the pro-lgbt ones
fuck off
If something is popular that means most people think it's good. You don't. It's subjective, not objective. You are not wrong to hate it. They're not wrong to like it.
can't believe i'm saying this, but based anime
>If something is popular that means most people think it's good.
most people have no taste
Not dog shit
>what the average Yea Forums user imagines themselves as
ahh the thread where post-gamergate Yea Forums screeches about their utter shit taste and the mindless jew-washing of their brains......
Gettin excited. Where's the oil?
>most people think it's good
Yes, and most people are fucking retard with shit taste. Now fuck off while i rewatch naruto and and play pokemon SwSh please.
Posting reddit memes doesn't make you an interesting person
I legitimately hope you get beheaded by a cartel
>natural law
back to Yea Forums with you schizoku