GTA V for next gen
GTA V for next gen
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so this is what they've been working for the past 5 years or so? amazing
there will never be another gta kek. then again, after all western games became pozzed, it's probably for the best
gta v if he real
Trevor if he fully modeled
Rockstar mire this man
>more grass
>in the desert
Why are modders so retarded bros
needs more ferns
modders have no taste, unironically. Some of them are great at modding but since they have no taste for aesthetics or understand what art design is, none of it means anything.
I can count on one hand the amount of tasteful and well done visual overhaul mods I've seen. Even great looking ones completely miss the mark of what the visual and setting is supposed to be evocative of, they just think adding in more details means its better.
They confirmed that GTA VI is in the works though
yeah cant wait for it to be garbage i dont buy in 2030
isnt this supposed to be at middle of the desert? why so much green?
it has been in the works for a long time. they've already restarted like 3x. it's not coming out, and if it does come out, it will be pozzed shit
YES. nobody likes washed out, brown, gray colors and more grass and green trees look nice.
>when you realize that the people that worked on GTA when it was good are long gone
So this is just like the FakeFactory Cinematic Mod? Ferns and other redundant shit?
GTA V tree.0
where did they go though
Old gen is still the best version of the game. New Gen has a weird blue filter and the lens flare are garbage.
>inb4 le PC controls
GTA is a console franchise
GTA has always been shit
>GTA is a console franchise
>Watch Dogs is better than GTA V
GTA was never THAT good. its not like there were some genius talent over at rockstar
It was just novelty for being one of the first mainstream open world games with a realistic believable setting.
It wasnt a graphics or gameplay landmark, it was average at best, the only reason it was popular and enjoyable was the open world aspect and being able to kill civilians. on top of the licensed music.
I like the ENB mods that makes the whole floor polished and reflective like it just rained everywhere, even grass.
Looks worse
Blue filter is kino
Yes, especially combat wise
>GTA was never THAT good. its not like there were some genius talent over at rockstar
holy fuck, are you kidding?
you cant be for real
One of gamings greatest mysteries
GTA used to be a arcadey cartoonish parody of American culture in the 3D era with tons of jokes shoved in your face at every corner and so many mission types to keep things fresh.
Now it tries to be some realistic HBO miniseries where the charm has been gutted from the world and the variety in missions have been cut down to be more grounded and real.
>Now it tries to be some realistic HBO miniseries
That was GTA IV
and V
I am.
GTA wasnt anything special.
Not the mention cringy ass story in GTA V. Not saying Watch Dogs is good, but it's better than GTA lmao.
>GTA wasnt anything special.
Something tells me you're either being a contrarian hipster or just baiting.
>just throw more bullshit on the screen that makes it real bro!
That was also what the FakeFactory Cinematic mod was.
There are people who legit waste months of their life modding shit for free
>its not like there were some genius talent over at rockstar
how fucking old are you, retard?
>game has super hyper realistic 3D thick clouds
>go outside and look at sky
>real clouds are 2d and boring
Older than you.
so a contrarian faggot ye be? great. enjoy yourself.
By old gen, do you mean the PS3 version? Because the PS4 version is very yellow most of the time. It's only in the morning when the color balance is pretty normal
V is not the same. IV was this serious gritty depressing immigrant simulator. V is LOL WACKY MAN JUST RIPPED THAT GUY'S EAR OFF
>bro more foliage
>bro more draw distance
That's cool and all, but the models still looks like absolute ass and the clothing-system is still garbage.
Take some lsd and you will see how fucking 3d and amazing clouds are
PS3 and Xbox 360, yes. The problem is that New Gen has a filter when Old Gen had none whatsoever, and it ended up looking less pleasing, this pic shows the blue filter I'm talking about a little better. Old Gen had a better artistic direction than New Gen, which just compromised all of that for the "pretty" graphics. There's also other things like the Vaseline smear on the background during cutscenes and, personally, I like the old HUD and the feel of the game more.
blue filter is more cinematic
I'm a degenerate who still plays GTAO all the time, and it looks more like the left one. I think the color grading on the right is just in the PC version
>Humidity slider: 500%
Online decreases the quality of the graphics a bit compared to V Story Mode, maybe it also removes the filter to boost FPS.
Why are you a degenerate for playing GTAO?
Might be, I never really touch the single player. Although I don't know how much a color filter would affect the performance. The online already runs like shit on PS4 either way since they've been cramming more and more stuff in there, any time there's more than 15 people in a lobby the framerate legitimately drops to like 10-15fps
"Hire this man" is currently my favorite Yea Forums meme. They all look so fucking bad, no exception.
>just add a fucking bridge there for absolutely no reason
>all that flora in a fucking desert
Why are modders such low iq midwits?
The bottom unironically looks way better and more like the CA desert.
Wacky man can get fucking bent. The world was tongue in cheek, but not a complete parody cartoon world, you literally didn't make money from most of the major missions because it was so focused on it's retarded attempt at having a dramatic relationship between Michael and Trevor over actually being a fun experience. The problem with modern Rockstar games is it's all narrative over gameplay
>a pier
>leading straight into a giant fucking bridge