Deep rock

deep rock
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no goblins (enforced)

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>tfw getting the survey
DRC board game soonish

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oddly enough tabletop simulator added DRG board games recently

G. DRG. fuck.

Yeah, plenty of kickstarted games do that. Have a TSS version they have people play to either generate interest or fine tune some stuff before the proper rules go to print.

looks cool, but I have no friends

Neither do I. I solo lots of board games. Co-op ones are great for that.

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that would be too depressing for me, but good for you

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how do people play scout
scouts, post your loadouts

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lolwut? And playing vidya on your own isnt?

You're missing out man. Something like Spirit Island will melt your brain in the best ways.
Although if you haven't played many modern board games I wouldn't suggest diving into the deep end with something like Spirit Island.

I feel like half of the enjoyment from board games is seeing your friends reactions

There's lots of board games out there that have a lot of merit either way. Lots have a great solo experience. Don't get me wrong, playing anything with friends is fun too but there's some solid solo board games too.
Hell, these days I prefer Spirit Island on my own.

user playing a coop board game solo makes it into an open ended puzzle. Dont you like puzzles?

I like puzzles, but I can't play board games alone
all my memories of playing board games are from my childhood when I played them with family or friends, never alone
I can't do it user, I just can't

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Pick up an Onirim deck. It's not too expensive, comes with a few mini expansions that let you mix and match. Rules are pretty simple. All the Oniverse games are strictly solo games but I think Onirim is a great way to start. It's not the best solo game out there but it might change your mind about soloing games.

You do you, but don't be too stubborn about dipping your toes into something new. You might be denying yourself something you might have a tons of fun with simply because 'eh, I dunno. Sounds weird.'

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With the pandemic going on a lot of people discovered that there are a lot more games designed entirely for solo than they'd otherwise appreciate.
Its worth checking some out, and depending on how complex you're comfortable with you can branch into coop games and play multi-handed.
I only have 1 friend and he and I play 1v1 and coop board games every week. I hope you can do similar for yourself.

The hell is the big fleshy thing in the left? A Brood Nexus?
Also post dorfs

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Yeah thats a nexus. Since the board game doesn't have swarmers, they make entire grunts.

>lolwut? And playing vidya on your own isnt?
>playing games made for groups of people is the same as playing video games
That's some gymnastics there user.
Even dungeon crawlers, possibly the only board game genre that really works when played solo is extremely tedious and boring alone.

The fact that you state to rather play spirit island, a game deeply revolving around co-op, solo, is kinda sad.

No user, you're normal.

Playing board games solo is not the norm , and you're right for feeling off doing so. The other guys are just friendless neets. Hell one of them even admits to having only one friend....

Also board games have become fucking expensive. Don't buy it unless you know you're getting something out of it.

>they make entire grunts
Sounds like hell, also I dont see a Mactera Grabber mini

>a game deeply revolving around co-op, solo, is kinda sad.
Like the other user said, it turns it into a big puzzle with tons of moving parts. Lots of thinking and planning ahead, and careful plays. It's an absolute delight. The 'heavily relying on solo' is mostly just dividing the puzzle up into several different parts to make managing it all easier rather than relying on mechanics where you trade or manage a hidden hand. Like nothing changes mechanically between soloing or playing with others. I just like doing the entire puzzle and I always have a great time with it, win or lose.

God I fucking love Spirit Island

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Ita not that bad. The grunts have 1hp so they're basically swarmers but ammo is understandably a lot tighter in a board game
And the grabber is an event card, it'll single someone out and drag them away.

post it

Is this game worth it if I plan to play solo?

True solo with Bosco can be a bit dull because there aren't enough bugs even at the highest difficulty
Solo hopping with randoms is great fun you literally don't even need to talk to people.

Why is Molly godzilla sized?

You put mined stuff inside her, she's got to be a big girl.

OCs: Thermal Exhaust Feedback+Special Powder

I jump in, unload a fuckton of electric and fire damage/debuffs and overheat for a free dash to GTFO. I mainly just concentrate on completing objectives and mining and leave swarm management to the normies. Cyro nades are a good panic button and also help me manage Macteras and Praetorians, though I'll switch to IFG for Elimination. And yes, Born Ready is dumb with a Drak, but I find myself clinging to the ceiling with an empty Boomstick at least once every single round whereas most of the other pink perks rarely get use for me.

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>weekly core hunt
>Haunted Cave-Haunted Cave-Haunted Cave
Stop it

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You're supposed to be mining Hoxxes not your whalepiping mother's womb user.


Im tired to play the same fucking mission

rich provoking image

She has to carry a load "very" well if you know what I mean

begin the ritual




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>dig up gold in a pub mission
>bring it to mollie
>start spamming we're rich
>randos join in

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It's just great, doesn't matter if it's in the middle of a horde+praetorians or halfway through a dreadnought takedown: People will matrix dodge and make a priority to get there to chime into the choir
>tfw wholesome vidya memes take on a life of their own

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>someone pings "we're rich!"
>whip out pointer
>see a dwarf on the far side of the cavern immediately turn round and start sprinting back

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>people keeps getting angry when you mine gold
Im a fucking dwarf, I mine every shiny rock out there and if you dont like it eat my fucking nuke

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Do you?

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>rock and stone
>everyone turns to rock and stone
>scout is mid-grapple, he rocks and stones and dies to fall damage

Imagine not instinctively wanting to horde enough gold that a dragon would shid and cum just by seeing it.

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>it turns it into a big puzzle with tons of moving parts
Please get friends

I like the kickball game back to molly where everyone tries to ping it between pickups.

Love this game but my friends never want to play anything besides overwatch and valheim
It's actually not bad solo for a few hours

Alright I haven't played in like 2 months, have they changed the prices of minerals? I could have sworn it was 150 to buy AND sell.

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sell has always been 50.
they did add a daily deal where there's a more-favorable buy/sell price but you can only take that bundle once.

honestly yeah

Hmmm... Very well.

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maybe the price for undrim or whatever is shit it feels like so maybe. i would like it if was like a real market give me a reason other then upgrades to go different areas

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You are drawing those? Can you post the rest

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