I will not.
Dragonflight will be GOTY,
Sorry I thought it couldn't get worse.
Are zoomers now going to start the "BFA was actually good guise!" cope like they did with everything after MoP?
when was the best time to play WoW, it can't be now
>crying about rng in bfa and not Legion
>at least it wasn't as bad as WoD!
Legions RNG was bad but set up for BFAs RNG machine.
For what ? It was dogshit
WotLK, Ulduar patch.
>top-notch class design
>top-notch PvP
>top-notch raid design
>was sorta casualized but not completely ruined like modern WoW is
why is wotlk all scuffed it was kino
i'm sorry you got made
game was unironically perfect in MoP
The start to bad mechanics and systems that later harmed the over all game but was still good.
No it wasn't Catabab.
Legion was literally worse
BFA had the azerite vendor in the first patch, Legion had rng legendaries until 7.3.5
Only minmax babies complain about RNG because "muh BiS must be Titanforged".
It only looks good in comparison to Shadowlands that somehow managed being even worse.
BFA had RNG on everything and the system where also RNGd with RNG enchants on them nigga.
You never played them clearly.
blizzard fucked up by letting certain players receive 3-4 legendaries in the first few days, while the rest of us suffered months until our bis finally dropped.
legion was shit for that very reason.
Retail TBC. Classic is a travesty.
>Solid community
>Balanced classes
>Content was never obsoleted every patch
Legion had rng on everything
You clearly never played Legion if you think otherwise
kino until the fags started complaining the heroics were too hard since apparently CCs didnt exist
kino but short, best leveling experience by far
kino minus RNGdaries and systems that plague the game to this day
shit until 8.3
shit until 9.2.5 when crossfaction is unlocked
>Yo did you get the 3 piece of tendrils? NO? Sorry bro you're benched. Good luck finding the piece of correct gear with good stats and correct corruptions while also being titanforged :)
Daily quests are an abomination.
Hey polly make a actual argument and stop just saying what others say as a faggy quip back you penis pirate.
Legions RNG was not as bad as BFA and only a turbo retard would say otherwise because he didn't play BFA.
god why can't they just recreate mop's endgame
8.2 was a great patch, the essence system is the best system they ever added, so naturally they removed it
the covenants are just worse essences
>"sorry bruh, these two rogues have their shoulders and wrist. your faggy ring is not gonna cut it while we're pushing mythic"
>oh you didn't get your legendary yet? Back into Maw of Souls for another 300 runs to try again
Legion was literally worse
Fuck no. BfA was only carried by the art team and ONLY the art team.
It absolutely was. Legion had just as much randomness but it was more swingy because it wasn't spread across multiple pieces and it took longer before any sort of bad luck protection was added
Hot take: Legion was actually good if you weren't a minmaxing autist that raided with other minmaxing autists who demanded that you have perfect legendaries and a high AP level
Classic - WotLK everything else sucked
Then so was BFA
Legion's was far worse, the legendary system until 7.3 was retarded
It lead to people getting benched because they didn't get lucky, Blizzard also decided to nerf some of the only good legendary, like UH DK having 1 good leggo and it got gimped
Forgot to mention, the only good thing that came outta BfA was DRUSTVAR!
how is shadowlands worse than WoD?
It led to people running a dungeon 1000 times then rerolling a character because of a secret hidden soft cap they didn't take out until called out on it based on live drop data
I like that cover, reminds me of the good times
That's me. I still didn't like the long wait times on missions for your campaign, having to log in twice a week to make sure you send off the next artifact knowledge and just missions in general. Also the AP you got at the start of Legion was pitiful which really hurt spec diversity. Having a frost weapon at 200 AP versus a fire one at 2500 AP was massive. Things got a lot better over time, except survival and demonology were fucked.
I remember you being softcapped on legendaries early on, too. So if you ended up getting a couple really shitty ones, you were fucked and had to make a new character if you wanted another chance.
It's not, SL is 10x better
aesthetically BFA was kino
it was ruined by garbage systems design made to pump up monthly metrics
And a ton of legendaries needed rebalancing mid expansion with some never being good
Imagine getting Norgannons on a fire mage instead of the Pyro bracers.
Nah, BFA still suffers from just being Legion but worse: Azerite is still a lame, passive replacement for Artifact traits, legendaries and tier bonuses, and the Heart of Azeroth is still a laughable downgrade of the Artifact system in general with no unique cosmetic rewards or lore behind it.
Woah an actual blizzdrone, neat
Some of the azerite traits were pretty cool and they added cosmetic shit with the essences
It is hard to top players getting Ashbringer though
Classic: Great
TBC: Mediocre
WotLK: Good
Cata: Trash
MoP: Great
WoD: Trash
Legion: Decent
BFA: Gutter trash
Shadowlands: Gutter trash
>no mention of essences at all
>complaining about azerite being passive compared to 5% damage to X skill being 90% of Artifact traits
>being objectively wrong about heart having no cosmetics
>acting like "oops we left it under Karazhan" artifacts weren't just as made up as the heart
Face it, Legion had everything wrong with BFA but worse
Unironically, the zones in BFA were much better than Shadowlands.
Literal NPC post
BC > WotLK = Vanilla >>> MoP > Legion >>> Cata > SL > BfA > WoD
Outside of the V-WotLK run, MoP and WoD had the best added zones/environments, Legion felt like a really good patch instead of a solid expansion, and Cata, WoD, and postlaunch SL did the most damage to the game.
>tfw had the Pally belt legendary when it was ass before Nighthold
>tfw Ret was ass before Nighthold
>tfw Belt becomes BiS and Ret becomes godly with buffs just before Nighthold and stayed stronf until the end of Legion
>tfw Crusade for days
>tfw got my 20 Nightshards on week 1 of Nighthold but had to wait for next reset to get server first Balance of Power due to needing the Eye of Guldan right after
>tfw best DPS raider.io Pally on server pushing high keys and raids as a guildless freelancer
Fuck Legion was fun. BfA was trash and I didn't even bother with the faggotry of Shadowlands.
WoW is a literal NPC game.
>Cata did damage
>but somehow MoP being a continuation of 4.3 is good
>got lucky with RNG
>legion was fun
Sums up Legion fans
>things nobody that repeats them ever heard said
don't forget
>oh you got the wrong legendary sucks to be you
even worse if it was an offspec.
Cool blog too bad it never happened
i actually liked 8.3
corruption casino was a fun gacha and horrific visions were cool
Nope. Mythic dungeons were cancer even for casual players. And PvP has been fucked beyond all repair since like WotLK.
No way did Wrath equal Vanilla
Fucking Azjol'Nerub was a tiny 3 boss dungeon, compare that to Blackrock Depths
i remember playing visions and thinking how much better Torghast would be
Kinda think Visions were more fun
i accept your concession
>no mention of essences at all
I didn't mention essences because they weren't a feature that was just a straight downgrade of something for Legion, I gave them a pass.
>complaining about azerite being passive compared to 5% damage to X skill being 90% of Artifact traits
I'm complaining about them being passive compared to Artifact traits AND Legendaries AND Tier sets, which is what Blizzard's intended design goal was with the system
>being objectively wrong about heart having no cosmetics
You're right, I did forget. Probably because the cosmetic rewards went away with the HoA, unlike Artifact appearances.
>acting like "oops we left it under Karazhan" artifacts weren't just as made up as the heart
Yes. Even if all of the Artifact lore was half-assed, which it wasn't, I'd still take 36 unique half-assed story bites over 1 (ONE) that everyone has to share.
Why is it in every thread it's the same LARPers giving the same regurgitated responses? 100% none of you have seen a raid outside of normals or LFR
tbc > vanilla >>> mop > legion > wotlk > cata >>> bfa > wod > slands