New Demon Turf dropped

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damn brat...
needs rape correction

embedded 'p

Why is that brat looking at me like that!?

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this game was fun for like 2 hours but its presentation and shit level design makes you not want to keep playing

How long is it op I don't wanna reinstall for 30 min of content

i dunno looks shorter maybe a few hours idc

I hate that the in game art looks worse than the promo art.

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according to the devs, this one will have less combat? Big if true, the fighting sections were the worst

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Did they remove the tranny character?

cute girl, wish she got more art here. 100%d the game a few months ago, was pretty fun

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best stage

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>Zero combat
>All zones are pure high speed platforming

It's good, really good game design

There are 1000$ bucks for the fastest guy

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Who on Yea Forums is going to take up on this challenge?

It's good, they took all the bad out of the original game

Lmao, modern Yea Forums? You get called tranny just for trying being good at a game

Never bought the original. These controls feel slippery and imprecise. I’ll still give it a chance. I’m willing to try it out for $4.50.

It's good, they got better at everything

What sort of QoL improvements were made?

Its time for her butt to sit on my throne.

The original game was shit.
>awful music
>awful art style
>voice acting sounds like it was all done first take
>level design was shit
Sorry, won’t be buying a sequel even if it’s good.

>speed running bad even if you can get a shit tone of money for it.
Why is Yea Forums so aids? And this is new Yea Forums I'm a newfag but I know for a fact that old Yea Forums would have taken this challenge and then post about all the vidya they bought with the money.

>shit ton of money

The amount of time it will take to be the best will kill any incentive to do this unless you’re an autistic neet.

>Zero fights
>Levels have zero fat,100% pure gameplay
>Way faster, feels like the original game on cocaine
>Added horizontal dash to the moveset
>Level design in general is way better

Platformer speedrunning is tranny
Hitman speedrunning is based

Sounds like I didn’t miss much. My problem was the price. The camera is annoying though. I constantly need to adjust it. I would prefer it be a little more dynamic.

this holy shit, the sprites, color palette and music are horrendous, considering that they rushed to release DLC they probably fixed nothing

it's 4 bucks?

>unless you’re an autistic neet. most of Yea Forums?

It's a bait and switch, the in game art looks late 90s nickelodeon ugly

The music genuinely made me angry. After an hour of the looping “Nyah Nyah!” Sounds, I turned off all music. Which, music is a pretty big part of platformers. Spyro and a Hat in Time were made so much better by their banger soundtracks.

Did you like the new levels? The remixes are better

Yeah $4.50. Unless you’re poor, that’s worth a try.

They are all good. All 20, which is pretty rare since I've come to expect garbage every time a indie developer releases a DLC

Why are they selling it as a separate product? It's a dlc

Fine with me. I’m not paying $15+ for this type of game.

>autistic neet
Oh my GOD imagine if there were some autistic needs on Yea Forums! Wouldn't that be embarrassing! Sorry that I use this picture, mom took my old phone away and I lost all my wojaks

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It uses an updated code, but it's for all matters ans purposes a DLC

My friend worked on the music.
Is he full of bullshit?

And it's nice, don't know why they are mad at it

Not watching 28 minute review but since I played it instead I'll just add mine

It's a pretty lengthy game and I appreciate that, the combat is very lacking but the platforming is pretty decent, music is otherwise forgottetable but wouldn't call it bad maybe a budget Splatoon ost. The art ranges from mediocre to terrible the voice acting is okay. Overall maybe a solid 6 it's above average and we do definitely need more platformers like this.

I really liked the boss music in general

Apparently, the changes to the code couldn't be consolidated with the original; not sure if that's true but I like that there's a cheaper "version" of the game out.

I hate how a 6 would mean decent (to me) but to an American it means garbage

But no one here is the king of autistic neets. Or perhaps queen in this situation as I’m sure the winner will be a tranny.

Love the new music

How s the level editor?

Insanely flexible

Yes, this is a common thing for autistic pedants to say. Outside of baseball, achieving 60% of your goals is normally considered pretty bad. A 6 out of 10 is a pretty bad score. I have no idea why internet weirdos keep acting like this is strange to them or somehow unintuitive.

>I really liked the boss music in general

That was all my friend. He did the boss music, among other things.

Literally all the zoomers here hate games and only discuss politics.

>Literally all the zoomers here hate games and only discuss politics.
This post describes new Yea Forums and all of Yea Forums so well.

The things I'd argue he got wrong:
>the level layout is WAY more linear than he makes it sound, only a few real "exploration" levels
>He's a bit too enthusiastic about the wall-jump and I don't get it, but he's right about the long-jump
>Some stage gimmicks get reused too often
>The checkpoints are a crutch, at a certain point then you need to beat the levels with minimal checkpoints for 100%
>Beebz's animation is great, and I like the level graphics too, but less so for enemies
>agreed on the slowdown special being less engaging, but it also helps with the golf minigames
>Can't attest to the sequel, haven't played it yet
>He didn't even mention the level creator tool, maybe since it's Steam exclusive?

If the in game art/character designs was half as good as the promotional art I would buy it immediately.

Stop. Bring. Them. Up. Every. Conversation!
For fuck sake I'll give you 1,000 dollars if you can go one day without Bring them up.

My regards to your friend M.R. Miller then, I didn't now that "this little piggy went to market" could become a diss track

The Dlc doesn't even have the slowdown power

Best workshop level?